
Thursday, 17 June 2021

Professor Mike Stein with Mary Moss NAYPIC - Before 'Care Less Lives' was made or published, a history of NAYPIC whilst history was being made


New NAYPIC/ Youth Parliament3
Scarlet Maguire Gallery <>
Tue, 3 Nov 2009 at 00:25
Dear Mike Stein,

This is Ms Jo Gavin AKA Mary Moss of the old NAYPIC London office in 1987 to 1992.  

I remember you not sure if you remember me?

You were one of our advisors and supporters especially in leaving care issues. You helped to write 'Leaving Care where?' and from your profile I have just read on the York University site I see you are still at it!

Mike its a twist of fate and a bit full circle why I am contacting you. I am involved in setting up a youth economy and have been doing that for the past 9 years as a sole trader and social enterprise business, before I had ever heard of a social enterprise business, by setting up businesses that fund a youth parliament to independently lobby parliament and the lords and to attempt through marketing and advertising like any other elected body to change laws governing child care policy and the penal system governing child abuse as well as the locking up of children, for all children and to therefore improve children's rights following the UN Convention of the rights of the child.

In a nutshell I contacted Eileen Monroe to give an independent opinion regarding my aims to set up an independent youth economy and to then tell me if this is in her expert opinion unique.

And why would I need such feedback well...

I am in a court case at the central london county court against my landlord of the first model business spaceshift and the HQ of NN/YP for the past 9 years Scarlet Maguire art gallery which I own and run.

Now as a person who has seen NAYPIC been closed down before in 1993 having all funding wrongfully taken away by government and know the dirty tricks and lies people put in the press to not only knock an organisation down but to make sure they don't get up, I confidently suspect that the other sides solicitors will attempt to put me down on a character and on an organisational level. 

I believe this because they have copied my website and are going to use it in the 'disrepair and defective premises' trial set for January as part of there recent disclosure. 

Apart from the fact that due to business interruption which caused loss of opportunity because I could not duplicate my model nationally with care leavers as it did not show turnover I cannot see the relevance of showing my website as part of only 570 pages of their evidence. I have 1700 pages of relevant information regarding the business interruption a contractual dispute under the landlords and tenants act. The only mention of NN/YP in my evidence is a few lines in the schedule of loss at 1% of what I anticipated on making for Youth Parliament through the expansion of the business model spaceshift and an eventual membership at £100 per head per child in the country.

All details of my plans for an economy are well established on my website for years and could only come to pass when the first business model succeeded. The only reason that had little chance of success was disrepair of the shop.

I have set up this business very quietly as I don't trust the media. I also think that I would not make such good contracts as I did with a radical or mouthy organisation having learnt a lot from NAYPIC days and how one can be dragged down by them and government for speaking out.

Money is power and good business attracts good business. My clients were EuroStar, Diesel and channel 4 to name but a few. 

I did not intend to advertise that it was to fund Youth Parliament or was to be expanded by care leavers being shareholders on my two businesses websites below but kept a low profile on the website which is not very well known but I have had for years. was there well before UKYouthParliament or National Voice but we do hope that in the future when we create the backbone of children's rights the 'economy' we can help the good work of these organisations too by giving them money since we all share similar aims but we need the same 'economy' to achieve an independent national voice, the businesses to then go international but with differing businesses depending on the country.

So Mike, Eileen said to contact Terri Dowty of ARCH as Eileen is child protection but Terri did not feel qualified to talk 'economy' and has the flu so she suggested a university lecturer and immediately I thought of you.

I would like you to write an independent expert opinion on the Youth Parliament website and its aims historically and in the present climate to date and its relevance. 

I can pay £10 per hour for reading the site and any other disbursements that are necessary which may if it came to it mean attending court. 

I would not need to call you as I believe your written statement will nip a potential attack in the bud. The other side may request you to give evidence but after your report and opinion I really don't think it too would be in their interest either.

This is not a case of quantum this is a case of disrepair! I do not need or want publicity for youth parliament off the back of this case as it could do more harm than good. I just want my expansion plans and opportunities back in business. 

I would need the report by Thursday at the very latest but could ask for an extra few days if needs be. Once drafted if you could send it back to me by email I could check it and arrange for an alternative to the post to pick up the signed copy.

A template of a standard type of statement is attached. All my other witnesses about 20 of them will be relevant to disrepair. Therefore delete any aspects that are not relevant and please just take it as a guidance document.

