
Thursday, 5 December 2024

Conclusion back off gracefully now...

Is that not Pat jnr's writing in Capitals same as on forged cheque?


Is that not a conflict as an only witness with 1%?
Look at that the two ANA signatures, of the alleged will writer? So Pascale G, who was there? Exactly?

                                                The forged check - Are they all above the law?

Crime Reference but they said this is a civil matter. One law for them and one law for me?

Report stolen property

CUSTOMER COPY SP-185899-24-0101-IR

Date: 17 November 2024
Time: 19:50
This form has been sent to the Metropolitan Police via the Single Online Home reporting service.


Your details

Your details



First name




Date of birth




Email address

Phone number




Your role

Your role

How were you involved?

I'm a victim


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Are you under 18 years of age?



not given

First name

not given


not given

Email address

not given

Have you experienced any other crimes in the past 12 months?


Do you have any health, mobility or welfare issues that are making this situation more difficult?


Would you like to be contacted by Victim Support?


Do you have a disability?

I'd prefer not to say

Ethnic background

I'd prefer not to say

Did you do any of the following before you used the website today?


If you contacted us about this by other means then please tell us how

1st Complaint Feb 2023 to the NatWest fraud team, cheque in handwriting of Pat Jnr but both them and us believed the backdated cheque was made 21/11/22, three days before death on 24/11/22.

I reported HPW solicitors in a 101 report 05/08/24 for knowingly cashing a forged cheque SP- 160309-24-0101-IR in Pat Jnr. writing.

On 06/10/24 the SRA reported the solicitors admitted they did not get the cheque until 24/11/22 day of death, cashing it 25/11/24 a highly illegal act. That report was on 09/10/24 ref 01/938136/24.
I also went to court as the solicitors had a conflict of 1% of estate.

I did a 101 report SP-160309-24-0101-IR against Pat Jnr for fraud. 9th October 2024. I made police 09/10/22 as crime uninvestigated.

I did an Action Fraud 13/10/24 NFRC241006946980 - Nothing Action Fraud NFRC241006977765 30/10/24 - Not correct police

Action Fraud NFRC241106999986 11/11/24 - Again not correct they say its a 'call for service' crime under NFIB recording crime.


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Incident details



Incident details

Has anyone reported this already?


If you have a reference number, please enter it below


When did it happen?

When did it happen?

24/11/2022 - 25/11/2022

Start time


End time


If you’re unsure about the date or time, please give a few details below

The next day
Where did it happen?


King St, London W6, UK

Map url

You gave us this map location earlier. Is the address correct? Can you tell us anything else to help pinpoint the exact location?

It happened at Nazareth House pallative care nursing home where Pat jnr had access to his fathers cheque book and wrote a cheque to benefit the majority of the estate worth over a million pounds for himself.
Having seen the will since there is also questions over it being forged too.

At the time when we saw the cheque however we as a family knew that it was in the handwriting of our brother and not our father.
However he had backdated it to appear as if written 3 days before death. This was the solicitors were fianlly paid and the theft from us could take place. Pat jnr wrote unequal amonts some less than 1%.

My family and I continue to be in dispute, with the will writing solicitor Ms Gonzalez and HPW Solicitors’ firm, on the validity of our father Mr Patrick Joseph Moss (deceased 24/11/22) will.
We have evidence that Patrick (Snr’s) son Patrick (Jnr) was the driving force behind our fathers will and that the cheque that was presented to Ms Gonzalez by Patrick (Jnr) on the day that her client Patrick (Snr) died was forged by his son.
Patrick (Snr) did not sign any contract with Ms Gonzalez and her firm. Evidence shows that he had doubts about his will and he had no intention of paying for Ms Gonzalez services as his worries had not been resolved.


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CUSTOMER COPY SP-185899-24-0101-IR

Patrick (Snr’s) bank statement shows that the cheque was cashed the day after he died so I made a money claim which was suggested by His Honour Judge Sweeting following a Court 37 appearance on 9th Oct 2024’.
Ms Mary Moss v HPW Solicitors (Claim No 583MC106)

It was Ms Gonzalez who received a cheque on 24th Nov. 2022 which was the day that her client Mr Patrick Joseph Moss (Snr) died. Ms Gonzalez received the cheque, for payment of services to make a will, from her client’s son Mr Patrick Joseph Moss (Jnr) (of the exact same name) when his father was unconscious at Nazareth House nursing home. The cheque was dated 3 days previous to 21st November 2022 when her client was in serious decline and dying. Nursing home records document his weakness and demise. The client’s son Patrick (Jnr) told Ms Gonzalez when he handed her the cheque that he expected his dad to die within days. Patrick (Snr) died that evening. Ms Gonzalez was informed by email the next day from Patrick (Jnr) on 25th Nov. 22 that his father had died that previous evening. The bank statement shows that the cheque is banked on 25th Nov. 2022 and not the 24th as indicated by the defence. This is a solicitor’s firm that would get immediate payment once electronically transferred by their accounts if they had done so on 24th so this indicates that it was actually banked by their department the day after her client died on the 25th. Regardless of which day they banked the cheque, HPW have been notified since, on numerous occasions, that the money had been removed by their firm the day after he died. They are the professionals and they know that this.

