
Wednesday, 3 July 2019

As far as I am concerned I just want to continue to work now for a youth economy by law

Dear Solicitors,

You asked me to respond to Mr Jeromes evidence.

This is my response. I have a problem with my eyes at the moment so as you can see this has taken me a large amount of time to complete. I want you to adduce both statements and ensure that the chair recieved both or add one to the other either way, I have gone to a lot of trouble to do the work to inform the inquiry.

Best Wishes
Mary Moss
6.13.3 Commander Neil Jerome gives evidence. When asked was there any customers on a 'list' Neil says at 6.14.59 that there was no such thing as the Elm Guest House 'list' from the evidence revisited by Op Athabasca from the 1982 raid on the Guesthouse. It was not until some years later that the 'suggestion' of this 'list' comes out 6.15.10 

Questioner says,
 "one of the most well known 'allegations' was there was a list" -

Comment - 
How is that an allegation? Who made it? Is it criminal?
Questioner leads with the 'idea' that there was a 'list' and the evidence about 'it' 6.15.17
Already implied, fantasy, and is a leading question.

 'the idea in the main, came from two people, Chris Fay and Mary Moss'

(agrees) 'that's

"I'm going to come in a moment, to 'evidence' each of them gave to Operation Athabasca and other operations" 6.15.32

Comment - 
Mary Moss has never been interviewed by any operations Athabasca she has only been raided 09/01/13 
so to name an operation she was interviewed by and gave evidence to, is completely fake to a live broadcast public inquiry. 6.15.29

"who those two people were and how they fitted into the story" 6.15.39

"Chris Fay was 'associated' with the National Association of Young People In Care organization" 6.15.48

Comment - 
Incorrect use of associated with, as the organization constitution was that it is a campaigning, consumer organization, set up to protect the rights of young people in and ex-care and was run solely by them. 
It was a membership organization run by under 25's, who were or had been in care, so it would be very clear to the commander that Chris Fay was neither of those things, he was an elected Labour Councilor for the London Borough of Greenwich and represented the Kidbrooke area where he resided. He had had trouble exposing abuse cases in care therefore so came to the consumer organization, NAYPIC.

"and Mary Moss was a colleague of his" 6.15.53 

Comment -
Implication 'associated' & 'colleague' neither of which are true or accurate statements, he had booked appointments with me.
Mary Moss was interviewed and appointed by NAYPIC as their London Development Officer and was a salaried member of staff along with nine others Nationally whereas Councilor Chris Fay was a visitor to the organization, in the same capacity as others, in that, he brought casework to the office with him, that Mary Moss had to take on, as a caseworker, due to the cases in question being in care at the time.
Chris Fay has had a criminal record since then according to a national newspaper reported widely in 2013, it transpires he was jailed for a year in 2011 for robbing old aged pensioners, which discredits him entirely and perhaps he could also be a supergrass as he only did a year for laundering money.

Whereas Mary Moss is fully DBS'ed and is a professional still being the commercial director for NAYPIC, having set up two New NAYPIC/Youth Parliament self-funding central London art galleries for New NAYPIC/Youth Parliament 1999-2019.
Mary Moss has not seen Chris Fay since she banned him from the NAYPIC offices in 1991 on the advice of her funders. So why start with him since Carol Cazier came to me by appointment. What is the focus on this crook who played no formal part to her case who happened to be hanging about at the time and took an only personal interest, not a formal one?

'let's look at Chris Fay first please' 6.15.57 

 'let's look at your statement Mr Jerome and it's page 18 and it says Mr Fay contacted the police in "Dec 2012"'


'we're all now becoming familiar with that period of time' 6.16.28 - 

Comment -
 Well "our we" Dec 2012 is not the start date of all this, it's only when Mary Moss was dragged into it by the MP looking for info with the police and likely to have Fay as their informant?
Since the police didn't EVER say that Chris Fay was interviewed, before this inquiry said so, yet Chris Fay was accused by Mary Moss early on when Watson contacted her, to Watson MP on the phone, that he must have been speaking to Chris Fay to have raised the Elm Guest House ever again? 
Watson denied this. 
Police raided Mary Moss on Jan 9th, 2013 when they couldn't get protected info out of her protected by the police and criminal evidence act PACE. 
Mary only put documents on her own blog 21.12.12 backward 
(unflipped after taking the photos quickly for fear all would be seized and she was right) 
since she was worried for the victims and herself, with the police having access to those old files cases, as they had repeatedly requested them. She had offered them to the Prime Minister and the Home Office but neither wanted them they only wanted her to deal with DCI Settle from the same area of where Carol Cazier was possibly murdered in 1991, so she had to be rightly worried to do this properly or not at all and would have warned of Chris Fay.

'because of Watson's Parliamentary question' 

Comment - 
which was actually in the Oct 2012 as seen here and Watson contacted me on 13th Dec 2012

PMQs: Tom Watson on pedophile ring links to previous PM's aide

A Labour MP asked the prime minister about claims of a "powerful pedophile network linked to Parliament and No 10".
Tom Watson called for the Metropolitan Police to look at the evidence around a "widespread pedophile ring" and allegations about child sex images and the senior aide of a former prime minister.
David Cameron said he was not sure which previous prime minister was being referred to, but he would check Hansard "to see what the government can do to give him the assurances he seeks".
  • 24 Oct 2012
As seen here above on a BBC link.

'paragraph 92, there was much speculation in the media and online including that famous people had attended EGH' 6.16.49

Yes oddly they had seemed to have flipped the documents themselves and tried to read them which was near on impossible but David Icke lot, Discovery 77, Bill Baloney and Needle blog, Jimmy Jones Outlaw, Some bald guy, Exaro, newspapers all popping out of nowhere and Madlands (which was police) all tried to read those backward photos like a frenzy it was most odd when no one took a blind bit of notice of my private court case blog, except those who were corrupting that case, ie the judiciary and a few interested lawyers and housing experts on repairing obligations as it was a big case worth 2.5 million.

 'and as you say it appears that most of these 'stories' originated' 

Comment - 
Tom Watson stated 'VIP's' but now questioner says it's 'stories' originated on the internet? 
Implying, that 'stories' were first, from the two, not from Tom Watson in Parliament on VIP's, at the heart of the establishment, allegations in Oct 2012 first, as was the correct timeline.
The questioner implies immediately that the 'stories' originated from Chris Fay and Mary Moss as if they were before Oct 2012. 

 'from Chris Fay and Mary Moss' 6.16.58

 'that's right and it would appear that they were the genesis' 6.17.02

Comment - 
The genesis of what? Tom Watson's question in Oct 2012 or 'stories', as asked by the questioner, that appeared later as a result of the question in Parliament? 

'that's right' 

Comment -
 to the questioner that implies Dec 2012 was the start date, but it wasn't it was Oct and Tom Watson but it does confuse everyone. 
Mary Moss was never contacted by Tom Watson MP, on the subject, until after Watson MP asked the question, in the House of Commons.
However with Chris Fay that is still left unknown and remains to this day and is almost kept 'vague' as he may have been the MP's source.
Commander Neil Jerome then slips in the central 'allegation' and says

 'that list' 

tying all elements up falsely, in verbal and it would seem written evidence as the questioner refers to his statement to the inquiry.

 'Paragraph 93 you refer to the fact Mr Fay was interviewed and what did he say 'in summary' say when interviewed'?

