Cleveland a Catalyst to open the can of worms on child abuse. The media could now open a new agenda. The mood of the Nation was now to talk about the victims of child abuse. Adults and children who were victims could now open their mouths. The coverage of child abuse in the media went on for years. Other cases started to be exposed. Marietta Higgs may have been witch hunted and condemned over zealous but she had opened widely a door that could not and would not be closed. Talk shows, documentaries and media broadsheets alike were obsessed. However like all trends there was to be a backlash, first we were the victim, then we soon became the enemy. (Research on this should be collected to prove this point, research broadsheet libraries) It was strange that young people seemed to be either scapegoated or assumed to be perpetrators of so many publicly broadcasted crimes. At one stage if something went wrong, the indoctrinating mentally by the media got so bad that the immediate ‘Stop Concept' was ‘it's probably just kids'. Those ‘kids' had, in the early eighties, been stripped of almost all their play facilities and benefits. Organisations such as child poverty action group had and still do have cause to exist without being political about it. Such things as free school milk taken away, youth clubs taken away, free nurseries for under fives taken away, social security benefits for 16 and 17 year old's taken away. Cuts in education, cuts in child benefit and many many more cuts.
We need N.A.Y.P.I.C. to write about sociological and environmental reasons youth crime exists. We must never again force a media tide of us being blamed for being practically gold bullion robbers or as well political activists. Just so as they can sweep our issues under the carpet.
As a warning to workers the media do not always come down on our side and propaganda against us is possible especially if we are exposing people with connections. Also if we upset people in high places, M.P.s, Police, Government etc. then the ‘Indoctrination' and ‘fear of kids' tactic through mass media placing strategic bad stories about ‘kids' on top news slots and front pages is possible. This can and has been extreme in the sway of public opinion, they will go so far as avocation mental and physical torture. The locking up of 10 year olds being of high imminent danger and the torture mentally of children already in existence in the psychiatric system. Research research research is needed. Perhaps high court test cases and a report from Amnesty International is needed.
This is yet another warning: research can and is carried out by some top people that is rubbish. If faced with this and you suspect (for example the Department of Health's top researcher) just phone a T.V. documentary company and search for the truth, or write a letter to a top national newspaper.
Money is power, Media is power, politics is power, wisdom and experience is power. We can and must find the good adults out there with some power, they will help us. But be careful who you choose and give them no power, just use them. If they are good they won't mind You cannot trade experience and wisdom. For example:
At the age of 8 years old you may have more wisdom in your little foot than some one of 40 years old, but they may have greater experience. They may know more about corruption than 200 8yr . olds. Therefore experience must be taught to us. When we gain our power we must be as corruptionless as possible, like not ‘selling out' to tabloids (Newspapers), We can have our wisdom but must be taught and learn from those with experience.
Innocence is a beautiful thing for children and adults alike, try not to get burnt, just to experience what it is like. As for learning by your mistakes, yes, but this is too important to make any more mistakes, be wise. Are young people. such a threat. The women's movement fought for the vote and equality and some used to say things like; When a small child looks down her trousers at say 3 years old and the same age boy looks down his, that was the difference between their salaries when they grew up. A good funny way of putting it. For our fight we believe, Empowerment may be a lordable gift, but that's exactly what it is, it is not a right!! Look up the definition of Empowerment in the dictionary. You like any other discriminated people need hard cash, facilities, access to knowledge and research for their rights.
NIGHTMARE Check all contracts don't enter into- agreements and make sure all service calls are good. All office equipment will always be insured - important. Call outs being efficient is imperative, this also applies to any computers.
