From: naypic@hotmail.com
To: info@jeremyforlabour.com
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2015 12:06:18 +0000
Hi Jeremy,
Since having heard in the press today that Labour say there is no place for a child abuse policy at conference may I suggest you have a policy that will be far reaching for centuries to come and that is a YOUTH ECONOMY even at £1 per head per child in the country!!!
I am former NAYPIC chair and this is what NAYPIC with 1100 young people voted for in 1993 before Dept of Health funding ceased.
The Policy is on my blog; http://www.legalaidcuts.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/ye-ha-bill-proposal-to-be-voted-on-in.html
It is by far an easy and useful solution and having spent 25 years of my life fighting for it with many thousands of other young people in care I would love you to take the opportunity to get with the real youth agenda & put it as Labour policy!!!
Here just below, is some correspondence I have had with Tom Watson previously, this will put you up to speed!!!
Thank You for Your Time You ARE A VERY GOOD MAN and I remember you from 25 years ago from NAYPIC at Compton Terrace N1!!! I am over the moon you are leader!!!
I don't know anything about Tom Watson though I voted for Caroline & you, we are all entitled to disagree as you say?

From: naypic@hotmail.com
To: info@jeremyforlabour.com
Subject: Just spoke to Tom.. This email is for Jeremy Corbyn personally
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2015 10:24:48 +0000
Since having heard in the press today that Labour say there is no place for a child abuse policy at conference may I suggest you have a policy that will be far reaching for centuries to come and that is a YOUTH ECONOMY even at £1 per head per child in the country!!!
I am former NAYPIC chair and this is what NAYPIC with 1100 young people voted for in 1993 before Dept of Health funding ceased.
The Policy is on my blog; http://www.legalaidcuts.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/ye-ha-bill-proposal-to-be-voted-on-in.html
It is by far an easy and useful solution and having spent 25 years of my life fighting for it with many thousands of other young people in care I would love you to take the opportunity to get with the real youth agenda & put it as Labour policy!!!
Here just below, is some correspondence I have had with Tom Watson previously, this will put you up to speed!!!
Thank You for Your Time You ARE A VERY GOOD MAN and I remember you from 25 years ago from NAYPIC at Compton Terrace N1!!! I am over the moon you are leader!!!
I don't know anything about Tom Watson though I voted for Caroline & you, we are all entitled to disagree as you say?

Shadow Cabinet
Dear Tom Watson,
I wish to serve the Labour party as Children's Minister would you let Jeremy know that today.
I voted for Jeremy as I worked with him over 25 years ago in Highbury and Islington he may remember me.
Congrats to you both & in the name of progress it's NAYPIC's logo too 'Unity is Strength'.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
I wish to serve the Labour party as Children's Minister would you let Jeremy know that today.
I voted for Jeremy as I worked with him over 25 years ago in Highbury and Islington he may remember me.
Congrats to you both & in the name of progress it's NAYPIC's logo too 'Unity is Strength'.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
To: NAYPIC@hotmail.com
My name is Tom Watson. I'm an MP investigating allegations of historic child abuse. I'm trying to make contact with Mary Moss. Please can you help me?
Tom Watson MP
This message is sent from an iPhone using a tiny keyboard, hence the brevity.
My name is Tom Watson. I'm an MP investigating allegations of historic child abuse. I'm trying to make contact with Mary Moss. Please can you help me?
Tom Watson MP
This message is sent from an iPhone using a tiny keyboard, hence the brevity.
To: Tom Watson
Hi Tom,
I am Mary Moss. Can I ask how you came across my name?
All the Best
I am Mary Moss. Can I ask how you came across my name?
All the Best
To: Tom Watson
My number is REDACTED

To:Tom Watson
Hi Tom,
From what I have read about you you seem to be trying to get the truth out.
At the moment I have been contacted by police and have subsequently contacted the PM to ask to meet with him or a member of the cabinet.
Perhap's you could ask the PM "would the PM like to answer why he has not responded to the former children's right's advocate (currently director of NEW NAYPIC/Youth Parliament)
and former case worker of the National Association of Young People In Care, who is offering information on former Tory M.P's and others, directly to the Government".