'yes he said two or three days after the raid, so one can assume that would be around the 20th June 1982'

What is the commander on about as Chris Fay met Carol Cazier in 1991 at the NAYPIC office when Mary Moss had an arranged appointment with her, as one of just three appointments Mary Moss had with her over three months before her death? 
The appointments were regarding her two children's case and that she and they were taking Richmond Council with `Hodge Jones and Allen to Court and Carol had wanted Mary Moss to support her children in the case, whom Mary would meet later, when the two, were over 18 (since they had been made wards of court) in three months time, when her younger son would be 18 as her daughter was already 21 but both had to be over 18 to take a court case against the council.
It doesn't take a genius to work out that she could not have supplied Chris Fay with journals or the guest book as they were in the possession of the police for the forthcoming crown court trial since they are stamped as that and certainly not photo's (since Carol said in 1991 she had no knowledge of events going on around her), so this is a retelling of history and placing someone there Chris Fay that wasn't and you have to wonder why the police would do that and haven't charged Fay with perverting the course of justice, they just use him, like a grass for their own ends whilst he may well be a political agent for the MP Tom Watson. So what has he got on them? 6.17.34

"dealing with the notes, the journals, the documents first'

Yes dealing with the lies first?

"did, did, did, Mr Fay provide you with all of the documents he was referring to"

"no he did not"

Referring to Commander Neil Jeromes statement paragraph 95
 "what about a photograph" 6.18.00
"there was one particular photograph that Mr Fay told you about"
"where he claimed"
'That infact Mrs Cazier had shown him"
"and there's a quote that she had shown him a photograph of Leon Brittain with a 12-year-old pre-pubescent boy sat on his lap wearing a French maids apron, frilly hat and nothing else" 6.18.21

Honestly, I don't know how the questioner can keep a straight face, yet he seems like he is really smirking regularly throughout this charade and when I went there to watch the last day of this show when I was again mentioned in summing up, I saw him doing the same thing.

'so an extremely damaging incendiary suggestion'

Again leading

'did Mr Fay ever show you that photograph or come up with any evidence that such a photograph had ever existed'? 6.18.30

"no, he did not"

"Mr Fay goes on to give a long list of people whom he claims were there and they were, Leon Brittian, Harvey Proctor, Cyril Smith, Antony Blunt, Commander Trestrail of Met Police is that right' 6.18.56


Questioner 'and Nicolas Fairbairn' 

'yes' 6.19.00

'tell us about what 'if any' evidence, `Mr Fay ever produced to support those claims"

'So 'he' made those 'claims' 6.19.06

The commander is reiterating the question which is a suggestion. Question and implies 'he' Chris Fay being the originator, (of, somewhere he wasn't  in 1982) and not that 'Carol Cazier' had made any claims at all to me in 1991 at NAYPIC, you see it gets twisted by the questioner and reiterated by the commander, ignoring everything of any importance, in the way it's asked and answered.

 'without ever providing any evidence to back those 'claims' up' 

But they were events misplaced in the time and implied they are Chris Fay's claims when Jerome knows full well Fay wasn't there in 1982 or he should do.

Questioner (and here's the jump😉 (Paragraph 96)
"You say that officers were unable to corroborate the existence of an Elm Guest House list" 6.19.27

What officers and what at what time? What list? What is the relevance?

 'from any independence source' 

his suggestion and comes from media suggestion, one could say Fay's notes instead of as that what they were
Fay didn't make the claims Carol Cazier did in 1991 and he took his own notes 
'independent source' 
Mary Moss was and is an independent source who happened to know part of the story from the horse's mouth and had some evidence that was given to her whilst she worked for NAYPIC by Mrs Cazier before her death, also Carol Caziers best friend and one journalist and another investigator and the solicitors HJA, who have not been raided or questioned and Carol's husband and children, neighbors and friends, ex-boyfriends, the runaway girl at Carol's house at the time of her death, etc are witnesses so it's pointless evidence from the commander.

'although as you said there were allusions to such a list in some of the earlier records" 6.19.39

The commander doesn't follow the question being fed to him this time, so suppose he jumps to later assertions of what he thinks is allusions being referred to.

'Subsequently, and I don't know if you want me to deal with it now, we were able to search the address of Mary Moss" 6.19.51

 'we'll come to Mary Moss in a moment'

'certainly, with the allegation of Chris Fay, there is no corroboration to that' 6.19.57

So here we go slam dunk 

Questioner (paragraph 97), 
"but moreover there are suggestions to approach anything he says with a degree of caution" 6.20.15

'Yes there are' 6.20.17

 'he's a, a conviction for dishonesty' 6.20.28

 'looking at your statement there you say Mr Fay was convicted for fraud in 2008, I think that may need correcting' 

(2011 so if it was for a year, he got out in 2012 and could possibly have approached Watson MP since there was an election for political gain and for payback, who knows but he's fresh out of prison and has a particularly nasty conviction against Old Aged Pensioners) all the more reason to concentrate on him as Mary Moss is of very good character and morals and professionalism, setting up and funding two WC1 galleries voluntarily for children.

Commander 'My apologies its actually 2011'

How can he make such a mistake/ or why? 
Does the Commanders statement have the correction?

'On a money laundering offence, I think?'
"but as you say a conviction for dishonesty none the less' 

The commander now really looks away..?
He doesn't want to answer and he looks annoyed as he seems to want to keep it brief.

"and you go on to two further linked matters that you say are relevant to Mr Fay's credibility one is, a series of allegations he made which were investigated by an investigation called Operation Merita is that right?" 6.21.04

I now wonder if the Commander is not actually stating facts for defense later like, he just read the file, etc, letting the questioner state facts, then agreeing, isn't it a strategy as there are some strange links with the legal team on the inquiry doing the case and one of the solicitors Martin used to work with the Home office which could be a massive conflict of interest.

'linked to that because that was a particular allegation made within operation merita, allegations he made relating to a young man who we siffered as WMA28" 6.21.21 

That is REDACTED of Grafton Close Children's home, a NAYPIC case Mary did about him being abused at the Guest House and REDACTED knew Princess Diana too. He is a very good witness and works REDACTED.

'that's right'

"briefly deal with those points can we go to the operation merita closing report which is IPC000839, the chair and panel tab 13, page 12 of the report, the passages I'm going to take you to relate only to some of the core allegations that Mr Fay made, that were investigated related to an occasion where special branch officers approached, threatened him' 6.22.59

'In that Mr Fay described the two incidences twice and there were serious inconsistencies in the two accounts...etc'

(para 59-61) 'Yes, three months between late 2015 and early 2016 - 6.24.00

He goes on to say and I paraphrase...
Men with Guns, stay away from Elm Guest House, then three months later he says dark grey suits, dark guns, holsters and one removed his gun and said keep your nose out of Elm Guest House... He said they got into a Ford Capri etc

Significant inconsistencies between the two both statements are different 6.26.30 
Gun, temple, etc/ or hands around the neck

Another account by Operation Winter Key investigators
About boy WMA28 6.28.07 
A former resident of Grafton care home. 

(WMA28 is Mary Moss's case but I don't think he met Fay although he was in the office around the same time so he may have done. Mary met REDACTED again in or around 2013 and it was an emotional reunion. She was later asked to supply NAYPIC office notes made by her on his case, to his legal team, she also spoke about him, his name was bleeped out though, on Channel 4 news seen here, soon after Mary Moss had been raided by Operation Fairbank/Fernbridge at 2.22 mins . Anyway it's totally inappropriate to mention this witness in relation to Fay).

