I want to get to a point where attack is not my best form of defence.
It’s not so much that I wish to do this MA but I feel I the absolute need to.
On January 9th 2013 my life as I knew it changed forever and since then my internet print would be the work of a focus group or a PR company to figure out, how to come out of the oncoming headlights, associated with Mary Moss, me.
Children’s rights
I was born in Chelsea London, Mary Josephine Muriel Moss, from a lineage of royalty, brutality, upper class, middle class and working class, migrant status and a confusion at birth as to this multi-faceted identity that would become me, global.
I’ll start with my Mum’s side. Mary Moss (nee Gavin) was an Ireland born, wonderful Catholic in that she was ever so good and gentle. Her mother before her was a great Mexican born Catholic and her parents were rich Catholic’s beyond belief.
Mum attended church religiously and had all us children, her seven stars as she called us, in best catholic schools, the Sacred Heart in Hammersmith, the Marist Convent and the London Oratory. We were in the choirs always and my sister and I often had solo parts, up at the top of the church by the organ. We held starring roles in school plays. Our Mum was fun, often smiling, a very pretty woman, fashionable and worked hard as a secretary, to pay the rent, then the mortgage.
My Dad, he was born in Ireland into a 300 acre farm with eight other siblings. He ran away at fifteen and worked as a scaffolder. He elevated to health and safety manager of the barbican and the natural history and science museums.
In the 70’s a culture of misogyny was seen as normal and my Dad, also a looker, taught us to wolf whistle at women.
Faced with health and safety illness, where his ears rang all the time and he seemed to have severe sinus problems, he was always in a mood and very often would be in bed during the day time, getting up at night to go out and take his oldest son an infant Edward with him, into the night. He had a network of friends and family and politics kept them busy.
The family looked great in our house in Parfrey Street W6, always dressed to perfection and beaming in the photo’s.
Socioeconomics and my father’s ill health had brought the family to the attention of Hammersmith Social Services.
My mother had three young babies after a gap of seven years, after she had had us, four older ones. Young and fit she was having to do some cleaning for her wealthy, Catholic Church going neighbours and the priests to pay the mortgage.
She paid for everything herself as well as looking after her ill husband and all us kids, she a was strong, proud lady.
One day Mum went into her local social services and asked if they could get her some bunk beds, as despite having bought a three bedroom house, the parents had one room, the three older girls had one room, the older boy had his own room and Mum used to sleep on the leather sofa, pull out bed with the three babies as they made too much noise for my Dad. And so it was that an assessment was to be carried out and in walked a social worker, who was also an Irish woman.
The social worker approved the bunk beds and so life became a bit easier for Mum as the youngest girl could be in with the older girls now, four to a room and she only had the two little boy babies to deal with. However the social worker had noticed how well behaved the children all were and found that quite abnormal. She was later to say, “they were like mice”.
So it was not surprising for the social worker, when one day a call came into the area office from the Met police. The second oldest girl, me, 13, had reported with Mum’s support, to have been sexually abused by the father and also Mum reported years of domestic abuse to back up her daughters account, when the police were very nonchalant and even laughed as was the culture in the early eighty’s with things not changing much. The relationship between the parents had actually been based on a series of sexual offences perpetrated by the father whom also had a history of sexual offences.
13 court cases later, all seven children were taken into care for grievous bodily harm and Mum was put in a refuge.
You wonder at this point a few thing;
1. It was her house, albeit his name was jointly on the deeds, why did she and the children have to leave?
2. Why did he not go to jail?
3. Why when she went to meet her husband to get the house back, did social workers pack her bags and send her back?
4. Why were the children moved from their good schools?
5. Why were the children unsupervised much of the time and allowed if not encouraged to drink alcohol in pre-teens?
6. Why did social workers attempt to have the three younger children assisted adopted at £70k per child?
7. Why were the family moved to the seaside with list continuing of psychiatric abuses, in the system to this day?
At sixteen despite being a police cadet, I found myself in a secure unit for six months for taking an unauthorised trip to London with two of my siblings. The children’s home accepted the other two back, after being captured and brutalised by the police for ‘absconding’ but said, “you can keep her”. That’s no way to treat a child and this private children’s home were a couple, who had 13 children in their big house, being paid £700 per week per child. I often complained about them.
Is there any accountability, trust pilot reviews, children’s rights?
At 16 having been in a secure unit for that ‘unauthorised trip’, the net was closing in and my next journey was to prison.
The social worker that had been originally involved in the bunk beds scenario, thought this was a step too far, gave up her job and she took me to her house. I was back in London now and got a second chance to continue with my education.
By May/June 1986 The Certificate of Prevocational Education, was awarded to ‘Mary Jo (Catherine, my catholic confirmation name, later dropped) Moss’, who satisfactorily completed a full-time course of study for The C G L I (City and Guilds of London Institute) FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE (COMMUNITY CARE). 141415/6891/45137.
In 1986/87 and 87/88 I did the Preliminary Course in Social Care, gaining a sociology o-level.
At Christmas 1987 I was stopped from seeing my family by the couple at the children’s home by the sea and I was devastated about it, so the social worker whom I was living with said, “you didn’t hear this from me but there is an organisation called NAYPIC, they might be able to help you” and so I went to see Alison Pollington the London Development Officer but she was late and so I met the other London Development Officer, Carol Cox who was great.
A meeting was organised by NAYPIC with the social services and the children’s home to negotiate me being with my siblings for Christmas. The woman from the couple went mad saying I had “brought down the unions” and so I won and they were actually held to account and a bit scared to be honest, so I learned to power of children’s representation.
In the January following I learned that Carol Cox had died of a brain haemorrhage at only 20 years old.
Since we had spent four hours there and back on a train, I could only remember her words, “join our management committee” and so I did. I was in that NAYPIC office from then on every day.
It became clear to NAYPIC that I was an intellectual. When asked to consult on documents sent to NAYPIC from the Dept of Health and the Home Office, I would be able to have critical analysis and produce in-depth reports back. Then came the Children’s Act 1989 and I lobbied Baroness Faithful for leaving care provision. I learnt another bitter lesson early on there when she voted against her own bill for care leavers as it cost too much money for the Government. I was picked out of a hat to represent NAYPIC at the Canadian Youth In Care Network, that Alison Pollington had helped to set up.
So in July when Carol Cox’s job had been advertised in the Guardian, the voice and social work broadsheets I thought perhaps I should take her job and continue her legacy and so I applied and was interviewed by the landed social work gentry, the children’s legal centre and my peers, a total of 5 people but guess what I got the job and was London Development Officer for the National Association of Young People In Care. And that is how it all happened.
I worked for NAYPIC for 5 years and found the elite adult advisors very stifling. NAYPIC and it’s politic’s of adult control, of what was meant to be a children’s rights movement, run by and for under 25’s, was something I noticed and did not like.
I took to manipulation and I was in a good position to do so and was popular enough too. I started to organise the structure of the organisation to be very representative. We had steering committee meetings where a bunch of us including management committee members would go to Alison’s house in Essex for the weekend and work hard.
The structure was like my own child, I designed it, I wrote a book about it, I organised events to implement it and then I got it.
The National Executive Committee of the National Association of Young People In Care was voted in at conference in Liverpool. Everyone gave speeches and everyone who wanted to say anything formed a queue and took the mic and spoke out about their experiences. I will never forget the morning NAYPIC steering committee all turned up to the venue.
It give’s me so much joy and happiness when I remember the moment we looked into the hall and 350 young people from care were there. We had successfully done it. I decided that this structural change and development to a truly National representation was for me and so I promptly resigned from my paid post at the conference, spoke to be elected by my peers and was successfully elected as the Chair Person of the NEC of National Association of Young People In Care.
I was not tied down doing case work, I was free and I enjoyed it all so much. We met very few months at a hotel somewhere in the country. We set up new offices. We wrote more and more policy and had more and more conferences where the numbers just got bigger and bigger and the adult advisors those ex-DHSS elites were gone for good.
NAYPIC was a force to be reckoned with and a children’s revolution was errupting exposing abuses in the care system.
I was told as a criticism in 2013 that I was like a ‘black power war lord’ but I didn’t mind, I took that really well.
It was all to come to nothing in the end by 1994, and the saddest was profound of how they stopped us and killed some.
The abuses and exposures did not sit well with the powers that be and the abusers and after all they held the purse strings.
I ask myself, were the changes developmental? Was NAYPIC really to be funded by the Government? A government at the time who were also funding the Paedophile Information Exchange, PIE? Was abuse political? Was abuse being perpetrated by some of the elite? Did the elite need the voices of the survivors, through NAYPIC, as close to them as possible? History will show you that it was indeed the case. Hypocrisy was the name of the game and the integrity of ‘children’s right’s’ called into question. This so called war lord could see that from inside the organisation of NAYPIC and I and my management committee were not going to allow friends to be killed for simply doing good and stopping abuse.
However, in these political times when you have hit the toe on the stone, you have to stop and reflect in that grief.
