
Friday, 7 March 2014

I suspect I know what is happening...

So I phone the European Court yesterday and speak to a lady.

I ask to speak to M Lafferty and she says, "no she won't speak to you, your case is not urgent", so I say slightly taken back, "I have a shop that I could lose next month 4th April and I have not had a reply to my letter of 7th Feb (I meant 17th Feb but nevertheless), so she say's "well a decision was taken on the 7th Feb and you will be informed shortly", I say, "7th Feb a decision was taken but it's the 6th March" - there is a pause - "well, you will get the decision shortly" she seems understanding.

Okay here is a possibility, today would be the last day to go to the Court of Appeal to appeal the Supreme Court decision to refuse me permission to appeal on the grounds of "misrepresentation of my case in full" at the court of appeal in May - In short the Judged me on their own case NOT mine!!! They just made it up - The transcripts will prove it -

Now since they the Supreme Court sent me the reply on the 7th Feb, days after I put I was in Europe on this here blog-

So what if and I am guessing here so bear that in mind -

as it would seem clearly my case is not "important" enough for violation of my human rights in 'right to a fair trial' - but after six years in court that would seem ironic as it does fit the convention of "right to a fair trial with speed" Article 1 & 6 "right to property"

What if the UK are just waiting for me to go to the 'appeal court' even though they took '8 months' to reply instead of the Civil Procedure Rules of '28 days' for a reply - AND they can't reply until I'm fixed - timing wise - or else what is the delay in reply if a DECISION HAS BEEN MADE - Maybe

Firstly that would be futile as I have already been treated illegally by the country hence 8 month v 28days, so I cannot be the one accused of not exhausting domestic remedy - it would be impossible as they UK have already been the one's to break the CPR system - Hence my right to Europe!!!!!
I smell trouble and another ominous envelope -

I mean what does it matter though I am a litigant in person... right!!!! I have no power!!

They all want legal aid cuts but don't want to treat litigant in person with due respect for timing..

They must think we are either powerless or thick!!!!

Maybe I should get a French lawyer I love the French - Maybe the court already does not like me..

Okay what to do now? It is difficult to know! I just hope there is no more games not in Europe please it cannot be, it cannot be, I've done everything right... It's not that difficult - ah maybe it's this blog as something is wrong I feel it - The timing and her words tell me... hmmmmm... There has to be some profile on this case I need some assistance... even though I shouldn't really....

Do you think that it is because I am right that I have not been listened to.. and mainly avoided as so proved... I had chairs, wardrobes and fridges thrown at me for 6 years.. rather than just judged by the facts... no judgement to date..  after 6 years... I just want to know the answer to my case... not all this avoidance...

1. County Court - did not hear or read my case - as proved
2. Court of Appeal - Made up a different case and judged that
3. Supreme Court I was ignored 

When will the facts of my case get JUDGED not avoided!! I need the case judged NOT avoided!!
I would be happy with that.. I would accept it.. but no one to date has done that.. no closure at all!

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