Mr Fay made allegations about being warned off by special branch

This one cannot be true as it was 1988 and Carol approached NAYPIC in 1991. Plus he said that REDACTED had said he had been abused by Leon Brittain, so now he is actually using this NAYPIC case, as REDACTED made no such claim. I can tell you what he did claim but it wasn't that.

'He says that special branch officers had attended the WMA28's home address, where he lived with his grandmother'
' according to Fay, before the boy attended NAYPIC he had gone to Richmond police station and apparently asked him to keep quiet about EGH and that he had been fobbed off at the police station' 6.28.40

He may have met REDACTED at a later date as he was along with Bill Maloney and John Wedger acting as anti-child abuse campaigners associates of Chris Fay's but if not then he has simply invented this, as I don't remember him ever meeting Fay and the timeline is totally wrong

Fay said special branch again approached the boy on the day he approached NAYPIC and again asked him to keep quiet about EGH 6.29.06
And if we look at page 9 of the report paragraph 47-51 I'm not going to read all of that but in summary, can you explain.

Yes the boy contacted Operation Winter Key himself and he said he had never known Mr Fay or ever met him 6.30.40

and if we look at paragraph 51 WMA28 said he had never been to Elm Guest House and he had never been abused by Leon Brittian6.31.00

okay, I don't know who the WMA28 is then? Not one of my cases then. As REDACTED and his friend whom he mentioned REDACTED who is now dead were the cases, I dealt with as well as Carol and her children's case before she died.

The reason why we went to Operation Merita was, issues around the credibility of Mr Fay and what conclusion do Op Winter Key and what conclusions do you come to around the credibility of Mr Fay?

Before coming to those conclusions just to say to the inquiry around the sky blue Capri we did extensive inquires around that partial reg number which I won't describe

there were some reg numbers we got a BBC journalist to check out in relation to the one outside the station at Barnes, I recall, and they were unmarked vehicles, so Fay is using real events here but anyway the commander is keen to establish a point on that

They went through all vehicles at that time and were not able to find anything that was connected to law enforcement 6.31.51

That shows the lengths that Operation Winter key went to, to establish evidence?

That's right incredibly through

And now tell us in a few sentences what conclusions you have come to? 6.32.01

and the conclusions are that the credibility of Chris Fay is called into question there is evidence that does not prove his claims and in fact, prove that some of the claims there is absolutely no substance to those and the overall conclusion is that there is no evidence to substantiate any of Mr Fays claims 6.32.38

That's Chris Fay, let's move on if we may to Mary Moss the other of the two individuals whose evidence has founded this idea of an Elm Guest House list 6.32.49
if we can go back to your statement please and er its page 20 paragraph 100 Mr Jerome 6.33.00
you say that Mary Moss published online a list of Elm Guest House attendees that was in January in 2013. 6.33.11

I published what I had unflipped on my own blog for safety reasons in Dec 2012 after being approached by Op Fairbank to hand over what I had


'and that the list included celebrities and famous people from the 1980s and I think it's right that Operation Winter Key attempted to get hold of whatever documents Mary Moss had that might substantiate her claims

 I didn't make any claims

That would be crucial and important evidence 6.33.33

Did you ask Mary Moss to have those documents

She refused on a number of occasions 

Did she provide them 

She declined

And I think at one stage she provided her documents to the BBC or some of them?

Yes that's right

Questioner who quickly interrupted, 
'and did you then ask the BBC for them

and they also declined 

Presumably, because Mary Moss hadn't given them permission to give them to you

Yes that's right

And so in the end what steps did you take or Operation winter key take? 6.34.02

it was Operation Fairbank and later changed to Fernbridge, Winter Key was towards 2016/7 and this was 2013 Jan 9th 

Officers obtained a search warrant and 'effected' an entry into her address in order to 6.34.08

Effected yes because they waited for me not to be in as they probably didn't want me there.

recover any material that might be relevant

and what was found on the property by way of documents that might be relevant to this issue

There was substantial material that the officers recovered, specifically there was a sauna appointment book, an appointments desk diary 6.34.29

I don't recall having the sauna book, or it being taken but it may have been in the other boxes of stuff 'recovered' in my friends shed 20 odd boxes and they did say that they found one other book and relevant material which wasn't returned for 5 years

There was also 40 boxes or so of various material some of which was handwritten notes, press clippings ahh and other material that was discovered in her address 6.34.46

What is other material sounds ominous?

Was there here anything that could fairly be described as Elm Guest House list?

No, clearly there were notes and there were 'lists', the 'provenance' of that material could not be ascertained at all and it was very unclear to the officers as to when those 'lists' we 'created' and from what 'source material' they were 'generated' so there is no, there is 'no evidence linking those to the raid' and the 'provenance' of them was 'dubious'

Sounds a bit weird to say 'lists' like shopping lists or something. The idea of a 'list' came from the press, so to imply that 'substaintial material including casework' an organisation held can be called 'lists', or the fact that 'press clippings on the organisations work' would make a person sound like one of those nutters that collect things, is equally as dammingly implied, giving a wrong impression, some what freely and without question.

Um, can we move onto the next page of your statement and just look at paragraphs 106 and 107? 6.35.28
I just want to look at these paragraphs and then ask you um, about some of the language that's used in them, Mr Jerome, you say when the documents and I think that's the documents that's in Mary Moss's property that you just mentioned 


Were reviewed by the officers there were some suggestions that multiple people had attended Elm Guest House one time or another but often without specific dates having been provided 6.35.57

what is he on about? 'some suggestion', 'often without dates', that's inaccurate as 'bank receipts' show 'dates' and the diaries show 'entries'

And there were no specific allegations?

'that's right' 6.36.02

And then you go on to say from the material seized from Mary Moss Operation Fairbank Officers identified the following people as partially having been connected with Elm Guest House and then there's a list, and we'll come back to the list in a minute, but in those two paragraphs a very careful and cautious language is used, you talk of suggestions that people had attended Elm Guest House and the possibility that people were connected with Elm Guest House

That's right and the reason for being careful is back to what I said previously which is that we don't know the 'provenance' of that 'material' um cannot be ascertained 6.36.43

they never asked me and I said to them in emails it was given to me by Carol Cazier so he is implying that I am dubious and that they just don't believe that Carol was the provenance of that material before her death

So far from being an authoritative guest list, is it, would it be fair to describe the documents, as 'simply' documents of uncertain provenance 6.36.56
Which as you say suggest the possibility of that people 'may' have attended Elm Guest House

That's correct of 'uncertain origin and certainly, evidentially there's no, there no 'sustenance' to them' 6.37.10

Makes no sense they are not food, don't provide strength, weird thing to say 'sustenance'!

And if we do look at the list, I see it's already on the screen, the list the first name is redacted then we have Harvey Proctor, George Tremlett, Barry Haddon, Dr Peter Johnson, mumbled someone and John Stingsmore, Lionel Blair Jasper Conrad, I think we see from all of the lines of your statement that all of those individuals were approached and asked for a statement


And I think it's right to say that all of them denied ever having been to Elm Guest House?