You have to plot.
You have to plan.
And none of that will be seen, for they have hurt you all so badly, that attack is no longer an option when weakened, Neo-liberalism is the name of the game, especially when the foundations of children’s rights are so very, very new.
You accept they have won for now, 1994. “NAYPIC is Dead, Long Live NAYPIC” was the social work headline.
But then came 1999.
As NAYPIC chair apparent who had now been elected at three major conferences, I was asked by my management to continue, unpaid. That took six years, then I managed through personal loans to get a shop, a flower shop, later turned art gallery, as the respectable cover, but its only aim was to get back the offices of NAYPIC downstairs (and store all the paperwork that had been hidden or carried from one place to another), whilst self funding through commerce upstairs.
In 2000 I bought www.youthparliament.co.uk the hybrid of NAYPIC and now we called ourselves NN/YP, New NAYPIC/Youth Parliament.
Our NN/YP name came about because at our last conference in 1993 with 1,100 young people from care in attendance we had voted for a statutory budget by law for all youth in the UK, a nominal amount per child in the UK, which at 12 million UK children and young people, that would make 12 million pounds minimum. No wonder they closed NAYPIC down and withdrew funding. Child abuse was the least of their problems now, an army of dissatisfied youth with an organised structured voice, calling for a Youth Parliament and statutory budget of 12 million, I would say, was their real nightmare.
Just like in the old days, an MP got wind of what we had done, and set up their own, quite quickly it was run by the British Council, so that again ‘adults’ could control it and be close to the abuse exposures, or even at best, not have any, by not having any real case work, just have a mini parliament to discuss the environment and their no-budget, budget.
It was a joke really and still is. Little mini-me children of politicians and well to do people, going to parliament to sit on green chairs and be suited and fluffy and who knows they may even get to become abused again in the highest of places.
I mean our culture has changed but abuse has not and the family courts are closed and we just not aware of abuse.
But that is not for me to say, my job has always been, to be the architect of change through structure. Abusers are not blind though, no matter how much you think you are doing good, evil, which is what abuse is, lurks, and then they make your life hell any way they can, absolutely any way. You don’t think you deserve it, but you are just not seeing that your good, is a danger, so you must be stopped! If they tell the world you are a crook then you are a crook, if they infiltrate your life and stamp on your head, you must just get on with it. Complaining is no good, even solicitors can be paid off.
So, concept, education, and a ‘need’ and ‘want’ has to be created by the majority of the society like all changes.
I said in 2013 my life changed. A member of Parliament set out his stall and said that abuse was in the heart of the establishment, using his parliamentary privilege to do so.
I was about to win a 2 million pounds court case, after successfully setting up two businesses for NN/YP and was going strong in the true sense that the revolution was not being televised and respectability and neoliberalism was my cover.
Why on earth did we have to now go into the quogmire of attack and of abuse stories, yes they were true but why now?
Because as I said, they were more scared of a statutory budget, a youth parliament a bunch of angry youths with a proper voice that was organised. So this brought the structure tumbling down and the rest is history and Mary Moss with it. As on 9th Jan 2013 I was raided for the files of NAYPIC that became operation Fairbank/Fernbridge and now am caught up regularly being abused in one way or another and relentlessly. So I need this MA in Children’s Rights.
My current position is that I am buying a field for www.youthparliament.world I own, www.youthparlament.co.uk wwwyouthparliament.org.uk www.youthparlaiment.uk www.NewNAYPICYouthParliament.com and www.NAYPIC.org and my brother Edward owns www.menatllynil.co.uk and I run www.onepercent4art.com (although the pandemic affected that). My previous shops were www.spaceshift.co.uk and www.scarletmaguire.com and my aim now is to reconstitute NN/YP NEC and hand over the businesses and field and have a global led demand for a youth parliament statutory budget by law, if they don’t ruin or kill me first. All this will happen in 2021. Check out my blogs www.legalaidcuts.blogspot.com and www.youthparliament.blogspot.com all these will have warning notices that your data may be stolen which is a joke!
Friday, 21 May 2021
I just finally did my personal statement to apply for an MA... I think it's too long but hey.. I'm bored now
Thursday, 20 May 2021
You bring me... JOKES. Does this report look like the same meeting.. and that is why people get away with medical murder
The reality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTZtPsWjJhQ&t=150s and the fabrication!
Person deputizing (if relevant)
Edward Moss
Responsible Clinician
Dr Stewart 0207 561 4010
Beata, Jade Ward 0207 561 4010/12
Care Co-ordinator
Roman Wyper 0203 317 6590
Nearest Relative
Mary Moss
Patient’s Legal Rep
Fernanda Stefani of Reece Thomas Watson
Please Tick
Patient’s Appeal
Start Date:
Renewal (Sec.20)
Expiry Date
RC barring discharge – s25(1A)
Section Type
Start date
End date
Section Type
Start date
End date
Patient Hearing History of Adjournments and Postponements
• Chair welcomes/introduces all present
• Explain purpose of the review and propose procedure to be used.
• Ask if patient/representative has copies of reports (see CP 23.14 regarding discretion on disclosure)
• Has patient had opportunity to be accompanied by friend or representative of own choosing to help in putting his/her point of view to Panel? (CP26.16).
• Ask if the patient's relatives or point of view are to be represented.
• Ask if patient, (if willing):
• To be present throughout interviews with medical and other advisors?
• Ask for patient's reasons for wanting discharge
Summary of patient's reasons:
He does not accept that he is ill and therefore wishes to be discharged.
• RC’s Report discussed with RC
• Social Circumstances Report discussed with Community Representative
• Advocate and other professional view heard? (write in)
• Has the Mental Capacity Act been considered?
• Has the carers views been considered?
Summary of carers views:
Ms Mary Moss who is the Nearest Relative under the Act, had applied for his discharge, which was the subject of the Barring Order this hearing had been convened to consider. After behaving in a way sufficiently disruptive to prevent the hearing from proceeding and failing to respond to caution, and indeed being called to order with great difficulty, she had to be informed she could continue to attend the hearing only if she remained as an observer. This action was taken with regret but the hearing could not otherwise have continued.
Prior to this she had stated in evidence that the reports were full of errors, and that she had several handwritten pages of corrections she wished to make; she was requested several times to submit these detailed corrections to the MHA in writing outside the hearing, as the panel were not in a position to make any decisions regarding the accuracy of the content of reports. In any case as she became excluded from active participation, she was unable to make these points, which by her own account, to do fully, would have taken a substantial period of time. time. It also seemed that she wished to contest the evidence strongly, taking the view (before being brought to order) that the RC was probably in breach of the Mental Health Act, and so her brother’s detention would be in breach of that Act, and disagreeing with the RC’s clinical judgements, in particular regarding the size of the Sodium Valporate dosage which she thought excessive. It would appear there were other aspects of the patient's medication that she would have wished to disagree with had her comments not been curtailed. (She also particularly contested the report of a “near miss “, a car accident in which her brother was involved, which it was stated could have been very serious, saying that her brother had been improperly treated by a policeman who had a personal dislike of him). She appeared to support her Brother’s view that he was not really ill.
The panel's considered view was that as the patient was in attendance, and had legal representation, it was appropriate for the hearing to continue in the best interests of the patient, even if only with limited participation by the Nearest Relative.
Section 3/37 appeal
• Is the patient still suffering from mental disorder? If so, is the disorder of a nature or degree which makes it appropriate for the patient to receive medical treatment?
Evidence and reasons for decision:
Mr. Moss has a dual diagnosis of:-
a.) Paranoid schizophrenia
b.) Mental and behavioural disorder due to the harmful use of multiple substances.
His disorder has both nature and degree.
It is reported that he first showed symptoms of psychosis when he was 19, had a diagnosis of Schizophrenia when he was 20 (1990) and since then has had over five hospital admissions, including admissions under the Mental Health Act and on a PICU, becoming first known to C&I in 2019.
(b) Is continued detention for medical treatment necessary for the patient’s health or safety or for the protection of other persons?
Evidence and reasons for decision:
Risk to health
When unwell he has a history of severe self neglect including rough sleeping.
Risk to self
His affective symptoms and likelihood of drug use are described as putting him “ at a risk of misadventure.” There is a history of two suicide attempts. .One was by electrocution in 1993, after his son’s death, and a record of another suicide attempt in 2005.
There is also a risk of retaliation from others provoked by intrusive and aggressive behaviour.
Risk to others
He has a history of dangerous driving when unwell and reportedly nearly ran someone over in 2019. He has also been known to be physically aggressive when unwell.
(c) Is appropriate medical treatment available for the patient?
Evidence and reasons for decision:
He is on medication, (which is under review ) and is encouraged to take part in activities provided on Jade ward, to which he has only recently been transferred. It should be noted that while it was reported that his current engagement in activities is poor, Mr. Moss responded in evidence, that the range of activities provided was, in his view, limited. Psychology will be offered when it will be helpful to Mr Moss.
