Report stolen property
CUSTOMER COPY SP-185899-24-0101-IR
Date: 17 November 2024
Time: 19:50
This form has been sent to the Metropolitan Police via the Single Online Home reporting service.
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First name
Date of birth
Email address
Phone number
Your role
Your role
How were you involved?
I'm a victim
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Have you experienced any other crimes in the past 12 months?
Do you have any health, mobility or welfare issues that are making this situation more difficult?
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Did you do any of the following before you used the website today?
If you contacted us about this by other means then please tell us how
1st Complaint Feb 2023 to the NatWest fraud team, cheque in handwriting of Pat Jnr but both them and us believed the backdated cheque was made 21/11/22, three days before death on 24/11/22.
I reported HPW solicitors in a 101 report 05/08/24 for knowingly cashing a forged cheque SP- 160309-24-0101-IR in Pat Jnr. writing.
On 06/10/24 the SRA reported the solicitors admitted they did not get the cheque until 24/11/22 day
of death, cashing it 25/11/24 a highly illegal act. That report was on 09/10/24 ref 01/938136/24.
I also went to court as the solicitors had a conflict of 1% of estate.
I did a 101 report SP-160309-24-0101-IR against Pat Jnr for fraud. 9th October 2024. I made police 09/10/22 as crime uninvestigated.
I did an Action Fraud 13/10/24 NFRC241006946980 - Nothing Action Fraud NFRC241006977765 30/10/24 - Not correct police
Action Fraud NFRC241106999986 11/11/24 - Again not correct they say its a 'call for service' crime under NFIB recording crime.
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Incident details
Incident details
Has anyone reported this already?
If you have a reference number, please enter it below
When did it happen?
When did it happen?
24/11/2022 - 25/11/2022
Start time
End time
If you’re unsure about the date or time, please give a few details below
The next day
Where did it happen?
King St, London W6, UK
Map url
You gave us this map location earlier. Is the address correct? Can you tell us anything else to help pinpoint the exact location?
It happened at Nazareth House pallative care nursing home where Pat jnr had access to his fathers
cheque book and wrote a cheque to benefit the majority of the estate worth over a million pounds
for himself.
Having seen the will since there is also questions over it being forged too.
At the time when we saw the cheque however we as a family knew that it was in the handwriting of
our brother and not our father.
However he had backdated it to appear as if written 3 days before death. This was the solicitors
were fianlly paid and the theft from us could take place. Pat jnr wrote unequal amonts some less
than 1%.
My family and I continue to be in dispute, with the will writing solicitor Ms Gonzalez and HPW
Solicitors’ firm, on the validity of our father Mr Patrick Joseph Moss (deceased 24/11/22) will.
We have evidence that Patrick (Snr’s) son Patrick (Jnr) was the driving force behind our fathers will
and that the cheque that was presented to Ms Gonzalez by Patrick (Jnr) on the day that her client
Patrick (Snr) died was forged by his son.
Patrick (Snr) did not sign any contract with Ms Gonzalez and her firm. Evidence shows that he had
doubts about his will and he had no intention of paying for Ms Gonzalez services as his worries had
not been resolved.
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Patrick (Snr’s) bank statement shows that the cheque was cashed the day after he died so I made a
money claim which was suggested by His Honour Judge Sweeting following a Court 37 appearance
on 9th Oct 2024’.
Ms Mary Moss v HPW Solicitors (Claim No 583MC106)
It was Ms Gonzalez who received a cheque on 24th Nov. 2022 which was the day that her client Mr Patrick Joseph Moss (Snr) died. Ms Gonzalez received the cheque, for payment of services to make a will, from her client’s son Mr Patrick Joseph Moss (Jnr) (of the exact same name) when his father was unconscious at Nazareth House nursing home. The cheque was dated 3 days previous to 21st November 2022 when her client was in serious decline and dying. Nursing home records document his weakness and demise. The client’s son Patrick (Jnr) told Ms Gonzalez when he handed her the cheque that he expected his dad to die within days. Patrick (Snr) died that evening. Ms Gonzalez was informed by email the next day from Patrick (Jnr) on 25th Nov. 22 that his father had died that previous evening. The bank statement shows that the cheque is banked on 25th Nov. 2022 and not the 24th as indicated by the defence. This is a solicitor’s firm that would get immediate payment once electronically transferred by their accounts if they had done so on 24th so this indicates that it was actually banked by their department the day after her client died on the 25th. Regardless of which day they banked the cheque, HPW have been notified since, on numerous occasions, that the money had been removed by their firm the day after he died. They are the professionals and they know that this.
At any point, were you on public transport?
What happened?
Please tell us what happened, and the events leading up to it, to help us identify if an offence has been committed.