She has said that although she is willing to speak to the police she would prefer to deal with the Government directly as she used to do, when she was the London Development Ofiicer for NAYPIC from 1987-1992. Before the Government funding ceased and the organization closed largely due to the same issues then as are now!
Can that past channel of communication be re-opened asap.
Kind Regards
From what I have read about you you seem to be trying to get the truth out.
At the moment I have been contacted by police and have subsequently contacted the PM to ask to meet with him or a member of the cabinet.
Perhap's you could ask the PM "would the PM like to answer why he has not responded to the former children's right's advocate (currently director of NEW NAYPIC/Youth Parliament)
and former case worker of the National Association of Young People In Care, who is offering information on former Tory M.P's and others, directly to the Government".
She has said that although she is willing to speak to the police she would prefer to deal with the Government directly as she used to do, when she was the London Development Ofiicer for NAYPIC from 1987-1992. Before the Government funding ceased and the organization closed largely due to the same issues then as are now!
Can that past channel of communication be re-opened asap.
Kind Regards
To: naypic@hotmail.com
I can certainly do that!
Can I call you now Mary?
Can I call you now Mary?
This message is sent from an iPhone using a tiny keyboard, hence the brevity.
To: Tom Watson
Hi Tom,
I have just got in. Probably a bit late to call now?
I have just got in. Probably a bit late to call now?
To: naypic@hotmail.com
Hi Mary -
Sorry I missed you last night, and now I'm on a busy train. Are you
around early evening for a call? I think there has been a cover up of a
huge injustice and it greatly concerns me. I'd very much like welcome
your advice and guidance.
This message is sent from an iPhone using a tiny keyboard, hence the brevity.
To: Tom Watson
Hi Tom,
I am around early evening and can talk with you about the issues.
Have you sent the email I sent you to the PM today or will someone be asking the question in the house? I cannot contact their offices in the same way as you can and would be very grateful if that could be sent today. At this stage a little push to respond would be the better approach. I am ready to meet with them as there is much more work to do re the management of these exposures for the victims concerned. I am ready to put good practice into place to send the right message out to the victims and it would seem that at this stage there is little of that going on.
It reminds me a little of the PPI thing and now we all get the calls to redress it. I want the victims to have the right help and we have the legal center that we could set up and even in the meanwhile the website to hook up the victims with lawyers, with an organization they trust.
I am around early evening and can talk with you about the issues.
Have you sent the email I sent you to the PM today or will someone be asking the question in the house? I cannot contact their offices in the same way as you can and would be very grateful if that could be sent today. At this stage a little push to respond would be the better approach. I am ready to meet with them as there is much more work to do re the management of these exposures for the victims concerned. I am ready to put good practice into place to send the right message out to the victims and it would seem that at this stage there is little of that going on.
It reminds me a little of the PPI thing and now we all get the calls to redress it. I want the victims to have the right help and we have the legal center that we could set up and even in the meanwhile the website to hook up the victims with lawyers, with an organization they trust.
Tom Watson
To: Tom Watson
I am available from anytime now to speak.
To: naypic@hotmail.com
Hi Mary,
Thanks for speaking to me last night. I'm sure we'll have a lot more to talk about.
One thing you mentioned was that you spoke at the coroner's
inquest. Can you remember the date of this. I'd like to read the
coroner's report of events.
To: Tom Watson
Tom honestly I have no clue. Due to the recent battle with my landlord
and court proceeding NAYPIC is homeless again and files are in storage. I
cannot easily access anything as I was able
to from 2000-2010 when I had 2,600 Sq foot of contemporary space at www.scarletmaguire.com and www.spaceshift.com
Have you by any chance sent the email to the PM?
The quicker NAYPIC can get reinstated the better and the children's law center 'IMPOSSIBLE' will be obviously the first thing on the agenda as I have been telling people since this whole thing began and also on my www.youthparliament.co.uk website for many years.
Have you by any chance sent the email to the PM?