Many Thanks & Best Wishes


in association with Scarlet Maguire Gallery
104-108 Cromer Street
London WC1H 8BZ
tel: 00 44 (0) 20 7278 4404
    Sun, 22 Nov 2009 at 10:54
    Dear Jo

    Just wading through a back log of emails having been away most of the last
    two weeks - so sorry not to be able to respond sooner.

    Well, of course I remember you as Mary Moss! I do think about the NAYPIC
    years (1979-1994) from time to time, and I do have a load of papers from
    all those meetings.

    Looking back and reflecting on NAYPIC, especially in light of what has
    happened since, I do believe, despite the difficulties and differences that
    came to a head in the later years, that it made a outstanding contribution
    to the rights of children and young people in care. It paved the way for
    all the changes that have come about in law, policy and practice. I also
    believe that all the development workers, including your self take a lot of
    credit for bringing about these changes. The concern and commitment you and
    the other development workers showed - regardless of the internal disputes
    -was essential to bringing about change.

    NAYPIC's legacy is substantial. In addition to the many changes we now
    witness in practice, it also paved the way for A National Voice, a
    parliamentary committee, the Care Leavers Association, as well as
    organisations like the National Care Advisory Service developing
    participation work. Most important of all, it has led to improvements in
    the lives of young people living in care - and you played an important

    I keep meaning to write this up one day - and would really like to discuss
    these things with the former development officers like your self to get
    your perspective on what has happened over time.

    Best wishes

    Mike Stein

    --- On Fri, 11/6/10, <> wrote:

    From: <>
    Subject: Re: New NAYPIC/ Youth Parliament
    To: "Scarlet Maguire Gallery" <>
    Date: Friday, 11 June, 2010, 9:47

    Dear Jo

    Hope you sorted your Gallery problem out successfully?

    Going through my back log of emails, and seeing yours, spurred me to do something about the history of the NAYPIC years. I came across a Childright article (November 1989)published by the Children's Legal Centre which gives your detailed account of the Speak Out 89 event held at the Hayes Conference Centre. Do you still have this article? It is based on a long interview with you. Do you consider this to be an accurate account, if it was to be published in a history of NAYPIC. No individual young person would be identified by name in the history.

    Let me know what you think

    Hope all is well

    Mike Stein
    Scarlet Maguire Gallery <>
    Fri, 11 Jun 2010 at 13:18
    Hi Mike,

    That sounds like a worthy idea. The court case is in just over four weeks and I will be representing myself in person. I have 8 evidence files all 350 pages and another dozen files of disclosure doc's etc just wading through files now. I will take a good look on Sunday as to what I have but yes the childright article was I believe quite accurate.

    Onwards and Upwards in the fight for Children's Rights...


    in association with Scarlet Maguire Gallery
    104-108 Cromer Street
    London WC1H 8BZ
    tel: 00 44 (0) 20 7278 4404 
    Scarlet Maguire Gallery <>
    Sun, 13 Jun 2010 at 16:08
    Hi Mike,

    Been to the office and there is just too much info I didn't know where to start. So just to say again the article was correct.

    To be honest things have moved on so much it nearly made me faint looking at it all. I much prefer making money in an artistic way for the youth economy and leaving all that abuse to our lawyers one day soon.

    Anyway although this case is full of emotion as to what we could lose I must keep my head straight on the issues of liability which is really boring but there is a lot at stake.

    I am representing myself so have to work doggedly with a lot of discipline in these final weeks.

    The case is at the Central London County Court for a 9 days trial. It is a David and Golieth situation against my landlord and their insurance company Royal & Sun and they have big boots and deep pockets.

    You are welcome to attend if you are in London at the time on any of the dates.

    Good luck with the history article will be interesting to read.


    in association with Scarlet Maguire Gallery
    104-108 Cromer Street
    London WC1H 8BZ
    tel: 00 44 (0) 20 7278 4404