That's right

Could I ask you to move away from your statement for the moment and to go to the witness statement provided by Chief Inspector Settle, That's back to HRP000001 and if we could look at page B first of all please paragraphs 11 and 12 --- 6.38.18
Mr Settle says this, the first time I heard Harvey Proctors name mentioned to do with the Elm Guest House was on the infamous guest list which 'proved' to be a work of fiction, created by Christopher Fay, Mary Moss and Carol Cazier, the deceased former owner of Elm Guest House, they put together a dossier purporting to be the Guest room receipt book for Elm Guest House, the Guests were allegedly so high profile that they didn't use their own names when checking in but this dossier purported to be the truth, the the dossier was put online and spread on social media before the police were even made aware of existence 6.39.04

Well that's not true is it, as the police were chasing me for the PACE protected documents and so that is why I had to put them unflipped and illegible online in a rush on a small blog called regarding my current litigation lasting 6 years over New  NAYPIC/ Youth Parliaments flooded commercial premises, and that was after Carol was found dead I didn't want to take any chances of all being buried including witnesses and me or family members. It was spread online but that is a mystery for me as how something so illegible became so worthwhile to make headlines, it is still odd that that happened

I had met with Chris Fay during our research into allegations into the Elm Guest House following our meeting with MB. He was very evasive and certainly didn't mention this dossier he had created, we only found out later once Mary Moss put it on the internet 6.39.23

Does that mean they were in touch with him since they say before she, (Mary Moss) put it on the internet, so that would make the timeline 2012 November and show some working between Watson and Police and Fay certainly 'interviewing him before' then, as the documents in my possession for 28 years were uploaded by me for safety in 21/12/12. Which would also show that they had it in for me because of my court case (Remember Exaro and Panorama visted the court during permission to appeal as did the Guardian (they got a good photo of me in a wig outside the RCJ) 2012, which was successful and maybe the New NAYPIC/Youth Parliament website casework and 'possibly', who knows, that the 'judiciary had friends ie Tom Watson', in high places and were a bit fed up of me 'winning' against them and not giving up when there was a global insurance 'consequence' at stake on 'absolute liability'. Certainly this kind of fortunate for them 'scandal' didn't help me at the Appeal in May 2013 when my name as Mary Moss had now become very well known, including a police raid and front page news.

I found that behavior rather duplicitous. After investigating it transpired that the names on the list were nothing more than a list, the names of people who had been associated in the media or convicted of paedophilia, homosexuality or any police officer who had had anything to do with the investigation. Despite the furor over the list initially it was shown to have zero evidential value 6.39.50

The questioner is calling it a list and now even though it was a lot of notes on various people and their association, he still focuses on a 'list' going so far as to say the 'list' had no 'evidential value, which makes no sense whatsoever. Also his use of 'nothing more'.

And just holding that in mind, if we can look at one other reference and that's page 7, paragraph 29, the media frenzy encouraged false information to spread, such as the infamous 'handwritten' Elm Guest House list, Christopher Fay has addmitted to writing that list, Christopher Fay is a former Labour Councillor 6.40.21

And he was a Labour Councillor as the questioner eventually mentions at that point in time in 1991, so saying former is misleading as it could be anytime,

And a convicted fraudster 6.40.22

Aha again a convicted fraudster but not saying when and that it was within a short time of getting out of prison and certainly the same year 2012, if he was jailed in 2011 that he approached an MP and had met with him at no less that the Houses of Parliament and that if I hadn't of thrown him under the bus, stating that this could all have only of come from him he 'would have' and certainly 'could have' remained anonomous and behind the scenes. But I 'named him' to Watson and 'anyone else that asked' so he 'popped up on social media' in Feb 2013 'after' I was raided with his 'new fellow fraudsters' in this 'political gain game' and whatever else it was about because "it wasn't about helping people" I can assure you.

He is an exceptionally subversive individual and I know he has gone out of his way 6.40.26
to try and coherse suggestible people into saying certain things 6.40.30

Well why did the police who this evidence suggest interviewed him, who would have known about his conviction for fraud, unlike the rest of us, when they did a background check, have let him be around victims of sexual abuse and allow him a social media platform for so long to do that, effectively allowing people to place trust in him, knowing what he was?

As was confirmed by the BBC Panarama programme in 2015
Again if Panorama knew what he was about why didn't they expose him long before 2015 since I met them and told them about him in 2012, when they approached me at my permission to appeal victory hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice, the Strand, (as long as they would then go away as I found their presence as well as Exaro's very disturbing during a completely separate incident the NAYPIC shops).

And when I investigated Elm House, we interviewed Chris Fay a number of times and his story changed each time he told it. 6.40.50

Since Carol was my case how come they didn't ask for information from me or interview me, how come they just raided, got the evidence and I never heard from them as to that evidence they even now still hold which belongs still to me since Carol gave it to me at NAYPIC before she died. Maybe he was a supergrass so that's why he only got a year, that's why Watson contacted me to work with the police as they were all in it together, nice and cosy. Yet now they are, like Panorama, who were also in on it and Exaro also in on it, turning against him and he is taking the fall for them all, because he doesn't care as he works for them. It's me that they would like to take down and the untold case, bastarised by his conviction and willfully wrong official association confirmed by all these people, with it. Clever but no so clever, just tidy, they had they time and money to do that. Let's hope the Chair see's through it but I doubt it, since my evidence even in this inquiry isn't sought or even when I have kicked the door down, they haven't adduced it into the public domain, in a public inquiry, yet have crimminally slandered and libelled me without any charges.

I don't view him as a credible source 6.40.52

A number of points there Mr Jerome, let me put a few points to you and then could ask you if you have any response to what Mr Settle says?

First of all the allegation that Chris Fay was not credible, I think we've covered that would you agree with that


Yes I would and I've already said so 6.41.11


Secondly that the 'list', the 'documents' have zero evidential value, do you agree with that? 6.41.20


Now he cleverly or clumsily includes 'the documents' which is a very sweeping statement since they have DNA evidential value, right?

I would and I've already said the same too. 6.41.25

No two people say the same thing or phrase things in the same way, but he has agreed and he's not stupid but can say, the questioner said that and not him, as he just agreed to that particular wording, now also including, the wording 'the documents, that haven't been mentioned, just a sound bite by the press, already agreed, 'the list'.

The assertion, if list it was, is a work of fiction 6.41.31

You see so he's highly aware, as he says, 'if list it was' but then by implication is attempting to trash all the documents hmmm and he is labouring the point unneccessarily as strong evidence, of which he has not to asset against the documents and nor has he in any way explored them at the inquiry, doesn't need ramming home like this repeatedly!

And that Chris Fay has admitted writing the 'list'

Again falling back to that comfortable word Chris Fay wrote 'the list'
I mean in a way this gives the convicted fraudster a bit of power for conspiracy theary people who like this kind of thing. Why can't they all just tell the truth, why so much oney on these lies, why has power given power to Fay, why do they hide me so much in this since 2012?

I don't think it's clear who, as to the origin, or author or authors of that 'list' are but it's certainly very clear that evidentially that 'list' has 'no value' and how it's been created is certainly 'dubious' 6.41.55

Dubious, wow.. that is an assertion, origin, etc all implication and slander and criminal libel through association with Fay who they have cause to see as dubious, but not me or the documents

Is there anything else you wish to say about those sections of Mr Settles Statement

DCI Settle raided my house with Operation Fairbank after speaking to Tom Watson, who told the DCI I have information and documents and those documents had only at that point in Nov been seen by Panorama and Exaro after they haranged me for them at my court case. So I agreed if they would go away, to meet them the next day.