The quicker NAYPIC can get reinstated the better and the children's law center 'IMPOSSIBLE' will be obviously the first thing on the agenda as I have been telling people since this whole thing began and also on my www.youthparliament.co.uk website for many years.
Hi Mary
The Rt Hon David Cameron MP
Sorry for the delay. We sent the letter below to the PM yesterday. I hope this helps.
The Rt Hon David Cameron MP
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
14 December 2012
Dear Mr Cameron
I have recently been in contact with Ms Mary Moss, who has tirelessly campaigned
to give young people that are victims of abuse in care a voice in the system.
Moss is currently director of NEW Naypic/Youth Parliament and informs
me that
she has written to you but not yet received a reply. I was politely
asked to bring this matter to your attention, which is my purpose for
contacting you.
I do hope you can assist Ms Moss. She cares passionately about the voiceless
victims of child abuse and would welcome your response to her letter.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Tom Watson
Making contact

Making contact
To: Tom Watson
Hi Tom,
As you know my computers have been in police custody and I have found some activities since strange on my laptop.
I am not sure if you are aware I am in the midst a 4 year court case which should finish soon and we are winning with the generous help of the pro bono unit because I am on a small income due to the case not yet being over. The claim is about two million but I am seriously considering upping it as to the loss of opportunity for NN/YP especially at this time.
Now because this scandal has broken at this time and I am now involved with that, rather than my own work which is taking a back seat, I find myself in sudden unexpected financial difficulties and there is no resources to help me.
I am a proud person and have always been independent even if the powers that be try to keep me financially down so I might give up the case, I don't and I won't and that has been difficult for the court's, the lawyers and even the Judges in this case, so that in the end I did get some legal help actually ordered by a Judge as he could even see I was right! If I was wrong they all could have beat me by now but I am quite right. Mind you I could get to appeal and then they order a new trial and then here we go again.. but that is the courts for you when you are a lay person, they try and starve you away.. or cost you out.
Now at present due to all this, I need some capital costs to replace my computer kit and there is only one thing I can think of in order to not have to be dependent on anyone for anything. I can sell my painting (and thank god I have a small asset at this time) 'Bridging The Two Worlds' see www.legalaid.blogspot.co.uk for the picture.
Now imagine how I feel as to me that is well embarrassing but I have to eat humble pie and sell this to get some capital costs to replace stuff and feel safer as this is personal survival too and I cannot pretend it is not happening. It's a £3,000 painting but I will take an offer as long as I can replace my macbook and my dell computer system.
I cannot explain my difficulties to you or to anyone financially but suffice to say I have no connections or family to turn to.
I just want to feel safe and back into a position as if this had not happened to me.. and so if that is minus a much loved painting then fine so be it!
If in any way you can please help in having some contact or other that may be sympathetic to my real financial position at present and will buy this painting I would be grateful. I simply do not want to be compromised at this time nor do I need new friends or enemies suggesting to be friends I just want some dignity and privacy and not to be ruined over this.
I hope you keep this between us and can help urgently.
By the way some friend of mine says her brother used to share a flat with you, small world.
Please help it's so important for me to go back to normal-ish as soon as possible this week.. and get on with my case.
I haven't had my galleries for some time now and cannot exhibit it so hopefully you may know an art lover please. I know it is not important in the grand scheme of things but I feel utterly violated with all this and am just trying to do my work in a positive way which I now have been compromised in doing.
Yours in Confidence
Other than that I remain confident that all the abuse is coming out so well done;-) to you Tom. Also I wonder if you can ask Ken Livingstone where the statue of him has gone that I delivered to his party HQ. I know they did not do well in terms of art sales but I have never had the statue back?
As you know my computers have been in police custody and I have found some activities since strange on my laptop.
I am not sure if you are aware I am in the midst a 4 year court case which should finish soon and we are winning with the generous help of the pro bono unit because I am on a small income due to the case not yet being over. The claim is about two million but I am seriously considering upping it as to the loss of opportunity for NN/YP especially at this time.
Now because this scandal has broken at this time and I am now involved with that, rather than my own work which is taking a back seat, I find myself in sudden unexpected financial difficulties and there is no resources to help me.