N.A.Y.P.I.C. has experienced setting up several offices. London and the south for example moved from a small office in Islington in 1992 to a large two floor office in the heart of Camden Town . North East/North West office moved from Newcastle to a smart new huge office on Manchester in 1992, and the Midlands office was finally established in Coventry in 1992 in honour of Carol Cox our London worker who was from Coventry who died in 1987. The office in Coventry was in an office complex with shared meeting rooms a place that sold food and had a garden. Experience shows that in all cases hard work is required. Note: Draw up an itinerary of both the office equipment you have and what you need. To start with it is possible to get free office equipment from Social Services, offices and businesses and other charities that are supportive to N.A.Y.P.I.C. Note: Perhaps put the phone on answer machine to certain groups of people that can be dealt with later also close office for about a day and a half but warn people for a month before. Filing is essential, get this sorted immediately, especially if new office. An organised office needs to be accessible to new workers and management. The essence of an office is to make it educational and friendly. Most of all professional.
If you have had a-personal experience of perhaps leaving care from one part of the country to another, the North of England to Landsend, for example, the effects that may have on you may be profound. However like all experiences that are bad we can learn lessons from them and not put others through the hell of the same kind of thing. Personal experience no matter how large or small is invaluable data to the organisation. If we are to make changes young people and children must have a collective voice. It is important that experiences that are in the face of it are talked about. This is simply because they may have some common ground to a lot more people than the victim/survivor may think so. Don't let anyone put you down you may be deprived of let's say education or verbal skills, or you could be so messed up from the past you could be helplessly labelled now in your psychiatric unit. However no one can take away from you the knowledge of your abuse. (Unless they cabbage you). Keep on moving and keep remembering. If you have been treated badly or unfairly and this Country still chooses to say it is justified in it's care, then justice you will have to receive. Take them to the ombudsman, take them to the high court to a judicial review. S.S.D. have got to compensate us before they move on from their countless mistakes. NOTE: It is as easy as getting a solicitor
So get one. Find a good one.
They do the work, the decision is yours.
Refer first of all to the casework pads as soon as the phonecall comes in or visitor makes contact, (Update all casework pads annually). Write all information regarding who you are dealing with on this sheet. This will be filed in a casework (Confidential) file, unless the person for many reasons wishes to remain anonymous. Filling out this sheet is your essential first step and will now be a referral, maintaining vital statistical information too for the organisation.
Will be guaranteed. Only workers/employees will be able to deal with casework and advice can be acquired from legal channels and office managers.
N.A.Y.P.I.C. has in the past had young people who are in immediate danger contact us. Without being paranoid, the possibility of young people in danger having real people following them or indeed trying to shut them up is a reality. Treat each dangerous case with caution. Discuss your own fears, even if over sensitive. Share the burden so as not to take it home with you and dump it on your peers. Counsellors are available for employees, volunteers, local, regional and National management. Also our team of advisors in many fields may be of use. Once a year at least all workers and management separately should hold a co-counselling seminar with professional counsellors. For employees dealing with young people , they must first inform the young person that we promise nothing, however being knowledgeable and ex—care, they have reached a place of safety. Also in some extreme situations like imminent danger, we can as an organisation, or should in future, be able to provide safe houses or hideaways, (a lot like the days of women refugees). Even if it means booking into B&B's and a volunteer or two staying with the young person. We may be able to get a local safe house or funding from each local authority for this as a right in each local authority.
When N.A.Y. P.I.C. takes on a campaign the organisation must first agree to it at a full N.E.C. meeting unless it is of course of immediate importance. In this case it can be passed on to the National Chairperson or acting Chairperson. This will be in the first instance, secondly two other N.E.C. members. These three people should wherever possible inform all other N.E.C. members before deciding. If not they can take an emergency decision or chairs action. The responsibility for success or failure of the campaign will lie with these three people (So vote these three in well). They must feedback all information at the next N.E.C. in full. If they can not attend then a full report or such like should be sent in their place. Any further actions or decisions will then be voted on at the N.E.C. meeting –
This is one of the few posts that can be in/ex-care or not as long as they are professionals. In the case of them being non-care professionals they must be called back up staff. As N.A.Y.P.I.C. would prefer to employ care-people, the former would be sought. However emergencies have occurred in the past and this is why the term back up staff was required and voted through at the 1992 N.A.G.M.. The same situation can and does occur with accountants. Lets hope this changes in the future, perhaps with better education and training in the care system so as our recruitment opportunities are much broader.