At any point, were you on public transport?

What happened?

Please tell us what happened, and the events leading up to it, to help us identify if an offence has been committed.

Patrick Junior committed cheque fraud to steal the siblings estate. Forensic Document Examination Report
Case Reference: PJM-1192024-VS
Examiner: David Garzotto, CDFE

Date of Report: 11/9/2024
Type: Signature and Character Comparison Analysis

Final Conclusion
After thorough examination, it is concluded that the signature on the questioned check is forged. The distinct differences between the questioned signature and Patrick Joseph Moss Sr.'s authentic signature support that Sr. did not author the signature on the check. Moreover, the handwriting similarities in the Payee, Date, and Amount sections, as well as in the individual characters (2, E, G, M, N, Y), strongly suggest that Patrick Joseph Moss Jr. is likely the forger of the check. Recommendation
It is recommended that this report be submitted to NatWest Bank’s Fraud Division as well as Action Fraud UK for further investigation. NatWest Bank’s Fraud Division can conduct a financial investigation specific to the account involved in the forgery, while Action Fraud UK, the national reporting center for fraud and cybercrime, can provide additional forensic validation and coordinate with law enforcement if necessary.
I, David Garzotto, hereby certify that I have conducted a thorough forensic examination of the subject documents in accordance with industry standards and professional guidelines. All findings are presented based on my expertise in forensic document examination, and I affirm that this report accurately reflects the results of my analysis.


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CUSTOMER COPY SP-185899-24-0101-IR

This report has been prepared to the best of my knowledge and professional ability. David Garzotto
Examiner, CDFE
End of Report

I, David Garzotto, hereby certify that I have conducted a thorough forensic examination of the subject documents in accordance with industry standards and professional guidelines. All findings are presented based on my expertise in forensic document examination, and I affirm that this report accurately reflects the results of my analysis.
This report has been prepared to the best of my knowledge and professional ability.
David Garzotto
Examiner, CDFE
End of Report

Do you feel race, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexuality, disability or religion were a factor in this crime?


Stolen items

Stolen items

Were the items stolen from a building?


Select building type


Please provide details

Pallative care home

Was entry forced into the building?


How did they get in?

He sat with our father until he was deceased and then got his cheque book. He did not get any close family members to the death. When asked was there anyone to call he said, "no, I don't think so". He then took the stolen cheque to his solicitors to act for the deceased without step practice and without payment when he was alive.

Then he took his body from the first funeral home to one of his choice. He told us we would get letters and waiting two months presented us with a will that was not in our fathers language but in his own. He then when confronted about the fraud said thank you.

Were the items stolen from a vehicle?


Item 1

Item type

Other item


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CUSTOMER COPY SP-185899-24-0101-IR


Cheque book. It's in an itinary at Nazareth House in Pat Jnrs writing. Shows he had access.

As for the will there looks like parts of the solictors handwriting also is in his handwriting. The cheque is £1,080 but the value for this for him is £1,200,000.

Approximate value




Has the suspect clearly left something at the scene; such as clothing, blood, any other bodily fluids, discarded items, obvious fingerprints or footprints? Or has the suspect caused any damage or made a mess searching?


Do you have any video, audio or photo evidence?


Please describe what can be seen in your evidence

I have the itinary and the cheque and a handwriting expert report and the bank statement of our father showing uncleared funds until after his death.

Does another person, business or company have video evidence such as CCTV or mobile phone footage?


Please provide details of the person or business so that we can contact them

Yes I imagine the hospital where our father was when the will was alledgedly said to have been signed and the solicitors office where Pat Jnr was meant to have handed over a cheque and the care home.

Please describe what can be seen in the video, if you know


Please describe your appearance in the footage


Witness details

Witness details

Did anyone else see what happened?

I don't know

Suspect details


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Suspect 1

Do you know this person?

No, I don't know anything about them



Suspect details


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Ms Mary Moss
Flat 32
Tonbridge House
Tonbridge Street
  Action Fraud: National Fraud & Cyber Crime Reporting Centre

RE: NFRC241006946980

Dear Ms Moss,

I am sorry to hear you have been a victim of crime. Thank you for taking the time to report to Action Fraud. Your report has been sent to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) for review.

Experts at the NFIB examine the information you provide. Where possible, the information is also matched against other available data in order to enrich and corroborate the details of the fraud. The NFIB assess whether there are viable lines of enquiry that would enable a law enforcement body, such as the police service, to investigate.

On this occasion, based on the information currently available, it has not been possible to identify a line of enquiry which a law enforcement organisation in the United Kingdom could pursue.