I am a proud person and have always been independent even if the powers that be try to keep me financially down so I might give up the case, I don't and I won't and that has been difficult for the court's, the lawyers and even the Judges in this case, so that in the end I did get some legal help actually ordered by a Judge as he could even see I was right! If I was wrong they all could have beat me by now but I am quite right. Mind you I could get to appeal and then they order a new trial and then here we go again.. but that is the courts for you when you are a lay person, they try and starve you away.. or cost you out.
Now at present due to all this, I need some capital costs to replace my computer kit and there is only one thing I can think of in order to not have to be dependent on anyone for anything. I can sell my painting (and thank god I have a small asset at this time) 'Bridging The Two Worlds' see www.legalaid.blogspot.co.uk for the picture.
Now imagine how I feel as to me that is well embarrassing but I have to eat humble pie and sell this to get some capital costs to replace stuff and feel safer as this is personal survival too and I cannot pretend it is not happening. It's a £3,000 painting but I will take an offer as long as I can replace my macbook and my dell computer system.
I cannot explain my difficulties to you or to anyone financially but suffice to say I have no connections or family to turn to.
I just want to feel safe and back into a position as if this had not happened to me.. and so if that is minus a much loved painting then fine so be it!
If in any way you can please help in having some contact or other that may be sympathetic to my real financial position at present and will buy this painting I would be grateful. I simply do not want to be compromised at this time nor do I need new friends or enemies suggesting to be friends I just want some dignity and privacy and not to be ruined over this.
I hope you keep this between us and can help urgently.
By the way some friend of mine says her brother used to share a flat with you, small world.
Please help it's so important for me to go back to normal-ish as soon as possible this week.. and get on with my case.
I haven't had my galleries for some time now and cannot exhibit it so hopefully you may know an art lover please. I know it is not important in the grand scheme of things but I feel utterly violated with all this and am just trying to do my work in a positive way which I now have been compromised in doing.
Yours in Confidence
Other than that I remain confident that all the abuse is coming out so well done;-) to you Tom. Also I wonder if you can ask Ken Livingstone where the statue of him has gone that I delivered to his party HQ. I know they did not do well in terms of art sales but I have never had the statue back?
To: naypic@hotmail.com
Hi Mary,
Thank you for contacting me again. I am sorry to hear of your plight and can see how being without a laptop is a problem. I will do what I can to help.
Best wishes
Thank you for contacting me again. I am sorry to hear of your plight and can see how being without a laptop is a problem. I will do what I can to help.
A few things:
1. The link to the painting seems to got to an empty site. Is the link right?
2. Would it help if I found a replacement computer to see you
through the next weeks and/or months. Did the police say that they would
return you machine in the near future?
3. Do you require an specialist financial/welfare rights advice?
4. Who is our mutual friend?
5. Did you manage to retain a copy of your key documents before
they were seized by the police? I don't need to see the documents but I
would be comforted to know there are two in existence.
Best wishes
To: Tom Watson
Here is the picture. Lots of things are happening and thanks for
the offer of anothers computer but you must see that I want to be
independent in all this and get my own stuff replaced to secure my
original position. Can we keep it to just selling the
painting please.
I have battled this court case thus far on my own but thanks for the offer of a welfare worker. As I said I have legal representation but if anything changes there I will revert to the offer. Thanks.
We misunderstood each other on the laptop thing I have mine back which is all I have back just yet but in no hurry with the other stuff I just want to replace the computers as they has been out of my control whether or not in police hands/spyware etc I have to be cautious and its a security risk to me personally when I need to get things back to a normality.
I can't say about the doc's obviously as I will further involve myself in this so don't even want to comment on that and as I said I am fighting for a youth parliament, my life's work currently in jeopardy due to this on a real level not a huge one, sad but true.
I think the investigation has been done completely the wrong way and only wish I had had a chance to speak with policy makers before people went tearing in with no support for the victims and not a leg to stand on for me as an ex-worker to be embroiled in this especially at this crucial time. Still I heard already one of the main people is dead last Friday or is that mistaken identity or rumour. If you can help me that would be great.