No about those sections no

Can we go back to your statement and page 24 of it, just concluding on the issue of this 'list' 6.42.15

Para 2-6 subsection A-D

Your conclusion have been drawn from Operation Atabasca and what you say is 'no list, has ever been identified'

That's correct 6.42.48

Makes no sense so why has he gone on about it?

Secondly that other than WMA9 the child removed from Elm Guest House during the raid, no credible victim has ever come forward alleging a specific offence suffered whilst at Elm Guest House? 6.42.59

So is he suggesting WMA9 Carol's son was taken into care wrongly as was Carols assertion and had said at the time of visiting me at NAYPIC in 1991 were her two children's assertions too as also seen still in WMA9's witness statement? And what about other NAYPIC cases at the Elm Guest House from the children's home Grafton Close? You just can't make it go away becuase of Fay's conviction which is all we heard about and the samantics of the word 'list' as oppossed to 'documents' too, not just Chris Fay's notes and whatever else he seems to have found out in 1991 being in the office at the time on another case, never having met Carol in 1982 as the Commander suggests.

That's right 6.43.00

Thirdly WMA9 now denied having been subjected to any sexual abuse

He always did so you can't say 'now' and Carol said they used her kids as a gun to keep her quiet so that is why she had to prove her innocence when they were both 18 and take a case against the local authority, which means her kids should now proceed or settle out of court with the local authority insurers unless they already have. As her youngest even was placed in the offending childrens home as far as I recall.

And denies making a statement in the original investigation! 6.43.11

Wow even worse, it's awful for them, everything they lost, their childhood, their mother at 17 and 21 oh I feel for them more so now.

That's right

Does he not know what he is saying oh so cavilier? 6.43.13

Of these no person of prominence has conclusively been identified as having abused a child at the Elm Guest House?

That's right

Thank you. Let me turn to another subject and that is the criminal investigations into child sexual abuse at Grafton Close children's home, we referred to Grafton Close a inute ago in connection with Operation Merita 6.43.41

And I think you'll agree with me it's a childrens home is west London of 10 miles or so from Barnes 6.43.49

Barnes for those not in the know is where Elm Guest House is

That's right 6.43.53

And in 2012 and following and first of all Operation Winter Key investgated allegations of sexual abuse at Grafton Close childrens home


It was Operation Fairbank then turned to Ferbridge and around 2016/8 it was Op Winter Key, bit strange they play with facts so much here and there

That's right

And secondly and relatedly 6.44.10
allegations that boys from Grafton Close may have been taken to Elm Guest House and abused there

That's right I think the 'word' that was 'used' in the 'claim' 6.44.20

This is sounding very odd almost to pre-supposing another 'falsehood', I mean these 'claims' are from people who were in a children's home, it's off language and now one just gets that feeling, it's going to be another 'list' scenerio again, let's see?

Was trafficked

Can we look please at at your witness statement and its page 26 and you describe in this section the investigation into allegations of abuse at Grafton, 6.44.50
Close. I think it's right to say in summary that charges were brought against two men 6.45.00

And that was REDACTED my NAYPIC case, John Stingmore and Father Tony Mc Sweeney. Stingmore died and Mc Sweeney got sentenced.

A man called John Stingmore who was the Manager of the childrens home. And a second man who was called father Mc Sweeny who worked there as a care worker. 6.45.10

And straight after my raid they were arrested as a female officer told me it was thanks to my information that they had seized and it was on ITV news and Channel 4 News, the BBC and Sky interviewed but didn't report or use the interviews of me, unlike the other two.

That's right 50 individuals were indentified 6.45.16
as having been identified as being at the care home and 40 of those individuals were spoken to and there were 8 individuals that came forward with allegations. 6.45.33

And if we can look at paragraph 136, we can see that there is one man whose siffer is, WMA115 who first of all was one of those that claimed to have been abused, as a child at Grafton Close, by Mr Stingmore and Father McSweeney 6.45.55

Yes he was one of those 8


And he also made an allegation that he'd been taken to Elm Guest House by Mr Stingmore where he'd been sexually abused by unknown men.

So that is REDACTED who came to me at NAYPIC. And they wore dogtags and army trousers and vests and filmed the session (see middle of this archive page link ). This was on the New NAYPIC/Youth Parliament website in plain sight for the police to investigate since about 2001 since they were doing nothing about abuse for a long time. It was all there and I made sure of it so the cases could all come back to NN/YP.

He was the only individual that made that allegation 6.46.11

Yes and I took his witness statement 26 years before about it

So just focusing for just a moment on the allegations of abuse at Grafton Close, we can see a series of charges that you brought agfainst Mr Stingmore yes


Page 27, don't want to go into detail of these at least at the moment and then we see the charges against Father McSweeney

That's right

But there were more people involved and associations with other figures in organised child abuse and trafficking which I bet he won't explore and more ended up dead conviently that Stingmore, this is a whitewash I can feel it.

And you record Stingmore never stood trial because he died shortly before the trial was due to commence

That's right, it was the week before the trial 6.47.12

And that Neil Kier who was one of the staff was involved as I recall yet in this they make out he was the one who was on the scene at the 1982 raid and interviewed Carols son, so they re-wrote his part as well as Fay's 1982 so called involvement and also don't say he also died mysteriously at the start of all this in a crash in scotland yet somehow this dead person acts as a witness and has a witness statement. A sure case of using the dead and sanitizing them.

Father McSweeney was tried and he was convicted on some counts.

The same priest who married Frank Bruno and his wife, who had also some football links I recall and Frank Bruno has been seen a lot in this whole thing pictured with The Yorkshire Ripper and Saville, I don't know the association but just to put the audience in the picture more about this monk, 'the fat monk' the kids called him at the home. There is no mention then of the allegation of abuse in trips to Bexhill on Sea etc and no links made after the death of Stingsmore the Officer In Charge no less to who he was employing? Who knew who etc.

That's right he was convicted on two counts of those counts 6.47.21

And he was convicted on counts, which related to abusing children at Grafton Close

That's correct 6.47.30

What about WMA115's allegation 6.47.34

Oh I see because Mc Sweeny got to be charged for Grafton they'll be no link.. we shall see here is the point being estabished by the questioner

allegation that he had been 'trafficked' as 'you' put it or as 'he' put it 6.47.39

Not nice the subject is to serious for this smirking bastard

To Elm Guest House and abused there?

Yes 115's allegations were initially not going to be proceeded to by way of charge but following a review the CPS decided that they would then result in charge and that was part of the inditment that was put to McSweeney and one and 115's allegation were found, McSweeney was found, to be NOT GUILTY of those 6.48.12

Poor REDACTED this is so bad as he is such a sensible witness and it beggers belief that the police didn't ask me for his statement. Mind you they are attempting to discredit me in this out of the blue with no warning and no attempt to contact so it hardly is surprising but it is tragic. Charles Napier had a connection to all this too as I recall and not what Ester Baker later came out to say as I know nothing about her case but I know he was associated with this case at the time and later he was unconnected to all of this convicted on 13 counts of paedophilia. There is something that doesn't want to be joined up here or with Napier and Fay knows it hence why he is the polices pawn. I think its sad for REDACTED as a victim and a witness, as this is all sanitized and he must feel abused again. I know when I seen him in April 2013 he had had his computer stolen and was being surveyed. I hope in 2019 we are at a point when the chair will question these lies and incomplete investigations but we'll see. Change won't happen with it.