His accommodation needs are being assessed, as it was thought that high support mental health accommodation might be appropriate, particularly to assist with his medication.
FOR SECTION 25 (RC barring discharge by nearest relative) ONLY
• Would the patient, if discharged, be likely to act in a manner dangerous to other persons or to him or herself?
The Managers may still exercise their residual power not to discharge even if they override the RC’s report but only if the grounds for detention are satisfied and there is evidence to suggest that the patient’s health would be significantly compromised if he/she were to be discharged
Evidence and reasons for decision:
His dangerousness to others is reported as taking the form of verbal abuse, property damage and threats. In Coral Ward he has been repeatedly aggressive towards staff and patients. (He broke a heavy door in a rage approximately ten days ago). He is dangerous to himself putting himself in very vulnerable situations by provoking others, who then threaten him.. In addition, Mr Moss endangers himself by profoundly neglecting himself. He is also at risk financial exploitation, an example of which was given in evidence. (Staff had held 100 pounds in cash in the safe; issuing him with 20 pounds a day, which sum other patients had then sought to take from him, which had required staff intervention)
Are there reasons why the panel considers the patient should be discharged even if the criteria for continued detention are met?
DECISION OF REVIEW PANEL (give any further reasons below)
Patient not discharged from section
Hearing Re-arranged for: Date
Signed (1)Adeola Akande ………………………………………………: ()
(2) Penny Mellor ……………………………………………….: ( )
(3) David Barry ……………………………………….……...: ()
Any further reasons:
DECISION COMMUNICATED TO PATIENT BY: ……………………………………………………………………
(and reminded of right to apply to First Tier Tribunal – Mental Health (if applicable)
1 .Whether the nearest relatives views have been properly considered/whether the reports refer to the nearest relative correctly or any other term is used in reference the nearest relative?
The Nearest Relative is correctly identified. Her views were heard up to the point at which, in order to enable the hearing to continue, she was asked to remain as an observer only. It should be noted that she stated she had a number of detailed criticisms of the reports: she was invited to submit these in writing to the mental Health Act Law Office.
2. Other Comments/Recommendations…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
ACTION BY …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Friday, 14 May 2021
A court case done behind a court case...So since I corrected their notes, they decided to postpone the tribunal for 2 to 4 weeks, poor Ed
Well at this Tribunal yesterday they said to Ed and I that they were just 'discussing' matters beforehand?
Then the clerk came back saying it has been adjorned.
Now as I see it the courts unusally asked 'why' I would want to be there and asked for my 'reasons', even though I'm the 'next relative'.
Now they used my 'reasons' since they were 'corrections' on their reports, stating the reports were 'fabricated' to make out the 'degree' & 'nature' of Ed's illness was worse, which is the next plot to keep him and take more of his rights rights away.
It's basically what Camden did recently to me, no criminal record, enhanced DHS, yet when assaulted by a contractor they tried to 'convict and eviction' without scrunity or investigation, hence 'degree' violence and 'nature' ohhhh will she do it again...that we've made up!!
All of it is a fas..
Wednesday, 12 May 2021
The Hospital Managers meeting was a joke. All 3 so called independent lay people were from camden!
I was presented with reports about my brother a few hours before the meeting. The reports were littered with fabrications.
When it was my turn I ask Dr Neil Stewart "did my brother give informed consent to be given 1000mg of sodium valporate that is enough to put you in a medical coma, every night" the chair person who had a bad habit of interupting me, tried to re-phrase my question and then he barred me from speaking!
He said due to my 'behaviour' then I asked the grounds, what he meant, he said 'distruting the meeting' ha!
I think I may have hit on a legal point about consent to be medicated so he just shut me up the 'lay' person.
He said if I spoke again he would bar me from the meeting!
Anyway to correct there ridiculous notes I wrote to the tribunal HM courts meeting today as if not the fabrications become a reality to further abuse my brother. So fingers crossed for this afternoon 2.30pm.
I'm not sure if I am invited as I was asked as the next relative to give my reasons for wanting to attend?
Dear Tribunal,
Following a hospital managers meeting yesterday to bar me from discharging my brother and where reports were given on Edward Moss on the day, I would like you to have my brief corrections below as much of what has been written is libialous, inaccurate and paints a false picture of my brother.
Notes from the HMM yesterday in response to inaccuracies.
In brief Edward never nearly ran someone over that is a lie.
Edward never had a son that passed away that is a lie.
Edward has never assaulted anyone that is a lie.
Edward has never sexually harassed anyone that is a lie.
Edward never threw a TV outside a window that is a lie.
Edward has never taken Ketamine that is a lie.
Edward was not made homeless due to disengagement in West London, it was a two-year placement and it ran out.
Edward's West London flat, did become overrun with Somalian drug dealers, as it had no electricity when Hammersmith gave it to him, and he could not get them to put it on, for a whole year as the previous tenant had run up a large electricity bill.
He was therefore set up to fail and never given that opportunity again, and he was devastated and still believes he should have a flat, like any other person who is a vulnerable adult with support needs.
Edward did not take crack and heroine in the 1990's he was on speed alone.
The list of court cases is wholly inaccurate, Edward had speeding offences in the late 1980's and early 1990's as he had 9 cars.
Edward did a paper round at 14.
Edward was the deputy manager of the Esso garage at 17.
Edward was approved to adopt his 3 younger siblings at 19.
Edward fell ill at 21 as he had taken too much responsibility on with the training and approval process for his siblings to be placed with him, putting him in stress, cooking and cleaning, entertaining, taking the kids to school, on his young shoulders as he was looking after his 9-year-old brother John-Paul, his 10-year-old brother Patrick and his 12-year-old sister Dorothy.
They paid him £7,000 per month and left him to it with no support whatsoever as the social worker was from Hammersmith and they had placed us all in Bexhill on Sea.
An older woman, who he turned to for support, as she had children too, then took the advantage of him and took his money, ordered drugs namely cocaine. He had a breakdown as she was using him and claimed to have terminated his 'son' although she had only found out she was a month pregnant. She guilt tripped him and terrorised him with her gang friends.
Edward has never had CBT or any form of therapy despite being severely beaten up daily as a child himself.
Edward is a gentle soul and does not believe in violence.
Edward does not sofa surf at Mary's ever as she is self-employed and works from home so that is fabricated too.
Due to drug use a policeman PC Blossum became obsessed with Edward a small-time end drug user, and his mates. They once arrested him for picking something up from the floor, he was arrested for picking up a bike that was disgaurded on the floor, he was arrested for using a private toilet in a building as he had a stomach problem, he was again arrested for picking up a box of flowers, he was arrested for finding a travel pass and handing it to a tube station, the allegations were all so stupid that we went to over 5 court cases and every one of them he got nothing much at all, so this was just to build a reputation and chip away at him his solicitor thinks and will give a statement of it. His solicitor also warned me to stop defending him at the courts as he says they all know who I am.
If you google my name you'll know too although I do suffer the same amount of harrassment as Edward from the Met police. He and I have been subject to a few IOPC complaints on the matter and now it would seem they are harrassing Edward forensically in the hostel and with Highgate sedating meds.
He was so determined to get Edward into trouble he made spurious arrests of Edward amounting to harassment and that is why you will see that despite no court appearances or arrests during Edwards 20's, 30's and 40's a thirty-year clean criminal record apart from driving offences in the late 1980's, this attempt resulted in five or six cases in a row and one of them had him placed in hospital in 2020 in Colchester, which was the start of this now cycle of abuse he has been facing with Highgate ever since and why we are determined for him to become a free person again as he is being picked on and made to feel gaslighted with allegations that are designed to stick and are absolutely false.
Edward has no GP in Camden since placement at the hostel.
Edward has no dentist.
Edward has a hernia and cannot become fat with lab drugs.
Edward has a hole in his heart from birth.
Edward contracted pneumonia at Coral Ward after being over sedated and complaining he could not breathe. He was taken twice to A&E and under this admission to Coral ward he has again been over sedated and has developed a respiratory infection again and has been complaining he not only cannot breathe again but his eyes are constantly closed. He says he does not sleep as he fears for his life at night so he sits up in a chair so that he keeps an eye on his own breathing.
Edward has been given Sodium Valporate 1000mg enough to put a person each night into a coma. I fear he is very tired and needs to stop this medication as he did not give informed consent.
Danger to himself or others
Edward is not intrusive and aggressive he is reclusive except with family and friends where he is very entertaining and fun to be around. His conversations are always interesting and he converses very well with some of the most intelligent people.
'Treatment' from lab drugs isn't designed to alter personalities.
He is not "well known" to be physically aggressive and that can be evidenced by his solicitor Gary Monk of Hodge Jones and Allen who believes he is picked on and has a lot of time for Ed.
Edward is not unkempt he was dragged to A&E in the middle of the night and they kept him in a hospital without any recourse to get his own clothes for over a month.