I am not surprised that the pic is not on my blog (on my computer it is) see what I mean?! I'll feel a lot better when I sell that picture and replace my kit.
All the best
I'll find out the guys name I just know his sis
I have battled this court case thus far on my own but thanks for the offer of a welfare worker. As I said I have legal representation but if anything changes there I will revert to the offer. Thanks.
We misunderstood each other on the laptop thing I have mine back which is all I have back just yet but in no hurry with the other stuff I just want to replace the computers as they has been out of my control whether or not in police hands/spyware etc I have to be cautious and its a security risk to me personally when I need to get things back to a normality.
I can't say about the doc's obviously as I will further involve myself in this so don't even want to comment on that and as I said I am fighting for a youth parliament, my life's work currently in jeopardy due to this on a real level not a huge one, sad but true.
I think the investigation has been done completely the wrong way and only wish I had had a chance to speak with policy makers before people went tearing in with no support for the victims and not a leg to stand on for me as an ex-worker to be embroiled in this especially at this crucial time. Still I heard already one of the main people is dead last Friday or is that mistaken identity or rumour. If you can help me that would be great.
I am not surprised that the pic is not on my blog (on my computer it is) see what I mean?! I'll feel a lot better when I sell that picture and replace my kit.
All the best
I'll find out the guys name I just know his sis
To: Tom Watson
Ah that's sweet. I don't think anyone has the means at the moment.
Thanks for your support though on this crucial matter for me there must
be someone who can do this practical deed.
The guy I heard was Andrew Kier.. I know of him as Neil Kier done for that before and linked to Grafton Close.
Maybe it was the wrong person but saw it on a link while browsing this this morning. Maybe wrong about that hope so.
The guy I heard was Andrew Kier.. I know of him as Neil Kier done for that before and linked to Grafton Close.
Maybe it was the wrong person but saw it on a link while browsing this this morning. Maybe wrong about that hope so.
To: Tom Watson
From: naypic@hotmail.com
To: info@jeremyforlabour.com
Subject: Just spoke to Tom.. This email is for Jeremy Corbyn personally
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2015 10:24:48 +0000
Dear Jeremy,
At this time it is important that on the very topical issue of child abuse you are seen by many to say the right thing.
Having worked at Compton Terrace, you may remember me, I certainly remember you and have always admired your politics.
I therefore could not be happier that we may with you see real change after all the years I have worked towards this.
If you really want change Jeremy, there are many who have policies outlining things but that is no good for the disenfranchised youth, that is no good for the voiceless victim/survivor, it is no good to have people paid to tell the UK what youth need... It just has to stop!
What Youth need is a budget and that budget is a way of us as a nation saying sorry, we have never tooled you up, we have never given you power, we have never ever empowered you in any way apart form some petty gov funding hardly representative of your voice in it's millions, 12 million to be precise... and we as a nation have seen the result of this voicelessness, I am ashamed to say.
Well we at Labour are going to listen now and to show that we are going to listen we will under my leadership pledge to have a YOUTH ECONOMY - that is a RIGHT & not a gift.. It is not empowerment, which is to give... this my friends will be a statutory budget so that in the future as soon as the first year there will be conferences & young people will be heard and they will speak to each other to define the issues and they will choose too their leader to go forth...
I have listened to important people from the National Association of Young People In Care and this is what they have wanted for years... in 1992 1100 young people voted for this at a conference in Camden... stop with the tabloid fear... and start the healing.....
Go Jeremy GO Jeremy Go Jeremy
Mary (Moss) Flores
At this time it is important that on the very topical issue of child abuse you are seen by many to say the right thing.
Having worked at Compton Terrace, you may remember me, I certainly remember you and have always admired your politics.
I therefore could not be happier that we may with you see real change after all the years I have worked towards this.
If you really want change Jeremy, there are many who have policies outlining things but that is no good for the disenfranchised youth, that is no good for the voiceless victim/survivor, it is no good to have people paid to tell the UK what youth need... It just has to stop!