Right, so err that is how 'that resolved itself'

Is this guy heartless or what its horrible to watch how he behaves

And as you say, he was the 'only' person who made those allegations about Elm Guest House

Again he smirks, he a very bias questioner, he enjoys a certain poo pooing of all of it. Isn't he meant to be independent? Does he have no repect for those involved, clearly not!

That's right 6.48.22

He was the only one, out of the 50 people indentified, 40 people spoken to, 8 that had said that they had been abused

So 20% had been abused but you don't believe REDACTED okay okay thats all good and you are attempting to on top of his abuse undermine it and him, nice!

He was the only one 6.48.33

I think you've made that clear but I think he was the only one of that 'cohort of residents' 6.48.40

The questioner is actually mad he is now smiling broadly calling the abused children a 'cohort of resident's' oh sack him now.. foul man.

At Grafton close

That's right

And just to tie this up if we can go 6.48.48

Very unfortunate use of language there considering REDACTED used to have medicals where they would tie them up with sellotape, just imagine the trigger REDACTED would have felt there.. wow

Go back please to Mr Settles statement I think for the last time this afternoon at any rate HRP000001, Pg 4, para 13, after my investigation, I came to the firm conclusion that the allegation

With 20% of 40 having been abused perhaps there is room for error in his firm conclusion


Ah see they were now called children in this albeit he's reading an unscripted witness statement from years back as his conclusive evidence

were being 'prostituted'

Prostitued now what does that say about the character of Settle?

out to a local children's home and taken there, I think he means to Elm Guest House, were completely false. 6.49.29

I wonder if the questioner will smile again as he only does that when he has banged to rights the children at the time as liars even when they achieved convictions and got people locked up eventually?

I think one such allegation was presented to a jury and the jury did not convict on that allegation?

And that allegation related to 'alleged' abuse at the care home

I thought you said that the allegation, one of the allegations against Father McSweeny related to Elm Guest House

No so, that was the allegation, so 115 that was put to the jury and found not guilty, and those allegations related to abuse that was taking place at Grafton Close. 6.50.06

So now he is underming any abuse REDACTED faced at the home too. OMG so it's total assainsination because he is such a lovely guy and was friends with Princess Diana and his best friend in the home killed himself over it all, they just have to undermine him. And that is why all the others, except him, got convictions, ahh so weird but now I get it.

I see so the allegation related to EGH did not relate to Father McSweeney? 6.50.13

That's right

In any event Mr Settle has expressed his 'view'

In any event? Oh so he didn't get the link he looked for so he resorts to saying 'in any event, those allegations are 'false' I mean its not a word, unproven, unproved, not proved, but false is slander isn't it. It's one thing to have Carl Beech but this is not the same by any stretch of the imagination, and I was never contacted by Settle who raided my house on REDACTED and his 26 year old allegations of abuse at Elm Guest House and Grafton Close and one is proved already, so it's been a mighty fight for this individual for the questioner to imply he isn't tell the truth and that the allegations were in his own words 'false'.

That those alleations were completely false? 6.50.22

Oh and here's the smile

What is the Metropolitan Polices postion in relation to thise allegations?  6.50.26

And so I would say that that is entirely consistant with the evidence that I have given to this inquiry this afternoon

At least he's not stupid, can you imagine the headline, commander says 'children at the time were false accusers' however he did say, which is still slander that the questioners statement would be consistent with the evidence that he gave this afternoon and in law that is 'implied' slander and criminal libel as 115 know's who he is.

I see, thank you very much for that Mr Jerome

One more point and then two more topics that won't take very long


First of all the inquiry this week has heard a fair amout about the Paedophile Information Exchange PIE I'm sure you're familiar with it 6.50.53

Yes I am and I've heard those references during the course of my being here 6.51.00

Is there any evidence that you're aware of between Elm Guest House and the people there and the paedophile information exchange?

I've seen nothing in the material I've read that references the Paedophile Information Exchange nor of any persons that has been linked to it, as well, as were persons, connected to the Elm Guest House 6.51.26

What does that sentence even mean?

Thank you

Moving on a discreet topic which relates to the night of the raid or the events surrounding the raid in 1982 there was a young person there, a 17 year old man, 6.51.51

Man, young person?

Who was, as we'll see a massuer, at the Guest House
He was arrested on the night of the raid and he made certain allegations about things he said that had happened to him both before the raid and after it when he was in custody, that's right isn't it?

That's right 6.52.11

And those matters were investigated in and investigation called operation Yvonne? Another of the IOPC managed investigations, that's right?

That's right

And we will see that the individual in question has the siffer for our purposes of WMA8 is taht right?

That's correct

So lets quickly go to the Yvonne closing statement Tab 16 IPC this is one of the closing statements taht is still in draft and we heard fro Mr Mhappfey about that earlier this week chair may we adduce this into evidence

But if it's in draft, why adduce it yet as can't use it right?

Page 4, para 18, we see summary of the bakground of WMA8 and your position - 6.53.49

He was born in 65 and so he was aged 17 in 1982 at the time of the raid and the report says that it's without dispute that in 1982 WMA8 was living at Elm Guest House where he was 'casually' employed as a masseur, WMA8 agrees that he sometimes 'provided' sexual 'services' to the 'male visitors' at the property including mutual masterbation and oral sex 6.54.20

He's so caveilier, I mean its disgusting does anyone see this underage boy as a victim here at all or is that just okay he was 'casually employed' by whom?And he 'agree's' what's that about that he 'provided 'services', so he is having to be exploited but now we are calling it 'services' and he 'agrees'? Sounds like a vulnerable adult here.  And I notice how the questioner doesn't look up or ask for another, is that right Mr Jerome? Or opinion on how that boy was being treated and is now as a witness, weird since I would have thought that it would have given an indication at the least that there was therefore underage activity/abuse going on at the EGH in that graphic detail casually given for us all to swallow? Which in turn shows an atmosphere of selling sex that was underage as pure fact now at that time? So why would Vincent not be believed since he contemporaniously complained of being abused there not years later? Another vulnerable young boy, not a man yet? How did the 'masseur' a ridiculous term, as if suggesting professionalism, come to be there, singing for his supper. Harry was a friend of Savile wasn't he, although I know nothing on any connection there, except he showed off about it. A homeless 17 year old cannot be classed as a witness, more like a victim. How is that not stated and explored by the questioner?

And dropping down to page 20, it is recorded that in 2012 WMA8 contacted the UK press where his allegations were first aired.

It's not true, nothing went public until after my raid 9th Jan 2013.

And is that the context of the investigation that then followed in 2012?

That's right that's the beginning. 6.54.46

Why do they want all their dates wrong?

Page 2 of the report, para 6 we see here listed the allegations that WMA8 made, first of all that two undercover police officers had sex with him 6.55.11

oh sounding a bit more like Fay like allegations sure it wasn't after Feb 2013 when Fay had made a presence and perhaps this guy had got hold of Fay..

at separate times at the Elm guest house before the raid?

Yes 6.55.15

Secondly that police bugged the Elm Guest House phone for months before it was raided and had WMA8 under observation 6.55.24

What and did nothing, even though age of consent was 21 and he was a boy of 17 having sex with multiple males not of his choosing so effectively being exploited by anyone booking in because he was homeless? That is vulnerable cohersive rape!