Edward could not have thrown a TV out a window as the windows don't open. He placed a TV outside the door of the hostel on the 6th March 2021 and may have been frustrated it did not work. We have since got him a smart TV for his room.
The bedframe he had complained the whole bedframe was broken and so he carried the bed, in bits down the stairwell.
He put his Fridge outside his room that same night as it was not working and so smelled.
It was one of those nights when he had taken drugs the day before and was coming down off a high as well as his friends death anniversary, passed only 4 years, and he had loved her.
Edward has only ever been on Aripiprazole 15mg and that is what suits him.
He has been drugged, incarcerated, abused, pinned down, verbally assaulted, physically assaulted and needs to be free.
He is not a danger to himself he is a very low-level drug user.
Try speaking to him, you will find him a beautiful charming soul.
Unless like last time he was drugged before the tribunal hearing.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
Sunday, 9 May 2021
Friday, 7 May 2021
Deliberate acts of violence - 6/5/21 Could you ensure Edward is not given 1000mg of Sodium Valproate as this indicates that he would be in a coma
Dear Julius,
- Send proof of your emails above or resend them.
- Further send the reports you say you have sent.
- Explain why on this thread from 28th March I ask 'Please can you let me know when the hospital managers meeting is', in all the subject matters. And explain why no one told me in numerous replies, when you already knew but had no intention of letting me know until Friday and as I said my solicitor also cannot be given less than 24 hours' notice either?
Dear All,
It has now been more than two weeks since a hospital managers meeting was meant to be convened for Edward Moss to be released from the section 3 following a ban of the applied for discharge, by myself, the nearest relative, from the clinician Neil Stewart.
Could you give an update on that?
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
Dear Ms Moss,
Unfortunately it is a bit late for this panel to be cancelled at this point in time, we would usually request for at least a minimum of 24 hours before the hearing is due to take place in order for us to make adjustments that do not impact on all other clinical processes.
Having gone through the timelines of our communication with you; I note the following events on which occasion we have sent you all the hearing notices and additional information relating to this hearing, these were all sent by email communication to your email as above.
- 07/05/2021 12:18 letter Notification sent
- 05/05/2021 letter Notification sent
- 30/04/2021 report and letter Notification sent
- 29/04/2021 report and letter Notification sent
- 29/04/2021 email sent to Highgate informing them I have not heard anything
- 28/04/2021 letter Notification sent
- 26/04/2021 letter Notification sent
Whereas I acknowledge the difficulties that might be associated with this case, I believe we have provided you sufficient time and opportunity to enable you participate in this process reasonably and fairly.
I am sorry that we cannot accommodate your request at past 17:00 on a Friday evening where the case is listed to be heard on Monday 10/05/2021 pm, my suggestion therefore is for you to make the request for adjournment before the panel when it convenes, the panel will be the best place to make a decision on this matter.
Many thanks,
Julius Mitala
Mental Health Act Office Manager (AHMs/SLA)
Telephone +44 (0)20 3317 6085
Mobile +44 (0)78 7048 0290
Email Julius.Mitala@Candi.nhs.uk (secure email Julius.Mitala@nhs.net )
Online www.candi.nhs.uk
Twitter @CI_NHS
Mental Health Law Hub
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
1st Floor East Wing, St Pancras Hospital
4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE
Dear All,
Please reconvene the Hospital Managers Meeting as it is too short notice and the solicitor has another tribunal on Monday.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
Dear All,
I want to have copies of the reports sent to me and also to my solicitor today as requested earlier today so please email them to me now before the weekend since you left it that late.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
Dear Ms Moss,
I acknowledge receipt of the below information, which will duly be passed to the panel as additional information.
You will also have the opportunity to challenge any aspects of the relatives care at the hearing on 10/05/2021 at 14:30 pm, I suggest these matters would be best decided by the panel as convened.
I am happy to help with anything else if you do have any further questions.
Many thanks,
Julius Mitala
Mental Health Act Office Manager (AHMs/SLA)
Telephone +44 (0)20 3317 6085
Mobile +44 (0)78 7048 0290
Email Julius.Mitala@Candi.nhs.uk (secure email Julius.Mitala@nhs.net )
Online www.candi.nhs.uk
Twitter @CI_NHS
Mental Health Law Hub
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
1st Floor East Wing, St Pancras Hospital
4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE
Dear All,
At this stage I will need the following;
The notes that have been mentioned to give to my solicitors for the hospital managers meeting and the following account of the situation to date to be made available to the hospital managers before the meeting on Monday.
Dec 27th 2020
11am/27/12/20 - Mary emails TC Edward’s key worker re support in Newry for people who are affected by drugs - Plan
March 5th 2021
2am/5th March 2021 -Edward Moss gets his benefits of £300 and spends it on 10 bits of crack and some dark - High
March 6th 2021
Midnight/6th March 2021 - Edward is upset as it is the 4th year death anniversary of his very good friend/lover- Upset
4am/6th March 2021 -Two police officers attended hostel as Edward put a broken TV outside hostel door - Ed to A&E
4pm/6th March 2021 -Mary next relative informed by hostel that Edward had been in A&E since 4am- Mary calls Pat
4pm/6th March 2021 -Mary requests Patrick Moss brother to attend A&E to check if Ed is a danger to himself/others-
5pm/6th March 2021 -Meanwhile two doctors Section 2 Edward, just before Patrick arrives to check Edward’s status-
6pm/6th March 2021 -Patrick puts Edward on the phone to Mary at A&E- Normal state but scared after 12 hours in A&E
6.30pm/6th March 2021 -Transport arrives four security men escourt Edward into a van to Highgate - Pat follows van
7pm/6th March 2021 - Edward placed on Emerald ward - Pat get’s him a McDonalds, vapes and £180 for petty cash
March 7th 2021
6am/7th March 2021 - Mary emails Edward's solicitor Fernanda, to inform her what has happened - Ed will have legal help
8am/7th March 2021 - Fernanda emails, says ‘sorry to hear that this has happened again’ - Tribunal organised in 5 days
9am/7th March 2021 - Mary writes to the Highgate Mental Health Act and to formally discharge Edward from section 2
March 15th 2021
2.15pm/15th March 2021 -HM Tribunal Service, Leicester, convene- Attended by Edward and his solicitor, Samson an emerald ward staff, the psychiatrist from the ward, the outreach social work side of mental health, two other independent clinicians and Mary Moss as next relative.
Notes from that meeting but transcript although has not been made available should evidence what was said;
Fernanda Edward's solicitor asks for strict proof that Edward is a danger to himself or others. Social work falsely claims to have visits/calls once a week with Edward and have support in place for his drug usage, Mary claims that this is total fabrication. Sampson is asked is Edward a danger to himself and says no. Asked if he is a danger to others Sampson says no. Sampson claims that by Edward being very ‘verbal’ (and some might say he has verbose/intelligence as part of his personality) and that being in hospital is placing him in danger from ‘others’ in the ward, this is a very alarming claim.
The psychiatrist claims to have no history of the patient and no medical records, mentally or physically. Edward is asked a question by the judge and he has clearly been drugged so he is then asked to leave. He later says the connection was interrupting and he could not hear the Judge. Mary knows her brother very well and claims he has been sedated before the hearing. (Note; next hearing NO SEDATION REQUESTED). Verdict Edward not formally discharge from the section 2.
March 16th 2021
Mary writes an email to the psychiatrist Dr Berg that attended the Tribunal yesterday;
Copy of Email
I was surprised when you said in the meeting that I was not the nearest relative however I was relieved when the Camden Mental health team confirmed at the end of the meeting for you, that I am.
Following a telephone call to my mobile last Wednesday by your discharge people, when I was expecting a High Court Judge to call me at 12.15pm, I politely asked that your staff to call me back as my call was due at the very time they called. I did not get the call back as I would have been happy to speak with you all before now.
There was a number of issues raised at the meeting not least that Edward is in danger in the ward. This was stated five times by Samuel.
Edward by nature is a talkative, verbose individual with a high IQ like his Mum who was a member of Mensa and he himself was well educated at the London Oratory. Being verbal as Samuel put it, should not put Edward in danger of attack by the other patients. Also being angry is a natural emotion he is entitled to. He should not be cohered to be a different individual or drugged to be one.
I have asked for Edward's discharge and I hope that you understand my grave concerns at this time for my brother's safety at hospital.
You said that Edward was on 'perilipin' and 'endixaprine' please forgive the spelling and correct me if I am wrong but the latter is known to have a recurrent stupor effect?
Could you let me know by reply what these medications are, the correct spelling, the dosages and the side effects.
I did suggest he was not himself on the call, so I personally won't have a conversation with someone drugged up as he was. He normally does take aripiprazole but only on a 5mg bases and that is his right as a 50-year-old man to choose not to become addicted to pharmaceuticals, he has a moral view on it that, he is entitled to.
