
Friday, 25 September 2015

There are only a few convictions that see you homeless - In the case of Melanie Shaw -breaching a criminal behaviour order is the one they are holding onto for dear life...

Eviction for antisocial behaviour

Melanie Melanie Melanie... where for art thou... Melanie

A council or housing association landlord can ask a court to evict you if you, someone in your household or a visitor has been involved in antisocial behaviour.
Antisocial behaviour includes:
  • causing a nuisance to your neighbours
  • harassing your landlord, their staff or contractors
  • using your home for illegal purposes, such as drug dealing
  • being convicted of a serious offence
  • committing an offence during a riot
  • breaching a criminal behaviour order
Melanie Shaw became a whistle blower in the light of the Jimmy Exposure's.

Before this Melanie was a bit of a hermit keeping she says herself to herself.

She talked to me last night about her clematis plants saying that she had tended to them and left them well and hoped that the next person who lived in her house would look after them.

Having spoken to a person who has also been in touch with Melanie Shaw during her time of being blatantly abused by the state during her "fake" fair trial over an alleged arson attack (which by the way still is being appealed), I had actually heard of the Clematis plants, as this woman had driven hours to her Melanie's house and said, it was so well kept in a nice quiet street.

Melanie whom I had the pleasure of speaking with yesterday (something in the air as t'was an odd day with a number of abused people calling me for a good few hours to talk of rumblings of being further abused for speaking out) left me in such good cheer not for what she told me but for the manner with which she articulated it, what a fire cracker, she certainly has the angle on the power of the state and how sometimes there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop them when they go for you. Clever girl, clever, clever, clever... but Melanie I said "say after me I no saint & I ain't no Maytyr, no one will give a dam after a few days of publicity and that is if you are lucky to get that. You must not be thrown out of your home" but Melanie said to me "Mary listen to me it's done, they have done it, I'll be lucky if they delay the notice for a few weeks" I said "okay I understand" because we do!

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