Thirdly prior to the Guest House being raided, the owner Carol Cazier had paid money to the Richmond Police officers for contribution s to the Richmond Police Christmas fund and finally that WMA8 was sexually abused during his time in custody after his arrest that was his arrest after the time of the raid

That is correct, right 6.55.52

While his strip search was being conducted.


So those are the allegations that he made at least some of those were made publically 6.56.00

And he smiles so this must be a good bit coming up


And those alleagtions were investigated

Yes they were

The report is lenghty and reporters investigated a 'large number' of witnesses in this investigation, did they not?

Oh how so who were they?

Yes they did

It would be helpful if we could go to the officer in charge of the raid
Page 7, Para 35, we see that the witness was a man called Brian Lock, the uniformed officer in charge and report of how the raid was led up to survellience etc

That's right

He said he put two hetrosexual officers into the house, then they were spuradically deployed over a number of weeks, 6.57.49

Then he explains the decison to conduct a raid and how it happened


The officer remembers two females being arrested and the possible arrest of the young masseur


He recalls the arrest of Mr and Mrs Cazier in total he recalls some 14-18 people being detained as their was nothing extrodinary about the raid, quotes, 'no VIP's' 6.58.32

Stating 'if there had been I am certain I would have been told" 6.58.38


Much of this is the background evidence that you explained to us at the start of your evidence theis afternoon


Lock explained that the purpose of the raid was to conduct the raid secure any prisoners and get the boy out of the house

Yes 6.58.59

He explains that after the raid the case was handed over to Richmond CID. He says he has no knowlegde of teh house being covertly bugged by the police as this was then a new tactic, he eplained he had run the operation himself with no outside assistence

Yes (a number of Yes's throughout that)

That he 'may' have reported the incident to his cheif superintendent

Yes 6.59.30

Comment this is a dire tribe only interupted with Yes's from the commander, what is the question?


We see at the end of that paragraph he says that there was no such thing as the Richmond police Christmas fund, he mentions that the raid went off prematurley because the device that one of the undercover officers had been using had been triggered 6.59.53

Earlier Lock said he didn't bug the place? But now the device went off.
I had heard about that years ago so Lock does confirm that part and of course it could also indicate, although the questioner is laughing as if it's nothing, that there was a tip off as I recall and no VIP's were then there.

Ahead of time, infact by Mrs Cazier.

That's right

And finally this at Paragraph 44, Lock envisages that no one was arrested and released before arriving at police custody 7.00.07

Well after the event that covers the tip off comment to NAYPIC by Carol, with the police having a radio concealed in his plaster cast

Yes I totally trusted my sargents and inspectors, he said a strip search of WMA8 was quote, 'very unlikely' to have occurred and he clarified this by stating taht an inspectors authority would have been needed for this to have taken place 7.00.26

He stated strip searches would have only been done for drugs and it wouldn't have been done without a police surgeon present and he also asserted that he believed that it was absolute rubbish to suugest that any police officer was ever intimately involved with WMA8

No, that's right

Why are we hearing the statements of only police officers settle and Lock? These are simply assertions and have no evidential value?

There were a large number of other individuals spoken to witnesses, as mentioned one of the undercover officers ahd died in the intervening period but the other one was spoken to and what was his evidence?

He completely denied all of the allegations that had been made by WMA8

Even WMA8's legal team provided evidence that was inconsistent with his claim?

That's right casting doubt on the verascity of those claims and in addition there were inconsistencies with the claima that were amde aswell 7.01.41

And in conclusion what were the conclusions drawn by operation Winter Key in this investigation?

I thought it was IPC Yvonne not Winter Key?

The conclusion was there was no evidence that could substaintiate the 'claims' made by WMA8. 7.01.57


Thank you Mr Jerome and I move to the last matter this afternoon


Links if any and the death of the boy Vishal Mahotra, who died very much the same time as the raid or shortly before it paragraph 51 of your witness statement, page 29, para 151, you say in 1981 you say an 8 year old boy called Vishal Malhotra went missing from the Putney area of London, so not far from Barnes?

That's right he went missing on a noteable date at the time which was the 29th July 1981 noteable because that was a Royal wedding

Then there was a very large search for him

Yes 7.03.27

There are references on divers in the river, large searches

That's right

and in fact he wasn't found

That's right, not then,

and in fact it was a little less than a year later 1982, that his body was found in a shallow grave in Sussex

That's right


And to date no body has been charged with his murder either


It's an unsolved case?

It is despite the best endeavours

So that was all 1981,1982 around that time and did this story come back into public consiousness? Around 2012 as we've seen with other allegations around that time? 7.04.24

What does he mean 'come back' and 'allegations', the child was murdered, it's not an allegation?

It 'came back' in 2015 as a result of LBC running a story on missing children and certainly in relation to my statement it prompted two allegations that were investigated 7.04.44

And um um Vishal Mahotra's Father took part in some of those programmes?

Yes he did

And in the course of those broadcasts he made critisims of the Metropolitan Police

Yes he did and also of Sussex Police as well 7.05.02

And some of thos e critisisms were that in the wake of the inquiry in relation to his son's disappearnce, that there had been failings in that inquiry

That's right he did and that came in by a telephone call that had been made to him 7.05.25

One of the critisms was a direct link being drawn between the Elm Guest House and Mr Malhotra's son's disappearance?

That's right there was a 'mention' that there was a link there. 7.05.47

And thatt is yet another allegation that had yet another IPC investigation that was Operation Aspin

That's right, again that would be serious allegations into police misconduct

So we put that summary up thats IPC0008PC - 7.06.11
Tab 14 and chair can I ask you to adduce this document into evidence
Can we turn to page 33, para 13, sub para 1 do we see here a record of that particular complaint, critisism that Mr Malhotra made in 2015 - 7.06.55

Yes we do

And Mr Malhotra recalled a young man who had called him a short period after Vishal, that's his son, 7.07.07

Really? That's his son - Really?

Went missing in 1981


And offered information in realtion to the Elm Guest House and high profile persons being allegedly involved in Vishals disappearance, Mr Malhotra 'alleged' that he passed the recording onto the police but that they dismissed it due either to negligence or corruption to protect prominient persons

That was his 'allegation'

Can't believe the tone here and use of the word 'allegations', 'alledged'..

The, the allegation


Clearly a very serious allegation


And one that draws together the rumour, or the stories around Elm Guest House 7.07.47

Again use  of language and saying 'serious' 'accusations' against police.

And makes a possible link between those and the sad disappearance of Mr Malhotra's son

Yes it does


And was that allega, and was that allegation investigated by te Operation Aspin Officers

Yes it was

And we can see in para 16 of the report but perhaps Mr Jerome you could say in your own words what te findings of the report were? 7.08.27

They found there was a recording device placed on Mr Malhotra's phone twice, they found a transcript of one of the telephone conversation, they couldn't find the recording itself given the passage of time 7.09.02

well that seems odd as many of us have tapes from those days and it was a missing child high profile investigation and then a murder investigation, so maybe those have gone missing and they were 'satisfied' taht that was the conversation being referred to by Mr Malhotra 7.09.17

So satisfied that Mr Malhotra had accurately remembered even those it was 20, 30 years later

Wasn't he a Court Judge of some kind? Why wouldn't he remember?