Each employee will be treated with the same respect as any other member of the organisation. This means they will act accordingly to their defined roles. Employees must enable others, such as volunteers, to work for the organisation in the proper way as also set out in their defined roles. The employees must be as paid professionals of N.A.Y.P.I.C. and advocates. Taking on their duties as described in their job description. Employment in our organisation is more dependent on self sufficiency, perhaps also little fear. The employees are paid to assist, looking to our young people to direct N.A.Y.P.I.C. Workers are valued as having good knowledge so as to assist and represent the organisation at all times and should have reasons to be especially committed to the organisation including different ability and knowledge. N.A.Y.P.I.C. has put a lot of work into our employment contracts over the years, with these we have often tried to restrain ourselves from putting as an essential requirement ‘The ability to walk on water', however the contracts do meet employment law requirements. If paid employees have a problem with either management or other members, they must not gossip about the situation but rather take the person to one side and speak to them. Honesty can be effective. If the person/s involved can not or will not resolve the issue/s then your line management should be informed. If you are still not satisfied, follow the grievance procedures. When an employee has done something wrong they could face disciplinary procedures. Job contracts are available when employment commences. Also when all legal requirements such as references and top category police checks are received and NOT before.
Application of thought, visions through communication and paperwork. If you know a good thought you must express this to someone who can do the paperwork if you can not do it yourself. Never believe there is only one opportunity to do something good. Sometimes you just have to wait for the resources. People need basics, at least before they go tearing about with good intentions or good ideas. Confidence is most important you must believe in yourself. Say you idea to someone close, don't give up when others can't see. If it is good risk and stick your revelations in their faces until they see and believe. Rise above fear, dreadful emotion, believe and make it happen. Keep on motivating others, however don't let it go to your head whether you lose or win.- Calmness, it is possible. Timing is also important, when your idea is taken seriously. Humaness being also unavoidable. N.A.Y.P.I.C. can be glad to have had some good development workers, for members sharing idea; with them can be very good as they can feed back to the organisation and activate awareness or motion. Some people keep ideas in their heads this can be lonely for one thing, and for two it can mess you up, trust someone. By passing on information you can get on with your life, however some will survive and die for their dreams and visions. No dreams are unforgettable perhaps someone will see. Then again if at first dreaming gets you nowhere, hold on. move on and try again.
N.A.Y.P.I.C. and our ideas are worthy, we do not have to give materially or emotionally to gain financially, we just have to state the facts and our rights. We do not have to emotionally bribe. Just tell it how it is, we have a good dream. We deserve our rights to be treated with ‘Care' universally. N.A.Y.P.I.C. has much information, keep up the paperwork and we will expand, when all of us agree to expand. Sometimes someone will offer you a jewel (metaphorically speaking) but if you can not carry it, be calm, if it was offered in good faith it will still be there when you have the strength. Your calmness is much appreciated. The organisations gradual expansion is only as solid as it's foundations. Carrying heaviness is not good. So your calmness is irreplaceable. If we have unity we have strength. The membership is what we have to give back to, so having unity we have strength and can give back to them which creates our freedom.
If WE, not I, have a dream, this is important. Some people will remember those words, always, ‘Unity is Strength'. Some bad people will want to give us money, don't sell out. Bad fortune may become of the giver but also of the receiver. Share decision making, then you can learn from good advice. Decision making is democratic, people don't have to live the same hurts, the same mistakes, the same regrets. Learn about N.A.Y.P.1.C.'s expansion history. Gather all information before making decisions. N.A.Y.P.I.C. must of course make their own decisions, but remember advice is free. The more we become a profitable organisation the more worried the abusers will become but remember they work in mysterious ways. Stay true because if you take a leap make sure everyone is protected and damn sure they don't get you before you get there because they know your plans. Some structures have loop holes, some infalable, take risks but look for sudden changes, be prepared with answers in all directions. Don't be stubborn like a kamikaze pilot (unless you are an island, this is very lonely) Trust is growth if there is two doors you will not find one. (unless it is the one off the planet) No wo/man is an island. You like us all can heal and also find some happiness. Unity is strength even if alone inside.