You mentioned his relapse in schizophrenia, however I did not see a difference in him, when Patrick was asked by me to attend A&E, 12 hours after the event of him being taken there by two policemen, for putting a TV outside in the street, he had found in the street earlier in the day. I spoke with him on Patrick's phone and he relayed events normally. He was quiet down regarding events but after 12 hours being in a cell in A&E without me, his nearest relative being informed, I'm not surprised he was down. He was still very much compos mentis. I should have been told at 4am and they hostel should have called me and not the police. This was not an act of violence or self-harm.
You were asked was his presentation due to the fact he had been wrongly brought into the hospital, I suggest, since you have no knowledge of him, that it was and will continue to be. Despite holding him to a floor stripping him naked and sedating him.
I would also suggest that the Camden mental health team alongside St Mungo's have done nothing for him, in terms of any meaningful engagement around his drug use. They have him in a holding cell, he shares with mice and they charge Housing Benefit of £1,800 PM.
Roman his worker has not visited and does not call. The Margaret centre I have had several attempts for them to help Edward with his drug problem and their exact words are, we cannot help him because we don't have a substitute for crack only heroin. I was flabbergasted at how difficult it was for him to have any meaningful help or help at all. I went with him five times last year to get help at the centre, where he tried to engage, the problem you will find is them and not him.
You say Edward has a poor insight to his situation and that he is self-neglecting, well if you were pulled from your bed in the middle of the night and had no access to your belonging and have been sedated by force and put into a non-consensual involuntary isolation, perhaps you would feel like him. Your place is not a holiday camp and drugging him is not meaningful nor is your tin-pot psychology about him.
If he is not a danger to himself or others, please release him. That is the only reason you can keep him, your opinions mean nothing, your power is the only thing that has any meaning right now and that you are using wrongly, without care or knowledge of his history. You didn't seem to know much at all about this human being, my brother.
Meanwhile you now have my email for meaningful and accurate engagement.
Following the meeting today, I have been told that, yesterday Edward found himself naked on his bed after being sedated, what do you have to say about that?
I will be making my views known publicly and legally and any which way I can stop you abusing my brother. You will not hear the end of this, this time unlike the last time when we left it.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
16th March 2021 - Mary writes to Health Watch Camden to complain and get support for Edward and his detention.
Dear Health Watch,
I have just been in the most alarming mental health tribunal where I was told by Dr Bird at Highgate mental health ward Emerald ward, that I was not the next relative of Edward Moss 8/7/70 my brother.
Edward has been detained not due to him being a danger to himself or others, however 5 times during the tribunal we were informed bu Nurse Samuael that Edward was in danger from others in the hospital who wanted to attack him as he is very verbal, when that is his normal behaviour.
The judge in this knowledge ruled that he was not to be discharged and his solicitor who attended had said she would need strict proof he was being held lawfully and she is appealing.
Please attend to him. They are drugging him up out of his mind and he said he awoke last night completely naked and had been sedated.
I have applied for his discharge and have been illegally ignored.
Many Thanks
Mary Moss
17th March - Mary Moss writes a complaint to the CQC regarding Edward being drugged, assaulted, restrained, detained.
Dear CQC,
Edward Moss 8/7/70 he was put in there on 7th March 2021 for putting a TV he had found back onto the street; he is on a section 2 and I have applied as his next relative for his immediate release more than ten days ago.
Going forward, I would be happy for you to contact the provider on my behalf as a matter of urgency. A resident died last year in the Highgate hospital where my brother is staying against his will.
As I said the staff have indicated he is not aggressive himself or a danger to himself, but he is in danger from others and from staff stripping him and holding him down and injecting him. He has been crying on the phone about his treatment and wishes to leave.
He is in Emerald ward.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
18th March 2021
CQC respond and ask can they contact the hospital MHA directly to raise the concerns, they gave a reference number.
23rd March 2021 - Geraldine Whiley is the oldest ‘next relative’ of Edward Moss within the meaning of the Mental Health Act and is the sister of Edward Moss who was placed in local authority care at 12 years old, when Mr Moss was charged with grievous bodily harm of all children, so notwithstanding the fact that Edward’s father does not count under the act.
23rd March 2021 - Since Mary Moss was challenged as to her ‘next relative’ status and since this had been somewhat a familiar game, played by the MHA office on behalf of the clinicians last time in 2019 - Jan 2020, which was also subject of a CQC complaint, the family was familiar with this game to delay and therefore drug their brother. Geraldine Whiley therefore signed the delegation of next relative form immediately to Mary Moss to prevent delay. This signed delegation is already on Highgate Mental Health’s MHA office records from Edwards last admission to Coral ward under Dr Neil Stewart in late 2019, which was Edward’s first admission under section for over 20yrs in his new borough Camden.
25th March 2021 - Mary Moss formerly requests discharge from the section 2 by 27th April 21 5pm with now all the correct procedures in place notwithstanding they were already in place and she has been next relative since 2019.
27th March 2021 -
Edward Moss escapes detention because of a security breach by kicking two parts of a door and walking out.
29th March 2021 - Edward is exhausted and returns to his hostel and is further detained but now in Coral ward which was subject to an unresolved and discontinued, formal complaint to the CQC in Jan 2020 and Edward has had post traumatic regarding Dr Neil Stewart and speaks about a fear of being in his care as he was drugged so much he couldn’t breathe and was taken twice to A&E with breathing difficulties and had to be given oxygen. He was close to death under Dr Stewart’s and medically experimented on by way of no informed consent or either himself or his next relative allowed by the offices of the MHA and their same way of doing that with the ‘next relative’ not being allowed to safeguard her brother.
30th March 2021 - Mr Moss senior has been telephoned and written to by the social work side of the mental health team at Camden and Islington who have had relatively little if any previous involvement with Edward Moss outside of this incident. They have suggested he is the next relative and that they are sending him paperwork to give the next relative status to Mr Patrick Moss junior, who is ten years younger than Edward and so this is also not the way it works under the Act. Mr Moss also had been contacted by Mary Moss who also sent him paperwork to give next relative status within the meaning of the act and in accordance with the age range being oldest to youngest to Geraldine Whiley.
30th March 2021 - Since Elena Moss has spoken to Mr Moss senior rather than him filling out the paperwork to Geraldine and then to Mary it seems best to just send it straight forward to Mary Moss and he does that and sends to Mary.
30 March 2021 - Not realising that the social worker is trying to get Mr Moss senior to give next relative status to Patrick Moss junior but assuming that the stamped addressed envelope Mary Moss has send Mr Moss senior to be send back to the hospital directly, has been executed, Geraldine Whiley then assumes position as next relative in the correct order.
30 March 2021 - Geraldine Whiley signs over next relative to Mary Moss, Edward’s next relative, who within the meaning of the act attended all his meeting throughout a pandemic and all his court cases and ensured he was on time. As well as attended drug centre help for him with him 5 times during the pandemic but was offered nothing at all from the services.
1st April 2021 - Mary Moss applies for Edward to be discharged from the section 2 by 3rd April 2021 9pm within the 28 days of the section 2. Notwithstanding Edwards disappearance and therefore the 28 days should start again but it is believed that around the time of Edward coming back to the hostel thereafter upon admission to Coral he may have been put on a section 3 but this is certainly information that has been kept from the next relative and list of medications.
All the confusion led to no one knowing over the next few days who was the next relative as the left hand didn’t know what the right hand was doing.
Mary is told she again is not next relative, and that Patrick Moss junior is. This despite no paperwork being received as nothing had been sent back as there was conflicting paper work sent to Mr Moss, Edward’s Dad. After Mr Moss then having an understanding of what is going on with the social worker and the mental health act, Mr Moss senior simply sign’s delegation over to Mary Moss directly using the paperwork the social worker sent to him and the envelope sent by Mary to Mary’s house. Ms Mary Moss then hand delivers the delegation to Gracie one of the social workers at St Pancras.
7th April 2021 -
Mary writes to the MHA office to Dominique Merlande whom she had dealings with over the 2020 ‘next relative’ game that seems to be what the MHA thrive on whilst delaying Edwards rights and allowing time to drug and confuse him.
Dear Dominique,
As the established next relative of Edward Moss for 3 years I applied for his discharge on the 7th March 2021 having spoken to him and found him to be no danger to himself or others.
I was told I was suddenly after three years of caring for him, including attending ward round meetings in a pandemic with Dr Gin and attending court cases with him. These are the facts and as such I still see myself as the next relative. Gracie has committed gross misconduct in that she did not accurately do her job and committed harm to the patient who did not wish to be held against his will or mine.
I have on numerous occasions asked you now to discharge my brother but instead you have gone around members of my family creating chaos as a purposeful distraction and I saw this last time three years ago where in a meeting with you, and me, he was discharged.
Since you still have not got your paper work in order and hopefully now I am dealing with you rather than anyone else, I will send you by return of post, the authority by Mr Moss (whom by the way under the act is not even suitable to be next relative having his rights taken away as an abusive person and has had no parental rights since Edward was 12, and he will tell you that himself as I am sure he has)
to Geraldine Whiley, the oldest sibling, who lives in Devon and cannot perform function of next relative for that reason alone, who will then delegate to me.