A particular call that he had recieved

So he had accurately remembered that fact that a call had taken place but some of what was on the transcript did not consist of what Mr Malhotra has said

And there was another critical thing about the details that were found about the telephone call 7.09.51

'Critical thing' 'did not consist of what he had said' there is a fannel in the language

Wasn't there

Yes so the contents of that telephone call were recalling details which were all in the public domain (commander turns to audience) casting their minds back to the actual date when Vishal had gone missing there was a very high profile and prominient missing person investigation at that stage seemingly then tradically became a murder investigation but there are many details of Vishals disappearance that were in the public domain and they found that the contents of that transcription of that telephone call all the contents of that would have been in the public domain 7.10.35

Repeatitive of same point 'public domain'

And if we could just look please at Para 91 as you said Mr Jerome the phone call that Mr Malhotra recalls has been identified from the original case file and a transcript of it exists because 7.10.51

He smiling again

It was recorded by the device which you referred to which was placed on Mr Malhotra's phone with his knowledge

Knowledge and consent

And that was because he's been recieving nusiance calls ransom demands

That's right 7.11.01

The next bit of the transcript is the conversation between Mr Malhotra and the other person. On the 4th July at 1982 in other words over a year after Vishal had disappeared

Yep (nods)

Which wasn't what Mr Malhotra had suggested, he suggested that it was a call recieved very shortly after his son had disappeared

Yes yes 7.11.26


So it was after not only Vishal had disappeared but also so after his body had been found

Yes yes 7.11.35

So after all the publicity surrounding that event 7.11.36

Smiling again

That's right

And as you say by that stage there was alot about the case that was in the public domain and the investigators were able to show were that what, that had been contained in the call was material that was available in the media 7.11.58

Broad smile so very inappropriate again repeating his same points over and over and over

That's right it was readily available in the public domain  7.12.01

And was the question of what reaction had been to this call looked at as well?

That's right 7.12.10

I wouldn't have known what that question was even? It's like they rehearshed this whole thing and are labouring there own version looking at only police transcripts and DCI Settle's written evidence. I though it was meant to be an IOPC investigation and have some scope to get outside influeneces too, not just sew it up and bang it home?

The Aspin investigators had found evidence that as a result of that call
the details had been found to Sussex police and had generated actions through their murder investigations to look at those claims

Generated what 'actions'? to look into those 'claims' 7.12.26


So back in 1982 for example we see here that the police actually tracked down the person who made the call they did interview him

They did yes 7.12.35

And then persued various lines of inquiry arising out of that

That's right and they also conducted inquiries into what the motivation of that individual may have been in terms of making that call and they found evidence that would call into question the credibility and motivation of that individual in making that call

Maybe it was Chris Fay who was apparently at the raid soon after and he has no credibility neither except he wasn't there in 1982 it was 1991 their mistake, so who is this other uncredible person and what was their motivation? I hope Aspin can give us more deatil on that?

Just if we can look at page 98 over the page you already mentioned Mr Jerome that although they were satisfied that it was the call that Mr Malhotra had in mind there were it was not exactly as he had remembered it? 7.13.16

Seriously smiling throughout

And in particular we see that with regard to Me Malhotra's belief that the other caller had mentioned Elm Guest House, paedophile rings, politicians, judges and police officers, infact there was no mention of judges or politicians or the Elm Guest House on the transcript.

That's right when the Aspin officers 7.13.35

Isn't Aspin IOPC not officers?

reviewed it there was no mention of those things and it was concluded that whilst Mr Malhotra had made his allegations in good faith 7.13.44

How is making 'allegations' in 'good faith' a thing?

nothing within that transcript that um mentioned any of those things

As you say it's important to stress that was pricisely the conclusion there was nothing in that Mr Malhotra was doing his best to try to remember what had happened but he err I think umm did say that er he'd been in contact with members of the press who had provided him with information which may have tainted 7.14.13

Note the massive inappropriate smile

his memory

That's right the conclusion was again that it had been made in good faith by Mr Malhotra but when you look at the time when those allegations were made in 2015 and coming back to what I've said previously 7.14.29

Where is this going?

In terms of the amount of media activity that was taking place around that time and also the fact that the fact that Mr Malhotra had had conversations with individuals from the press the investigating officers made the 'assumption'

'Assumption' makes an ass out of you and me

that it may well be that some of that had clouded Mr Malhotra's recollections 7.14.54

Thee Vishal Malhotra case is still open

Which would suggest there is a person or person's still out there?

Yes it is

Um so far as 'you're aware' are there any credible, evidential links between his death and Elm Guest House?

There's none at all in terms of them, those links, and as with any murder inquiry officers will be 'reviewing' that case and if there is anybody who has any information in relation to that, that will be followed through but there are no links to Elm Guest House 'that I have seen' 7.15.30

Use of words here, are 'you' aware. Links that 'I have seen'!!

Thank you very much those are the questions I wanted to ask you, is there any other questions 7.15.40

Alexis Jay
No we have no questions

Mr Altman
Just to add we do not condone the use of the words rent boy or prostitute but those are the references from the time

Alexis Jay Chairwoman

Thank you Mr Altman and that concludes evidence for today
Second Witness Statement

Solicitors - <>

Mon 01/07/2019 13:03
Dear Ms Moss,

Many thanks for your email, I confirm safe receipt.

Yours Sincerely,

Nicola Margiotta
Investigation Lawyer

a| PO Box 72289, London, SW1P 9LF

NN/YP Youth Parliament

Sun 30/06/2019 14:35
Dear Solicitors,

You asked me to respond to Mr Jeromes evidence.

This is my response. I have a problem with my eyes at the moment so as you can see this has taken me a large amount of time to complete. I want you to adduce both statements and ensure that the chair recieved both or add one to the other either way, I have gone to a lot of trouble to do the work to inform the inquiry.
Closing my complaint

NN/YP Youth Parliament

Mon 01/07/2019 10:55
Dear Maggie,

So why didn't anyone contact me.

I want formal contact or any contact with the police finalised now.

They have raided me, abused me, framed me, monitored me and not dealt with my complaint at all or asked me for any help whatsoever.

So end of as you will probably know I do help people and in my soul I will get what I need and have worked for. I'm not your badie. Leave me alone now. I want a youth parliament economy by law and you all should of helped me do that not wasted tax payers money on all this.

Thank You

Sun 30/06/2019 15:41
Dear Ms Moss
I have also been on annual leave and return to work tomorrow – hence catching up with my emails on a Sunday.
I am still very keen to meet up with you. 
I attended the Westminster Inquiry each day and was very much part of the preparation process with regards to the presentation of Commander Jerome’s evidence.  Operation Winterkey is currently assisting the inquiry with the Lambeth related investigations.

NN/YP Youth Parliament

Sun 30/06/2019 14:43
Dear Maggie,

It's been some time since I replied to your email asking you to visit me to give you my complaint regarding Tom Watson and the raiding of my house for evidence protected by the PACE.

I am choosing now after 2 years and with no progress to draw a line under the complaint and withdraw it due to a lack of faith in the police complaints system.

For clarity on the issues raised at the inquiry by the Commander whom I have a certain amount of respect for since he took the evidence quite seriously and seemed to be in a postion himself, I am sending my response to his evidence here and have given that to the IICSA

Good luck with all you have to achieve be it good for children eventually.

Best Wishes
Mary Moss