What Youth need is a budget and that budget is a way of us as a nation saying sorry, we have never tooled you up, we have never given you power, we have never ever empowered you in any way apart form some petty gov funding hardly representative of your voice in it's millions, 12 million to be precise... and we as a nation have seen the result of this voicelessness, I am ashamed to say.
Well we at Labour are going to listen now and to show that we are going to listen we will under my leadership pledge to have a YOUTH ECONOMY - that is a RIGHT & not a gift.. It is not empowerment, which is to give... this my friends will be a statutory budget so that in the future as soon as the first year there will be conferences & young people will be heard and they will speak to each other to define the issues and they will choose too their leader to go forth...
I have listened to important people from the National Association of Young People In Care and this is what they have wanted for years... in 1992 1100 young people voted for this at a conference in Camden... stop with the tabloid fear... and start the healing.....
The YE-HA (Youth Economy) Bill
1. The
Children’s Act 1989 recognised that the welfare of the child is
paramount and set out an overarching system for safeguarding children
and the roles different agencies play.
It introduces the concept of consulting children and young people based
on their age and understanding.
2. The
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 was ratified by the UK in
1991. It set out the principle for a legal framework to underpin all
aspects for the care, development
and education of all children. It sets out the first ever right to
‘freedom of expression’ and ‘freedom of association’, for children to
meet and form associations.
3. The
Government having considered over 30 public inquiries into child care
since the 1970’s should adhere to these recommendations in both the
Children Act 1989 and the UN Convention
on the Rights of the Child 1989 legislations and these recommendations
should now be built upon.
4. There
is no central agency that expresses the child’s view-point on any issue
of public importance that concerns children and young people directly.
In fact most agencies pay
mere lip service to consumer involvement and may just tick boxes to
adhere to ‘freedom of expression’ legislation by using token
representatives, from think tanks to government working parties.
Children and young people do not run most if not all, child consumer
organisations. Their governance is made up of senior adults often with
establishment links. Many consumer child-care groups are reliant on
government or other funding. This cannot allow them any freedom to
express themselves.
5. It
is time we act on children’s rights legislation as a matter of urgency.
In the face of political resistance to investigating matters of
historical abuse we may not ever
be able to truly understand the magnitude to which children have
suffered in the past. However for us to change the course of history
currently, rather than wait on yet another public inquiry, we must be
able to see and hear and firmly put the child in the
public eye immediately.
6. Proposal
to be voted on in this Bill is that each child & young person under
25 has a pound each year, in sterling, to be ring-fenced for the twelve
million children and young
people in the UK from the Treasury. This will provide financial
independence as a statutory right enshrining current law in practical
terms, to meet and form associations and to have freedom of expression.
It may in turn start to inform us the public of the
wishes and feelings of the child in the UK preventing child abuse in the
Reference; UN
Convention on the Rights of a Child 1989, Children Act 1989, Disability
Discrimination Act 1995 and 2005, Protection of Children Act 1999,
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001, Adoption and Children
Act 2002, Every Child Matters: Change for Children 2003, Children Act
2004, Working Together to Safeguard Children 2006, updated 2010,
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, Childcare
Act 2006, Education (Nutritional Standards & Requirements for School
Food) Regulations 2007, amendments 2008, The Charter for Children’s
Play 2007, updated 2009, The Play Strategy 2008, Early Years Foundation
Stage (EYFS) 2008, amended 2012, Equalities Act
Go Jeremy GO Jeremy Go Jeremy
Mary (Moss) Flores
Shadow Cabinet
Dear Tom Watson,
I wish to serve the Labour party as Children's Minister would you let Jeremy know that today.
I voted for Jeremy as I worked with him over 25 years ago in Highbury and Islington he may remember me.
Congrats to you both & in the name of progress it's NAYPIC's logo too 'Unity is Strength'.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
I wish to serve the Labour party as Children's Minister would you let Jeremy know that today.
I voted for Jeremy as I worked with him over 25 years ago in Highbury and Islington he may remember me.
Congrats to you both & in the name of progress it's NAYPIC's logo too 'Unity is Strength'.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
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