
Thursday, 5 January 2012

Can We Propose Better Cuts?

Jo Gavin  Are there expenses cuts in the judicial administration that could save as much as the cuts to legal aid?

If I got legal aid for ten days worth of transcripts to be transcribed at £150 an hour and it took so far 16 months for them to come through but they had been paid for and then I got told by the civil appeal court yesterday that they could not provide them with no explanation, is this a moral waste of tax payers money, when these cuts are being proposed to legal aid system? If administration of the courts was cleaned up how much could be saved? Can anyone suggest better cuts? Numbers please? Expenses too the economics please.. Any suggestions would be appreciated less…


1 comment:

  1. From: Civil Appeals - CMSB
    To: 'Scarlet Maguire Gallery'
    Sent: Thursday, 5 January 2012, 14:57
    Subject: RE: CHY09015 Hrg on 6 Sep 10 before HHJ Cowell

    Dear Madam,

    I am writing to you with regard to the above named case and your emails dated 4th and 5th January 2012.

    The Court of Appeal has not been able to obtain an official transcript of the judgment of HHJ Cowell dated 9th September 2010. As a result of this, and in order to progress your case, the Case Lawyer has directed that the note of judgment provided by the Respondent's Solicitors may be used. This is in accordance with CPR 52 PD Para 5.12; however your objections will be placed before the Lord Justice making the decision in your application for permission to appeal.

    Yours faithfully,

    Dear ,

    It is not an approved judgment so the rule CPR 52 PD Para 5.12 cannot apply!!!

    You say you want to speed things up but I feel you just want to get rid of me.

    I have been very patient waiting for the transcripts for over a year, why the rush now to do it wrong? Is that seen as fair?

    I want to know why the public has paid for transcripts and they are suddenly not available?

    You have had long enough. I want the transcripts please.

    Ms Jo Flores

    in association with Scarlet Maguire Gallery
    104-108 Cromer Street
    London WC1H 8BZ
    tel: 00 44 (0) 20 7837 6680
    mob: 07916 325037