Procedures for fund-raising are as simple as seeing previous work reports and grant applications, which always outline our current direction. The N.E.C. Fund-raising Co-ordinator delegates responsibility for every employee and all employees are involved. Most of the core of our money comes from membership. We should in future demand £50,00 per year per child in care membership. So as each child has knowledge of the organisation and access to their rights. £5o.oo is nothing compared to what each child in care deserves as a right. We are accountable to our membership, but like them we are young and not miracle workers, but one day we can and will try our best to create better rights for them, so we can have our day and be listened to. We can make up a good package from social work training also this educates them at grass roots level. This already also brings in revenue, as we do charge the system for this as they need our help. We have many areas we can make our money, we deserve to keep surviving.
Little is known in terms of hardcore facts about this however the fact that we met a lot of people in the 90's and dealt with many cases of child exploitation, according to us, it is the fourth largest money making industry in the world, after diamonds, drugs, pornography at best estimation child pornography is next. N.A.Y.P.I.C. must get on the Internet. This will be set up in every N.A.Y.P.I.C. local group cafe. This is a N.A.Y.P.I.C. idea and we don't want no pretenders, if some other organisation does this it won't be as effective. As we are who we are. This is to be discussed at N.A.G.M., safe houses would also be necessary. Also some recovery units for intensive dissemination of information and not so intensive groups for recovery of information also. People who are also not safe mentally even when the abuse has gone. Also no sooner are the abusers gone than they set up somewhere else. Therefore the organisation nearly has an unmanageable job. We need to look ahead also at futuristic plans and solutions, this means making more plans.
Each local group will hire security or will start up National Security (in-care) Firm.
In the past the organisation faced all sorts of people who were either angry with us or trying to find out what we were up to:
Private Investigators.
Gangsters e.g.: brushing shoulders with drug rings.
Private Companies/Proprietors.
Places we wanted to close down and places we did.
Private children's homes.
A referrals family.
Close surveillance, kidnapping, to name but a few things to worry about.
Always speak to someone if you feel or suspect anything. We have ways of dealing with this and also we can check whether or not your home or office is being bugged or any thing like that. Sweep the place for bugs. We also have a cross section of advisors who can check things out, defusing any paranoia. This cross-section being hard and safe, clever and above the law! Also on a wider level as previously mentioned propaganda can destroy. One must keep reputable as an organisation, without reputation they, anyone, can and will destroy you. we are good and need to be here.
In the world there are some countries with dictatorships, perhaps also one or two individuals at least, who are abusers in some governments. This is corrupt. In an attempt to make many points let's say:
Man runs hospital, things are corrupt, he has friends in high places, perhaps an MP who is also corrupt. N.A.Y.P.I.C. investigates the hospital and in the process, the hospital man, phones his friend the MP and N.A.Y.P.I.C. loses its funding. This is only possible if one MP has much power. This is possible. To add quickly to this abstractness, before moving on, just imagine if the firms being investigated by us have International links or contacts, you see. This is why N.A.Y.P.I.C. should fund ourselves and depend only on government money as a right. For example, they could pay us a certain amount of money per year to fund the printing and distribution of our membership packs. This could be on a £5 per head basis. Not much money to be seen to be supporting an actual consumer group of their own care service and to be seen to be supporting, children's rights.
Membership is not a ‘closed shop', we are not a union. Joining is a voluntary action based on the decision of the young person. However always remember, people, staff, carers etc, may always stop young people joining. So use this quote if you come across a local authority that won't pay up for their young people to join:
UN CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHlLD, which this country has signed says:
The child shall have ‘freedom of association'.