    On Nov 26 2011, Scarlet Maguire Gallery wrote:
    >> Hi Mike,
    >> This case I was dealing with got so out of hand in complete corruption
    >> it just reminded me of what we were up against at the end of NAYPIC when
    >> we were exposing all the M.P's and our offices got cleaned out by white
    >> suited weirdo's in a dustbin cart one day. It's that same feeling again
    >> when you know what you are attempting to do is right but someone out
    >> there will make dam sure they stop you. Paranoia I don't think so!
    >> I am fed up of dealing with this corruption myself and being the only
    >> one that knows about it... so I decided at personal cost as I always
    >> wanted a low profile.. "the revolution will not be televised" and all
    >> that plus too many lesson's of the past, that sod it.... read all about
    >> it so here it is... serial complex CORRUPTION.
    >> I will always be Mary Moss... yes trouble but the anger of what I have
    >> seen through my cases at NAYPIC and how child abuse is systemic and what
    >> I have also been through something that only now final pieces are making
    >> sense.. well some of us just have to be angry.. or angry enough..
    >> If you know a good landlords and tenants / insurance lawyer who is not
    >> a sinecure and will give the case the time and for free.. yes free...
    >> but not a rubbish one who won't be detailed... then you are GOD..
    >> Best Wishes
    >> Mary Josofar Valdivieso Fortuno Flores
    >> spaceshift...
    >> in association with Scarlet Maguire Gallery
    >> 104-108 Cromer Street
    >> London WC1H 8BZ
    >> UK
    >> tel: 00 44 (0) 20 7837 6680
    >> mob: 07916 325037

    > From: "" <>
    > To: Scarlet Maguire Gallery <> Sent: Sunday, 4 December 2011, 13:18
    > Subject: Please take a look at website
    > Dear Mary
    > Thanks for this - regret I don't know any lawyers - there used to be free law centres but not sure if they exist any more!
    > At last, I finished the book about the history of the rights movement of young people in care. As detailed in my earlier email (see below), it covers the material from your interview for the Child Right article. I have attached a flyer, but do you want a free copy, and if so where shall I send it?
    > Best wishes
    > Mike Stein
     On Dec 4 2011, Scarlet Maguire Gallery wrote:

    > Dear Mike
    > Don't worry about the lawyers I think I'm fast becoming one myself. It's frankly a bit like a PHD and you have just caught me whilst do the appeal morning noon and night for the past three days, just in case permission is granted fingers crossed.
    > Yes please re the book it sounds like there are a few people who would enjoy it. Jennifer Alert from Black and In Care died as few months ago (as did my mum 3 weeks ago). I met up with many BIC and NAYPIC people due to Jen's death so will let them all know. I'm sure Maxine our once international rep now working for ANV and Paul Jordan our once International President will love the book too. By the way have you heard anything of Alison Pollington, are you in touch at all?
    > Once I win this case I will throw a big party back in my premises for us oldies in this ongoing fight for the rights of young people.. onwards and upwards.
    > By the way I would really like one day to commission a 'global child care philosophy' book to be made like a manifesto so as I said one day maybe soon I may need your paid assistance if all comes to pass since its always been you as our expert and so glad you are still there Mike.
    > My address is 3...................................................>
    > All the very best Mike
    > Best Wishes
    > Mary Josofar Valdivieso Fortuno Flores
    > spaceshift...
    > in association with Scarlet Maguire Gallery
    > 104-108 Cromer Street
    > London WC1H 8BZ
    > UK
    > tel: 00 44 (0) 20 7837 6680
    > mob: 07916 325037
    Scarlet Maguire Gallery <>
    Fri, 9 Dec 2011 at 14:28
    Many Thanks Mike for the book.

    Just one piece of monumental history you missed out was the NAGM after we all united was the Liverpool 1991 NAGM with 365 delegates to re-launch NAYPIC and the publication 'The time for Change' and the two days weekend confernence in Skegness with 400 young people called 'wot more of us'. The conference you mentioned was a London conference for London with 35 delegates. However the next year 1993 we organized our very last NAGM with a street party and bands where we had 1000 young people outside the offices of London on a very sunny day voted for the first time ever the implementation of an independent 'youth Parliament'.

    The mention of work reports not being handed in and the accounts was not true. Its such a shame to repeat such inaccuracy. They were posted, faxed, reposted it was ridiculous. The DoH deliberatley dragged their feet and starved the organisation of funds because we had dirt on 5 of their Tory MP's and people were killed over that and the offices one day DISAPPEARED we saw the end of the suits robbbing us. Anyway good attempt and good promotion for ANV.

    Did you know that the creation of was done to never again depend on government funding and if that comes to pass through social enterprise then the funding will go to ANV and UK Youth Parliament from this independent youth economy.

    I look forward to reading more and thank you for the copy.

    Please remember that those nearly 2000 people existed and they won't forget our history.