You will then keep those records scrupulously, since this is a repeat of the events that happened three years ago when your staff wanted to drug Edward who medically cannot be drugged as he has a hole in his heart. Evidence of this is for you, not me to obtain via Jenny Daley his ex-social worker in Hammersmith.
When Edward is then released, I want an account of what help you as an authority give Edwards in terms of his mental health as I have found both St Mungo's and Roman wanting and offering very little.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
8th April 2021-
Mary Moss gets the post from Mr Moss senior signing over next relative status directly to her, so hand delivers and gets recipe of delivery from Gracie at the MHA office and so now there can be no argument re the next relative status.
Dear Dominique Merlande,
I have just received the next relative delegation from Mr Moss by post. He has delegated to me and I have accepted and I hope that draws an end to the matter.
Letter arrived in.
Delegation form signed by Mr Moss.
A stamped addressed envelope to David Hamilton at St Pancras.
The signed and accepted form by myself to be the next relative.
I also attach the discharge for my Brother Edward Moss by noon on Sunday, whereby I am safeguarding his rights not to be detained unlawfully in my safeguarding role as his next relative.
I will like an immediate plan for his reduction in medication before Sunday and a current list of what you have him on against his will.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
8/4/21 Mary Moss writes separately to other MHA officers since by now numerous amounts of them have been involved.
Dear Dominique Merlande & David Hamilton,
I have this afternoon at 3pm hand delivered the delegation documents for next relative and Gracie Tanjikem Ndoke has signed for the documents.
Copy of that attached.
I look forward to hearing from you with regards to Edward's release on Sunday and any plans for any ongoing support at the dual diagnosis hostel that cost's £1,800 a month for a room the size of a cell.
Perhaps you could ask Roman to give me an email on any offers of help for Edward and his drugs use at all at this time appreciating the pandemic. Perhaps some forward planning may be of help and I would like to attend any such meetings as usual.
I am copying in his solicitor.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
8/4/21 Mary writes to the hostel to TC Edwards key worker regarding Edward’s imminent discharge on Sunday and the TV.
Dear TC,
I hope you are doing well.
I have applied for Ed to be discharged by Sunday and am keen to have his room TV ready, since that is what his frustration was over when he was sectioned on 6th March 2021 since he sold his to James.
Either could you ensure that he has a TV and I can give him a Netflix account, so he is not bored in a pandemic or tell me what facilities are in the cell he occupies, to connect a new TV that I can purchase?
Obviously the old analoge ones don't work anymore, with an ariel, so are there TV sockets specifically to plug ariels into or does the building have wifi so that he can be given a password to tune in. The wifi is probably the one you have but then I'll have to get him a new TV.
If I get him say a 55 inch can they be wall mounted?
What happens if the other residents steal it off him?
Could you not have big TV's built in?
Is there a communal TV?
Can you give me the options so I can have this sorted by Sunday as he will be in no state after the amount of drugs they pumped into him to do much else and I wish him to be comfortable at least.
Best Wishes
TC replied 10/4/21 and was very helpful as usual and I replied back.
Dear TC,
Thank you for that information I will order a medium sized TV to get delivered then and hopefully the wi-fi can connect.
Most helpful information, I think we both get what needs doing.
Best Wishes
Sunday 11th April 2021 there has been no word from the MHA now that I am officially declared next relative. I even had to call Dominique as I had her mobile number from 2020 and ask if preparation was in place for Sunday. She said that she had not in two days seen my email or proof of next relative and that she would at 3.30pm, the time of the call to her, ask the clinician if he was happy to release Edward, on his and my legal authority, to safeguard Edward and bring him home.
Since Dominique called me back at 5pm and told me that the clinician was going to ban my request, I asked that it be put in writing to me as there was no grounds and a ban would require grounds and that was to be done also on time. Nothing was sent and so I was half expecting to have him be freed on Sunday since they did not formally let me know that the correct paperwork had been filled out and on what grounds. However on Sunday despite getting a cab to meet with him and collect him, he was not released.
I decided that since I had had no communication and that the MHA were assisting in delays to justice for Edward to take it up with the medical practice tribunal service. They were very helpful and referred me to the General Medical Council.
Dear MPTS,
Doctor Neil Stewart of Highgate Mental Health Coral Ward has twice taken my brother and misused the Mental Health Act 1983 to drug my brother against his will and mine, his next relative.
Edward Moss has a hole in his heart and could die from the seizure inducing medicines as well as strong antihistamines.
He was in A&E last time with respiratory problems.
He's been held down, injected, assaulted by those under Dr Stewart, so his licence to practice medicine and human care should be looked into and suspended pending investigation.
Edward Moss was due to be discharged today at noon.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
They replied and referred me to the GMC
Good morning,
Thank you for your email.
I am afraid that the MPTS is unable to assist you with your concerns as we do not investigate doctors. The MPTS makes decisions about doctors’ fitness to practise in cases referred to us by the General Medical Council.
I have forwarded your email to the General Medical Council, but if you would like to contact them directly you can find out how to do so on their website.
I’m sorry I cannot be of further assistance.
Kind regards,
I replied back
Dear MPTS,
Thank you for your thoughtfulness in making a referral to the GMC.
I will follow up with the latest abuse of protocols and treatment of my brother in the care of the psychiatrist and his staff/admin.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
7.23am 12/4/21

12/4/21 My reply to the above
Dear MHA,
There are many aspects of Edward's care and his medicines that are not being communicated to me as next relative.
This includes yet another aspect.
Do you have a copy of that request and can you send it to me as I wish to see the strict grounds for detention regarding harm to himself or others quoted and proved as his solicitor asked for in the last tribunal?
Meanwhile can you send me a list of his medicines and dosages and timeline for them since admission, any meetings arranged before and going forward and times he is aloud out of his room, times he is allowed outside and any restrictions he has already faced?
As his next relative can you let me know all these things and consult me on all future decision making/meetings by phone 07916 325037 (not using a private number so that I can tell who is calling) and email giving me prior notice of call times that suit me as I work full time from home. This includes being there at ward rounds on the phone and notice of them.
Can you also stop consulting with other members of my family as Edward has requested this today? Therefore, unless I hear otherwise from Edward, he has requested I alone and not Patrick his former next relative will be attending all meetings on the phone regarding Edward's care. Please let Patrick know by email that the request by Edward is this and will be respected.
I am copying in his solicitor regarding her safeguarding his legal entitlements, in regards to your reply and forthcoming evidence of the ban on my request for discharge and if you are indeed accurate, as I don't think the rules have been applied.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
Response on 12/4/21 3.23pm
Dear Ms Moss
Please see attached copy of barring form completed by RC.
The hospital managers will be in touch with you in due course.
I have forwarded your clinical requests to the ward team as this is in no way reviewed by this office.
Many thanks
Kind regards
Maggie Deas
Margaret Deas
Mental Health Law Administrator
Mental Health Law Hub
Highgate Mental Health Centre
N19 5NX

This was attached and is copied in below
Form M2 - Regulation 25(1)(a) and (b) Mental Health Act 1983
Section 25 — Report barring discharge by nearest relative
(To be completed by the responsible clinician)
To the managers of [name and address of hospital]
Highgate Mental Mental Health Centre, Dartmouth Park Hill, London, N19 5NX
[Name of nearest relative]
Mary Moss
gave notice at [time]
on [date]
9 April 2021
of an intention to discharge [PRINT full name of patient].
Edward Moss
I am of the opinion that the patient, if discharged, would be likely to act in a manner dangerous to other persons or to himself or herself.
The reasons for my opinion are—
Mr Moss suffers from schizo-affective disorder and is currently severely unwell with it. His illness has been worsened over the years by the abuse of multiple different substances of abuse. He is currently suffering from psychomotor agitation and profound thought disorder.
He is likely to behave in a dangerous manner to both himself and others if discharged. His dangerousness to others takes the form of verbal abuse, property damage and threats. In Coral Ward he has been repeatedly aggressive towards staff and patients. He broke a heavy door in a rage approximately ten days ago. He is dangerous to himself. He puts himself in very vulnerable situations by provoking others, who then threaten him. I have witnessed another patient react adversely to Mr Moss swearing at him, by shouting at Mr Moss over several minutes threatening to assault him. In addition, Mr Moss endangers himself by profoundly neglecting himself.
[If you need to continue on a separate sheet please indicate here and attach that sheet to this form]
I am furnishing this report by: <Delete the phrase which does not apply>
consigning it to the hospital managers’ internal mail system today at [time].
today sending it to the hospital managers, or a person authorised by them to receive it, by means of electronic communication.
sending or delivering it without using the hospital managers’ internal mail system.
Signed Responsible clinician
Email address (if applicable) neil1.stewart@candi.nhs.uk
Date 9 April 2021 Time 17:25
(To be completed on behalf of the hospital managers)
This report was: <Delete the phrase which does not apply>
furnished to the hospital managers through their internal mail system.
furnished to the hospital managers, or a person authorised by them to receive it, by means of electronic communication.
received by me on behalf of the hospital managers at [time]
on [date].