It is probably little well known that when investigating ‘sacred cow' establishments (this means very old establishments and reputable buildings and organisations etc) they have their contacts, they have cash and they have lots and lots of strings to pull, so nothing gets done about them. The media included are scared of ‘sacred cow' establishments, nothing can be proved and sometime they mess up the patients/ victims so much, there is often seen to be not much credibility to what they are saying, especially testimonies in court.
This is where N.A.Y.P.I.C. is so important as the collation of information on this type of establishment, you can almost guarantee will come to our doorstep. So, what to do is keep it. Help the victims through N.A.Y.P.I.C. facilities to get better, recover, but don't push it , don't guilt trip yourself over it, just bit by bit collate it. Half way cases going to court, especially the high court are not worth the effort and potentially dangerous! If you wish to crack it, in time, however frustrating we'll get them good. we are sometimes putting individuals through too much alone, trying in court large establishments, with just a few people giving evidence. However.., a case with 30 people giving evidence takes some organising! N.A.Y.P.I.C. will be providing counselling for workers also ‘burn out' is something hard to recognise, however it is best if it can be prevented. We like to send our employees off on holidays, peaceful retreats or give them time off rather than work with the walking dead. When an establishment needs to be closed down or it is necessary to eradicate it, something better must take
-its place. There is little point in residents of a mental health establishment ending up in another type of establishment that is pretty much the same or even ending up homeless. We must always have fall back plans, ideas that are better.
1. First plan date
2. Plan venue
3. Decide how many young people can attend from each local authority for example in 1991,
265 delegates, and 1992 350 delegates.
4. Decide whether this is an overnight conference or an afternoon, one day, evening, morning etc event.
5. how many people are organising the conference for example in 1991, five people and in
1992 more than ten official organisers.
6. Decide who is doing what around the country, distribute tasks, set up working parties.
7. Decide what the theme this year will be overriding all other issues, for example 1991 ‘Biting back' held on the day of the implementation of the Children Act, a day for young people to voice their opinions on the act and in 1992, ‘Wot more of us' this weekend conference, (held at Butlins) voted in our new national structure, voted in our new full national executive, holding elections also for the first time. From one office and two workers the year before, we now had nine workers and five offices nationally, thus the theme.
8. Decide which workshops will be held, who will facilitate them, for example 1992 Yvette Francis facilitated the workshop on psychiatric units, as our leading consumer expert.
9. Organise printing up of membership cards for the year- and membership packs. Decide what is in the membership folders, for example the conference ticket, accommodation ticket if suitable, an agenda stating events, time of events, a N.A.Y.P.I.C. pen, note pad or paper, perhaps, as we have also had, a N.A.Y.P.I.C. baseball cap, key rings, publications, a charter of rights and of course the latest N. A.Y.P.I.C. T-shirt, with the theme printed on the front and a piece of poetry on the back (it is customary to pay £50 or something like that to who ever makes up the best poem, which is then printed on the back). So a poetry competition is also in the membership etc. etc. etc.
10. Decide if you want media there or not, decide then if you want it video taped as well orinstead. (Use a few cameras for all angles, hand held ones are fine, do not pay extortionate prices to a crew). it is important to keep a record anyway of the conference and audio or video is the best way to do this, people who wish not to be on camera must state this to the people videoing and a blind spot area can be organised.
ll. The accounts must be audited for presentation at the A.G.M. section of the N.A.G.M.
12. Decide how long the A.GM. Section of the conference will last. Not all the delegates especially the reality young ones will want to attend as they can find accounts etc. a bit boring. However attendance should be encouraged to the A.G.M. as this is where the policy changes can if required be voiced and voted upon. Alternatives in the past to the A.G.M. session have been to set up a small disco as well for the ones who do not attend or free time. (But better to keep them in the building)
13. Often the conference has been held on N.A.Y.P.I.C.'s birthday. A huge birthday cake is also made. -
14. N.A.Y.P.I.C. has large and small N.A.G.M.'s the small ones are called N.A.G.M. working parties, which consist of N.E.C. Management and representation of the membership through the local group/cafes. N.A.Y.P.I.C. hold these when firstly cash is tight or secondly when we can not afford time and effort to organise the large ones. For the future this could be resolved by having bi-annual large conferences and bi-annual working parties.