    Kind Regards

    in association with Scarlet Maguire Gallery
    104-108 Cromer Street
    London WC1H 8BZ
    tel: 00 44 (0) 20 7837 6680
    mob: 07916 325037

    From: "" <>
    To: Scarlet Maguire Gallery <>
    Sent: Tuesday, 6 December 2011, 9:00
    Subject: Re: Please take a look at website

    Thanks Mary

    Have arranged for the publisher to send you to a copy - let me know t has arrived. Don't know whereabouts of Alison.

    Best wishes


    On Dec 4 2011, Scarlet Maguire Gallery wrote:

    > Dear Mike
    > Don't worry about the lawyers I think I'm fast becoming one myself. It's frankly a bit like a PHD and you have just caught me whilst do the appeal morning noon and night for the past three days, just in case permission is granted fingers crossed.
    > Yes please re the book it sounds like there are a few people who would enjoy it. Jennifer Alert from Black and In Care died as few months ago (as did my mum 3 weeks ago). I met up with many BIC and NAYPIC people due to Jen's death so will let them all know. I'm sure Maxine our once international rep now working for ANV and Paul Jordan our once International President will love the book too. By the way have you heard anything of Alison Pollington, are you in touch at all?
    > Once I win this case I will throw a big party back in my premises for us oldies in this ongoing fight for the rights of young people.. onwards and upwards.
    > By the way I would really like one day to commission a 'global child care philosophy' book to be made like a manifesto so as I said one day maybe soon I may need your paid assistance if all comes to pass since its always been you as our expert and so glad you are still there Mike.
    > My address is 32 ......................................................................PB.
    > All the very best Mike
    > Best Wishes
    > Mary Josofar Valdivieso Fortuno Flores
    > spaceshift...
    > in association with Scarlet Maguire Gallery
    > 104-108 Cromer Street
    > London WC1H 8BZ
    > UK
    > tel: 00 44 (0) 20 7837 6680
    > mob: 07916 325037
    > ________________________________

    Mike Stein <>
    Fri, 16 Dec 2011 at 10:16
    Dear Mary
    Many thanks for this. Glad you got and liked the book. I didn't know about the 1993  NAGM - as I didn't know your contact details until you made contact with me and I checked out the Child Right article with you. However, If I have the energy for a second edition it will be included!  On a related point, would you be interested in meeting of the NAYPIC 'old young people' if we are able to organise such an event? The book is helping to discover some of those, like yourself, who played such big part.
    Best wishes
    Sent: Tuesday, 6 December 2011, 9:00
    Subject: Re: Please take a look at website

    Thanks Mary

    Have arranged for the publisher to send you to a copy - let me know t has arrived. Don't know whereabouts of Alison.

    Best wishes

    From: Mike Stein <>
    To: Scarlet Maguire Gallery <>
    Sent: Friday, 16 December 2011, 10:16
    Subject: Re: Please take a look at website

    Dear Mary
    Many thanks for this. Glad you got and liked the book. I didn't know about the 1993  NAGM - as I didn't know your contact details until you made contact with me and I checked out the Child Right article with you. However, If I have the energy for a second edition it will be included!  On a related point, would you be interested in meeting of the NAYPIC 'old young people' if we are able to organise such an event? The book is helping to discover some of those, like yourself, who played such big part.
    Best wishes
    Scarlet Maguire Gallery <>
    Sat, 17 Dec 2011 at 00:08
    Dear Mike,

    Like Lemm and David, like Joy and Patsy, like Bridget and Alison and Paul and Dalya and Lohni and Jason and Mac and Neil and Sharon and Leon and those who passed away like Carol and Robert and Paul in them days.. oh I could go on and I could name so many... All have one thing in common each had an individual past and reason to be haunted by the past.. the power of what we all do now becomes so individual and when we have buried our past and moved on to be more healed individual of our own convictions we are using the lessons of what we have learned along the way and inadvertently we become our own cause. Perhaps we all always were. The question is what made us like that?

    Respect to all those individuals. It was interesting to hear of Ad-Libbers as I had never heard of them before. I loved to hear of the journey of Maxine that was interesting too.

    I suppose it is a selective publication for most to read and the central part of how the Government is always stopping funding only reassured me that the lessons I learned especially when I resigned in 1991 from my post to develop the organization nationally to become free, was that one does not need to be paid by them to follow their dream of independence by any means necessary.

    I have ploughed over half a million pounds of my own cash into my dream.. I intend to do more and won't be stopped.

    Long Live NAYPIC.

    Mad Mary

    in association with Scarlet Maguire Gallery
    104-108 Cromer Street
    London WC1H 8BZ
    tel: 00 44 (0) 20 7837 6680
    mob: 07916 325037