Signed M Deas on behalf of the hospital managers
PRINT NAME Margaret Deas Date 09/04/2021
© Crown copyright 2020
Mental Health
This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. To view this licence, visit nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3
Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned.
My response much later on at 7.30pm on 12/4/21

Dear MHA,
Sorry I was taken away from this earlier due to an urgent work engagement.
Having now read the reasons my initial thoughts are;
Schizoaffective disorder is a mental health disorder that is marked by a combination of schizophrenia symptoms, such as hallucinations or delusions, and mood disorder symptoms, such as depression or mania
Sometimes, however, psychomotor agitation does not relate to mental tension and anxiety. A 2010 study found that there was also a link between psychomotor agitation and nicotine, alcohol, and drug dependence. In other cases, psychomotor agitation can be caused by antipsychotic medications.
A thought disorder is a mental health condition that affects a person's beliefs, thoughts, or perceptions. Thought disorders alter the way a person puts together ordered sequences of ideas and can affect a person's behaviour by causing them to experience paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, or other symptoms.
Likely to behave in a dangerous manner is not evidential it is opinion
1. Edward broke a door trying to escape and succeeded 10 days ago, he recalled the incident when asked as his intention to escape detention and a profound security breach, where he simply kicked the door in two places.
2. Verbal abuse, or verbose is part of Edwards personality. His mother was a member of Mensa and Edward went to the London Oratory. He likes to watch university challenge and is often conversing on philosophies as it normal. If Edward is in danger by being verbal, do you suggest that slowing him down for a period of time will ever rid him of this?
3. Edward does not neglect himself, the medication caused him to soil himself and is a well know side effect. On the occasion of Edwards escape, he went back to St Mungo’s and presented himself after going to his room, when sighted as dressed in a dapper manner as per his usual attire. He remarked also that he wished to keep his tracksuit bottoms with him as he had only just washed them yesterday and he said it’s seems a strange thing to have got slightly attached to HMP a tracksuit.
It would seem that the psychiatrist has identified a drug dependency disorder like many people in the UK have.
That is not a reason in itself for Edward to be detained. If it were most of the UK population would be in hospital instead of a rehab.
The hostel caters for the disorder, they call it dual-diagnoses and it would seem that they and the social workers linked to Edward's care have not done their job and I have seen no evidence of any plans going forward for them to do their job.
I refute that my brother is behaving in any other way than someone who is angered by his detention and is regularly being depo' and assaulted by the staff for wanting his freedom.
This I would suggest this is exceptionally normal human behaviour.
Edward therefore is not a danger to himself or to others. I have looked after him throughout the pandemic and it should have never been questioned, to cause delay in regards to my normal caring relationship for my brother.
I attach evidence he does not neglect himself by way of photos taken in Nov 2020, Dec and January 2021.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
I have heard nothing since and today whilst evidencing this history for the Hospital Managers Meeting, it has been in total 10 days, so there has been ample time to convene a hospital managers meeting, since they all are from the same trust.
I called Roman Mental Health Social Worker as he had been on leave since late March until 19th April 2021 and is normally nice with Edward, when he see’s him. I then emailed TC at the hostel and asked for both of them to make plans for Edwards return and to put a support plan in place, since they are funded as a ‘dual diagnoses’ (drugs/MH) placement.
His housing benefit claim is still open and is in danger of being closed if he is not returned to add problems to everything.
Dear TC,
I hope all is well. There will soon be a hospital manager's meeting and I want to ask you to attend by phone?
I will let you know of the date when I know.
I will be asking Roman also to attend.
During the meeting to discuss Edwards possible release on the same day, I would like to have some offers/plans put in place around Edward's drug usage and any possible idea's going forward in his future for him to not feel the need so much to take drugs. The plans/offers may involve activities, perhaps a smaller placement with activity-based ethos and/or drug programmes, support groups, residential settings, holidays, volunteering.
Also, to discuss his environmental needs such as a better room and of course the TV which will be on the way soon.
Edward has the need to get the jab, glasses, a doctor and a community dentist. He could do with being offered dental implants on the NHS for his confidence. He may also in line with the wishes of the clinician be expected to keep up his one dose of aripiprazole 15mg as this historically can help and so perhaps a placement offering supportive environments for administration of meds may be looked at. We do need a good plan for Ed.
Anyway, I will let you know the date and how to access the meeting by phone as well as let Roman know too.
Hopefully if there is a care plan I could have it in advance to discuss by phone with Edward. His number is 02075614000 if you want to chat with him about any plans going forward too.
Best Mary
Response 7pm 21/4/21
Hi Mary, I am very happy to phone in to a meeting, or attend virtually. If at all possible, I will make myself available even if I am not on shift.
I am happy to update Ed’s plans to reflect any wishes he has for his future, activities and goals. I do agree that Ed needs something more structured in the way of activities, and I am hoping this can be achieved as we come out of lockdown. I am not sure what Ed really likes doing, but there is a gardening based activity programme on the south side of the river which is not too far from Endell. This is run by Mungo’s. I can enquire about places and what they have going on?
Not sure what is available in the way of other projects/hostels/rehab, but from previous experience I believe that most of such placements/moves would have to be initiated by Ed himself.
I will forward the below email to Roman.
Have a good evening
Kind regards
Terese C. Lundquist (TC)
Project worker
83 Endell Street
London WC2H 9DN
020 7632 4000
Dear TC,
As always very positive response.
Thank you
Added above whilst writing as email came in 21/4/21.
I also had a response from the CQC today 21/4/21
MsMaryMossSent by email: naypic@hotmail.com
Ref: ENQ1-1056565584821April2021
Dear MsMoss
Re: Your complaint regarding the care and service received from CamdenandIslingtonNHSFoundationTrust
Thank you for contacting the Care Quality Commission (CQC) with your agreement that we can forward your concerns to the above care provider for them to investigate and respond directly to you, copying in the CQC.
What should happen next is that the provider will contact you directly in relation to the complaint you have raised.
They will also let you know the date by which they intend to provide you with a response. I
have asked that a copy of the acknowledgement and response sent to you is also sent to the Care Quality Commission. Should you have any follow up complaints I would suggest you liaise directly with the provider to avoid delays or protracted processes.
Once the provider has concluded their investigation and provided you with a response to the issues you have raised, should you remain unhappy with that response you can approach the CQC to ask that we consider conducting a review into any unresolved matters.
We would need you to clarify your outstanding concerns and explain why you feel the response has not fully addressed your complaint and to confirm the outcome that you are seeking.Care Quality Commission have also had to adapt our ways of working and at present are extremely limited to what we can send out by post. It would be preferred that we can correspond with you via email where possible.
We are sorry and recognise that this is not ideal in some cases, if you do not have access to email at present please feel free to contact us via our contact centre to discuss.
Please be assured we are working tirelessly toensure that any delays are kept to a minimumOn the completion of local resolution you also have the option of contacting theParliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Office (PHSO), saying why you are not satisfied.
CQC Mental Health Act TeamCitygateGallowgateNewcastle upon TyneNE1 4PATelephone: 03000 616161(press option 1 when prompted)www.cqc.org.ukEmail: MHAEnquiries@cqc.org.uk
Their address is:-The Parliamentary and Health Service OmbudsmanCitygateMosley StreetManchesterM2 3HQ
If you have any questions about whether the Ombudsman may be able to help you please contact their helpline on:Tel: 0345 015 4033Email phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.ukfax 0300 061 4000
Further information about the Ombudsman is available at www.ombudsman.org.ukThe Ombudsman can consider whether to investigate complaints that the NHS (and NHS funded care) in England have failed to act properly or fairly or provided a poor service.
The PHSO is the final arbiter in any complaint matter and therefore the CQC cannot consider any request for investigation once the Ombudsman has reviewed a complaint.
The PHSO may decide that your complaint would be more appropriately reviewed by the CQC should it be about the way an organisation has applied its powers under the Mental Health Act.
This would not include disagreements around clinical diagnoses.
Our legal powers are discretionary –this means that we can decide whether or not we will investigate a complaint under the Mental Health Act, but please be assured that we always read and consider every one we receive so that we can make that decision fairly.
We will always write to you and explain our reason for not conducting a review. Should you wish to complain about our decision not to investigate you can contact our Corporate Complaints Team by phone, letter or email.CQC Corporate Complaints Team
151 Buckingham Palace Road LondonSW1W 9SZ
Phone: 03000 616161
Email: complaints@cqc.org.ukThe information you have given us is extremely valuable in helping us decide now or in the future if people using a service are receiving safe, compassionate and high quality care. What people using services tell us informs our decision making and helps focus on areas of a service that may need attention by a provider.