15. Communication, walkie talkies and mobiles are useful for the large conferences. A meeting on how these help communication is essential before usage.
16. First aid is essential, health and safety must come first!!!! Check.
17. Decide who will open the conference, who will be the speakers at the A.G.M., who will host (the compare ha!), this can mean staying on stage all day and it is a hard work job.
18. Food- will we do it ourselves as in 1991 - cash and carry inexpensive, or Butlins as in 1992 catering. At a working party one dayer we would just do sandwiches.
19. Make budget for the conference.
20. If large conference, how much are we charging local authorities including accommodation if required. (Can we get sponsorship from British Airways, never done before, may be a wild goose chase so don't waste too much time on it.)
21 How much are we charging for membership.
22. Do you want social workers in attendance, sometimes R.S.W.'s and Foster Parents accompany the young people. Think about workshops for them. It is often useful to split them up into small groups. Do you want directors or an A.D.S.S. representative to answer questions, maybe even an MP or top dog official, like the Minister for Health.
23. What is the aim of the conference apart from the legal A.G.M. you should talk about why we are bringing all these people together. What are we up to and what are we offering.
24. There should be posters and information around the conference, educational material on healing and such like.
25. Feed back - suggestions, such as for example, dealing with anger, ask people for their suggestions, this can be then used for the next years conference. Gathering peoples names who have similar ideas as each other for them to meet up or phone each other to work out ideas for next years conference. Also a conference list for people who want to make -friends or contact with each other can be drawn up before the conference, if addresses and phone numbers (?) are printed it can save us having to track down lost friendships through lack of proper communication.
26. Suggestions as to how to deal with trouble makers, must be worked out, there is also such a thing called agenter provocateurs.
27. There must be outlets at the conference for creativity, drama, arts etc.
Being a volunteer/ unpaid worker, allows you to be flexible with your time an energy. Some volunteers do nothing but be around (thus the need for local group/cafes as well). Maybe this is because they are holding something down learning/watching deciding or healing. Whatever makes them useful, welcome. there is plenty of work to do and each job is learning a skill and team work. Unpaid workers should not be party to confidentiality that is unless they are part of the management and have permission.
It is often useful for frequent volunteers to join a working party on research. In care and ex-care volunteers' experiences will help for future research and their views can be accounted at these working parties. The research forming the most solid foundations. if we have fifty young peoples experiences on emotional abuse, this can help to make changes in the laws write books and even and even put educational ripples through society. Your unpaid worker is someone who can only claim voluntary expenses if needs be and does work for N.A.Y.P.I.C. They are accountable through the structure (as voted in 1992). Refer to it. They are independent agents of the organisation interviewed by management. Very often they will make money for the organisation, they will have half the money they make, unless the N.E.C. decides they are making a killing out of N.A.Y.P.I.C. or just doing plain hard work generating money. If the former and it is our remit then we claim it at an N.E.C. meeting, if the latter then good luck to them.
Volunteers are welcome to hang out in our local group cafes. Suggestions form our volunteers/unpaid workers are welcome at all times. If we have talented unpaid workers who we will help become successful, through our contacts and efforts (such as singers musicians artists accountants etc.) then we can contract them to us to use our resources to help them to succeed. When successful they - can leave our ‘half money donated contracts' and give voluntarily as they so wished. This does not have to be financially, it can be giving other future young people a chance to succeed, through their help, contacts or resources.