Patrick Junior committed cheque fraud to steal the siblings estate.
Forensic Document Examination Report
Case Reference: PJM-1192024-VS
Examiner: David Garzotto, CDFE
Date of Report: 11/9/2024
Type: Signature and Character Comparison Analysis
Final Conclusion
After thorough examination, it is concluded that the signature on the questioned check is forged.
The distinct differences between the questioned signature and Patrick Joseph Moss Sr.'s authentic
signature support that Sr. did not author the signature on the check. Moreover, the handwriting
similarities in the Payee, Date, and Amount sections, as well as in the individual characters (2, E, G,
M, N, Y), strongly suggest that Patrick Joseph Moss Jr. is likely the forger of the check.
It is recommended that this report be submitted to NatWest Bank’s Fraud Division as well as Action
Fraud UK for further investigation. NatWest Bank’s Fraud Division can conduct a financial
investigation specific to the account involved in the forgery, while Action Fraud UK, the national
reporting center for fraud and cybercrime, can provide additional forensic validation and coordinate
with law enforcement if necessary.
I, David Garzotto, hereby certify that I have conducted a thorough forensic examination of the
subject documents in accordance with industry standards and professional guidelines. All findings
are presented based on my expertise in forensic document examination, and I affirm that this report
accurately reflects the results of my analysis.
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This report has been prepared to the best of my knowledge and professional ability.
David Garzotto
Examiner, CDFE
End of Report
I, David Garzotto, hereby certify that I have conducted a thorough forensic examination of the
subject documents in accordance with industry standards and professional guidelines. All findings
are presented based on my expertise in forensic document examination, and I affirm that this report
accurately reflects the results of my analysis.
This report has been prepared to the best of my knowledge and professional ability.
David Garzotto
Examiner, CDFE
End of Report
Do you feel race, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexuality, disability or religion were a factor in this crime?
Stolen items
Stolen items
Were the items stolen from a building?
Select building type
Please provide details
Pallative care home
Was entry forced into the building?
How did they get in?
He sat with our father until he was deceased and then got his cheque book. He did not get any close family members to the death. When asked was there anyone to call he said, "no, I don't think so". He then took the stolen cheque to his solicitors to act for the deceased without step practice and without payment when he was alive.
Then he took his body from the first funeral home to one of his choice. He told us we would get letters and waiting two months presented us with a will that was not in our fathers language but in his own. He then when confronted about the fraud said thank you.
Were the items stolen from a vehicle?
Item 1
Item type
Other item
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Cheque book. It's in an itinary at Nazareth House in Pat Jnrs writing. Shows he had access.
As for the will there looks like parts of the solictors handwriting also is in his handwriting. The cheque is £1,080 but the value for this for him is £1,200,000.
Approximate value
Has the suspect clearly left something at the scene; such as clothing, blood, any other bodily fluids, discarded items, obvious fingerprints or footprints? Or has the suspect caused any damage or made a mess searching?
Do you have any video, audio or photo evidence?
Please describe what can be seen in your evidence
I have the itinary and the cheque and a handwriting expert report and the bank statement of our father showing uncleared funds until after his death.
Does another person, business or company have video evidence such as CCTV or mobile phone footage?
Please provide details of the person or business so that we can contact them
Yes I imagine the hospital where our father was when the will was alledgedly said to have been signed and the solicitors office where Pat Jnr was meant to have handed over a cheque and the care home.
Please describe what can be seen in the video, if you know
Please describe your appearance in the footage
Witness details
Witness details
Did anyone else see what happened?
I don't know
Suspect details
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Suspect 1
Do you know this person?
No, I don't know anything about them
Suspect details
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Ms Mary Moss Flat 32 Tonbridge House Tonbridge Street London London UK WC1H9PB England | ![]() | |
RE: NFRC241006946980 Dear Ms Moss, I am sorry to hear you have been a victim of crime. Thank you for taking the time to report to Action Fraud. Your report has been sent to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) for review. Experts at the NFIB examine the information you provide. Where possible, the information is also matched against other available data in order to enrich and corroborate the details of the fraud. The NFIB assess whether there are viable lines of enquiry that would enable a law enforcement body, such as the police service, to investigate. On this occasion, based on the information currently available, it has not been possible to identify a line of enquiry which a law enforcement organisation in the United Kingdom could pursue. |
The Expert on the will:

David from the Fraud Team at NatWest audio recording 19th November 2024
David -“We noted cheques your father wrote around the same time, we are accepting this claim, for fraud”
Me-“Oh my God, oh my God, you don’t know, you don’t know, God that’s so amazing, thank you so much, thank you, oh my God I’ve got to phone my family, I’m just crying thank you, you just ended two years of hell,
David-“Oh good grief, I’m sorry”