We publish full information on our policies for processing, sharing and protecting personal data at http://www.cqc.org.uk/about-us/our-policies/privacy-statementIf you require any further information please contact the Mental Health Act Enquiries on 03000 616161 select option 1 when prompted, quoting the above MHA reference.Yours sincerelyTuri MaddisonMental Health Act Senior Complaints OfficerMental Health Act Complaints Department
So the position as it stands is, Edward wants to be released.
I can no longer communicate with him coherently as he is very sedated and still claiming to be assaulted.
At the Hospital Managers Meeting hearing where the clinician has resorted to barring my request for discharge, I will make an application as the ‘nearest relative’ to have Edward Moss discharged. I will say that he has never been a risk to himself or to others, he is known as a gentle soul with a very intelligent side to his personality, he is caring and generous to a fault and has never had any history of harm to himself or to others. He does take drugs and he is supplied by the DWP with copious amounts of money to have drugs. This then makes him vulnerable to others, the drug cartels currently being funded by the DWP and with no end in sight, which seriously makes me despair as a concerned sister. There is no place it seems in the DWP to manage his money for example giving it to him daily and I would recommend this at the least. There is no drug rehabs available but that is not a good enough reason for Dr Neil Stewart to give him lab drugs.
Medically he has a hole in his heart and was born with that. He has a hernia so that cannot burst with fat inducing lab drugs. He has respirtory problems on the lab drugs also as some of them are prescribed for dangerous dogs.
I am of the firmly held belief that the section 3 is doing him more harm than good and outside at least he has choice.
I suggest his verbal abuse is solely due to his anger at being unlawfully detained, I feel the same as him on this and am furious at the lack of duty of care shown towards him in a so called mental health setting, where next relative is barred.
If you do go to the county court so that I am removed I will accuse you of attempted corporate/medical manslaughter.
Since writing the majority of this text 3 weeks has past by and no hospital managers meeting was convened. I was finally given a list of meds Edward has been put on and one of them puts him in terms of toxicity into a coma at 1000mg.
I have also only been informed of the hospital managers meeting on this Monday today, so yet another game.
I wish to hear what you all have to say at the meeting before I respond this time.
Mary Moss
Sorry I forgot to reply to all, so please see below.
Dear AMA Co-ordinator,
If you have had this letter attached dated 24 April 2021, how come you are only sending me it now when I have repeatedly asked for the date and you let me know the Friday before the Monday?
This is very much in keeping with all my complaints to date.
I will expect you to forward any reports today and not on the date as I will not be able to read the reports before the meeting takes place.
I will let you know if my legal rep who called you yesterday will be able to make the meeting later on today or on Monday.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss.
Dear Ms Moss,
Regrettably your query below is a clinical query I confirm I have forwarded your query onto Jade Ward, who will be able to respond.
Kind Regards,
Sital Gorasia
Mental Health Act Office Manager
Telephone 020 7561 4159
Mobile 078 2511 5522
Email sital.gorasia@candi.nhs.uk
Generic Email :- MHL_Highgate@Candi.nhs.uk
Electronic Section Papers: cim-tr.MHAforms@nhs.net
Online www.candi.nhs.uk
Twitter @CI_NHS
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
Highgate Mental Health Centre
Dartmouth Park Hill
N19 5NX
Please Note My Working Pattern
Monday – Thursday 06:45 – 15:15
Friday – 06:45 – 12:45
Dear Ms Moss
The hearing will take place on Monday. Please can you kindly confirm your attendance and whether you require legal representation.
Kind regards
Antoinette Maito
AHM coordinator
Telephone +44 (0)20 3317 6085
Mobile 07970407063
Email Antoinette.maito@Candi.nhs.uk (secure email antoinette.maito@nhs.net)
Online www.candi.nhs.uk
Twitter @CI_NHS
Working hours
Mon-Friday 9-5
Mental Health Law Hub
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
Room 120, 1st Floor, East Wing, St Pancras Hospital
4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE
Dear All,
I have not had an email re the hospital managers meeting?
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
Dear Mary Moss,
Thank you for your email.
I have been informed by the AHM Coordinator Team an email was sent to you regarding the Hospital Managers Hearing.
I have included the AHM Coordinator team into this email.
Kind Regards,
Sital Gorasia
Mental Health Act Office Manager
Telephone 020 7561 4159
Email sital.gorasia@candi.nhs.uk
Generic Email :- MHL_Highgate@Candi.nhs.uk
Electronic Section Papers: cim-tr.MHAforms@nhs.net
Online www.candi.nhs.uk
Twitter @CI_NHS
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
Highgate Mental Health Centre
Dartmouth Park Hill
N19 5NX
Please Note My Working Pattern
Monday – Thursday 06:45 – 15:15
Friday – 06:45 – 12:45
Dear Maggie Deas,
Thank you for that and Alice did tell me so that's fine.
I am still none the wiser about what drug he was given to knock him out for 48 hours or why his blood was taken in the night. I can only assume having just got the list of meds from Alice that this might be something to do with clozapine/Clozaril as this requires monitoring for the drug companies and for you all to monitor him.
I was not consulted on giving him such an experimental drug.
My other brother is on it in such large doses and Edward Moss has always said he thinks that John Paul is a drug lab rat so I don't think he will be happy about it. Was he consulted?
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
Dear Ms Moss
I can confirm that the £100 are in the safe on Jade Ward. Someone from the ward will contact you about his treatment shortly I believe.
Kind regards
Maggie Deas
MHA Administrator
Highgate Mental Health Centre
Dartmouth Park Hill
N19 5NX
Dear All,
I just spoke to Alice the Coral ward Manager who is always very helpful she during the call located who took the £100.
I asked to speak to Edward and have been told he is fast asleep although I just spoke to him on his mobile and he said he was going to wait for me to call Coral ward re his money and why he cannot remember the last 48 hours after being given a drug. He says he has no sweet wrappers and no £100.
Kind Regards
Mary Moss
Dear Ms Moss
Thank you for your email, I will refer your clinical queries to the ward team to respond to as we do not deal with clinical matters.
Please advise where the £100 was left and who it was left with so that this can be tracked.
I can be confident he was not told he was going to Topaz Ward as this is currently a female only ward.
I will follow up on the money when you provide the necessary information.
Many thanks
Kind regards
Maggie Deas
MHA Administrator
Highgate Mental Health Centre
Dartmouth Park Hill
N19 5NX
Dear Ms Moss
Thank you for your email.
Your brother is actually on Jade Ward (02075614080), not Topaz Ward, I hope this clarifies the situation.
Kind regards
Maggie Deas
MHA Administrator
Highgate Mental Health Centre
Dartmouth Park Hill
N19 5NX
He is in Topaz ward rather and not locally in Laffan as I was told he would be.
Dear All,
It has been more than 3 weeks with no information on the drugs being given to Edward, no invitation or consultation on either Hospital Managers meeting or the tribunal.
I spoke to Alice Coral Ward Manager re the CQC complaint who reassured me that she would send the me the lists of medications and said that Edward would be moved locally to St Pancras when he is stepped down from Coral Ward yet now I hear in a message today from Edward that he is in Coral Ward.
Can someone please update me?
Mary Moss
Zuclopenthixol depot 300 mg IM weekly, next due 26/4
Zuclopenthixol oral 30 mg BD - Plan to eventually stop and just have IM sbove.
Nicotine patch 25 mg/16 hours
Sodium valproate 1000mg BD
Promethazine 25 mg in the evening, 50mg at night - Plan to eventually stop this medication.
Clonazepam 2 mg ON - Plan to eventually stop thsi medication.
Lithium citrate 5mls BD
Hyoscine hydrobromide 300mg TDS
Co-amoxiclav oral suspension 10mls TDS
Best Wishes,
Alice Garrett
Interim Manager for Coral Wards
Highgate Mental Health Centre, Acute Division
Telephone +44 (0)20 7561 4016
Email alice.garrett@candi.nhs.uk
Online www.candi.nhs.uk
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
Level 3, Highgate Mental Health Centre
Dartmouth Park Hill
London N19 5NX
Dear Mary Moss,
I confirm I have forwarded your email on to our AHM Coordinators (A team who organise the Managers hearings)
Please allow 48 hours for a response from the team.
Kind Regards,
Sital Gorasia
Mental Health Act Office Manager
Telephone 020 7561 4159
Email sital.gorasia@candi.nhs.uk
Generic Email :- MHL_Highgate@Candi.nhs.uk
Electronic Section Papers: cim-tr.MHAforms@nhs.net
Online www.candi.nhs.uk
Twitter @CI_NHS
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
Highgate Mental Health Centre
Dartmouth Park Hill
N19 5NX
Please Note My Working Pattern
Monday – Thursday 06:45 – 15:15
Friday – 06:45 – 12:45
Dear All,
It has now been more than two weeks since a hospital managers meeting was meant to be convened for Edward Moss to be released from the section 3 following a ban of the applied for discharge, by myself, the nearest relative, from the clinician Neil Stewart.
Could you give an update on that?
Kind Regards
Mary Moss