As we stated to all funding bodies in 1992 N.A.Y.P.I.C.'s capacity in membership will be worth at least six million pounds. N.A.Y.P.I.C. with its rapid developments surpassing all expectation in 1991, 1992, 1993 our membership with our extensive and expensive new computers and our friends in parliament was about to progress to a very high level, the data and blue prints on the continuation on this expansion are still available.
As one moves on however valuable the cause is you also move away from it. Life goes on and life, love, justice, beauty and healing is all part of moving on form the past and on to yourself and your own future. This cause may be supported but the twilight zone of youth is adulthood. We have had our chance and our day. If young people do not run this organisation then it is not the ‘association of' , do something else useful. Support but move over and let the next generation with all its trials and tribulations experience good and bad take over. If they make mistakes they are their mistakes and they will learn, knowledge is useful and powerful, find a way to pass it on. The organisation should consider support groups for older ex-care people. it is known information for us now that a lot of people's pasts do not effect them severely until they are much older. They need the same things as young people need, like some justice obviously. However their knowledge of the powers that be and the valuable sources of redress are far greater than young people who need and deserve assistance much more.... they can find or have often found personal ways of dealing with the past and their own cases. Supported care groups will also help these people. Any assistance from ex-care people is greatly appreciated. When we move on from N.A.Y.P.I.C. it may have had like our own experiences a profound effect on us. However just to know N.A.Y.P.I.C. is there may help you sleep more soundly at night. We'll keep that, but you have a good life for all of us to know it is possible.
Strong people will head up the fight, less strong will help. We all deserve to be valued and respected. Nature is innate but keep unified and value ourselves to make the changes very, many people think negatively about themselves, when they have been through a tough time. Beware of this. Love ourselves and we may love each other.
By any means necessary!!
Who knows what we have in store for the future but right now the abuse is killing us and it has to stop!!!! Back in 1991 London Borough's Grants Unit provided us with consultants Jenal 2. They said they would gather all our working knowledge and any statements and put it into a handbook for each worker. They were paid £6000,oo , a few weeks work.
At a management committee meeting Robert Caldwell-Jones said, “When this handbook is done we will open an magnum bottle of champagne” (as we were lead to believe that this would outline our fantastic work & development for future staff). The trusted consultants produced a 70 point condemnation of the organisation, so badly done with even seven points just repeated to add up to seventy, we still have it and its a sham and a pack of lies, (e.g no paper shredder!). When we were given the opportunity to have feedback the consultant pulled a long piece of fax paper out of her bag and said for us to read it and that the orginal was already on its way to the LBGU for a decision on funding. We just chases the consultants out of the office. However it caused the L.B.G.U. and then the DoH to withdraw all funding immediately. This handbook written in India by one of our N.E.C. members afterwards is how it should have been written. The only magnum was the toy gun left, in the suddenly one day, quite bizarrely, disappeared & empty of everything, offices of the HQ in Camden of the National Association of Young People in Care which we left as a statement. The Socialwork papers said:‘NA.Y.P.I.C. is dead' ‘Long live N.A.Y.P.I.C.'with some totally fabricated article about financial mismanagement - No money, No staff, No offices, No Voice and then that article like a nail in a coffin...So no reputation...
Enjoy the handbook, it will help any worker who ever dares to continue. Keep up the fight.‘Rise up there young soldier they buried you long ago, don't you know you are a woman of the world' and ‘the boy had a cry with a gun in his eye rise up there young soldier young man'
Written in 1996
Percentages and possibility of an investor/lender
spaceshift will take 10% of overall shop trading for administration to continue good work to help set up the Children's Law Practice of Youth Parliament.
30% of all shop trading as well as 100% membership will go to Youth Parliament.
60% for each shop will go to ‘the founders 007', 30% to each young person founding a spaceshift (25% if investor gets involved).
If an investor/lender wanted to get involved with a £7,653,000,oo investment they would get 10% of all shop profits. They would see a return of £3.4 million per annum from 114 shops. They would also get all their money back in one year paid by the first annual membership for Youth Parliament.
For further info see, the aims, the model local group and the numbers.
written in 2007
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