The Expert on the Cheque;

The Expert on the will:

David from the Fraud Team at NatWest audio recording 19th November 2024


David -“We noted cheques your father wrote around the same time, we are accepting this claim, for fraud”


Me-“Oh my God, oh my God, you don’t know, you don’t know, God that’s so amazing, thank you so much, thank you, oh my God I’ve got to phone my family, I’m just crying thank you, you just ended two years of hell,


David-“Oh good grief, I’m sorry”




Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Call for Solicitor against police

I am in a probate case where my father died 24/11/22 leaving a 1.2mil house.
My brother we believed forged a cheque (after death) to make him the main heir, out of seven children. 
He hired solicitors to allegedly fake a will (according to handwriting expert) and presented the forged cheque to these solicitors, who cashed it illegally, a day after death (we informed them it was forged early 2023 but they continued to act 'unauthorised', with no due dillegence), the bank said in mid Nov 24 it was fraudulent. The sum in a normal probate case the solicitors act in is £5k minimum on their website yet this was just £1,080 and the bank has now proved the fraud, making these solicitors totally 'unauthorised'.
My older sister has been complaining, seeking an investigation of Hubbard Pegman & Whitney solicitors through the SRA but she got cancer 16th June 24 so has had to slow down, hence me dealing a bit with it.
On 23rd June 2024, I went to the premises, to see if my brother was renting them.
On 24th July 2024 a full phat month later, I got an email, containing a malicious allegation from the unauthorised solicitors, regarding £5k damage, to the stain glass in the front door, on June 23rd 24.

There was no coloured glass on the floor in video taken, by the illegal occupant, that the police/solicitors and Pat, presented as their evidence.. an elementary mistake, don't you think, since I'm in the video!!!


I knew that the stain glass was not damaged at all as it just fell in, as you can see, the stain glass is missing, it's fallen behind the door, hanging at the back of the door and it's complete which is great and

it's utterly undamaged, except the plain glass covering it had broken but that's worth around £20, to replace. Regardless it's not £5k! The police had never even been there so it was all made up after the event. These solicitors 'malicious allegation' which is a criminal offence, letter stated that the matter was with the police!! So it's bad enough they are unauthorised, by the Legal Services Act and standing in the way of our inheritance, damaged our oldest sisters health, now this! They know £5k is a jailable offence and they all know, the police don’t see eye to eye with me, so it's particularly malicious as I've no criminal record. 

I saw this as an after the event way of setting me up and although I had previously not wanted to press criminal charges against the firm and my brother, preferring to be civil and let my sister deal with 'step negligence', in a death bed will through the SRA, I now knew this firm and my brother were playing badly.
I made a 101-report immediately and sent it back to these solicitors, Charlotte Pegman, stating that this was a 'malicious allegation', that the firm had 'cashed a forged dead man’s cheque a day after he had died' and they were acting in an 'unauthorised capacity' and were also in that letter 'threatening theft by costs'.
I made the police report out at 3am, 24th July 2024, as I had only just seen their email in the middle of the night, from the firm with this, alarming malicious allegation and police action threat, so I responded quick.
I sent the 101 police report to Charlotte Pegman, the author of the HPW letter, she is a contentious probate litigator/solicitor for the firm, whom my brother had in Jan 23 employed, (recently the SRA told us that they renounced their executor position on my birthday 23rd Jan 23' and made one son the benfactor, the 'executor'.. doesn't make sense, since they sent us 'will' letters in Feb 2023) to in his words, 'treat them like strangers'. He really likes money doesn't he? The firm had a percentage interest written into the fake will.
At 8.30am 24th July 2024 three crime detective police officers which are flat capped like these

from Charing Cross police, in uniform, with a marked car, sped into my street, they got in through two locked doors, presenting at my flat door, on the third floor of my four-storey building.
They are not my local police, Holborn and they are not my next nearest Islington, nor Kentish Town, the third nearest but you have to also be alarmed or aware of their senior rank? Especially when I've done nothing but had warning with the solicitors dodgy letter only a few hours before, it's well OTT right?
I was too worried to answer the door as I was aware that I now had a malicious allegation against me. Instead, I immediately called the police (I recorded the call) and was told that they had nothing on the 

national police data base around my name or my address and they did not know why they were outside. 

So, I also called the local police and checked with them, (recording that call) again nothing.


I went to Kent to a Travel Lodge to stay safe as the next day I had to go to Brighton to my other sister’s music degree graduation, that I just could not miss.
I was very aware of being surveyed.
I then went home and I got a very dodgy unprofessional 'honest to God' language, phone call (I recorded).


It was a man claiming to be from Charing Cross police but bearing in mind I have an address for post and an email address that could have been used from 23rd June 2024 and it was now 2nd August 2024, a full 5 weeks later, again I treated this call with doubt especially when I tried to engage with the man and he said, “honest to god, you just don’t understand, you just have to come down to Charing Cross police station”, and then hung up when I was questioning firstly assertions and that it was civil and mine and if it was an interview under caution and if I could have a time and a solicitor present? It seemed a chancy phone call.

Then on 5th August 2024, three plain clothed, bullet proof vested, 

fire arms officers, arrived at my door, with one brandishing a battering ram, without a warrant.
Again I called the police, (I filmed the event & Live streamed) and I was arrested.
I had my rights read to me outside my door after I had locked it and was on my stairwell third floor and one of them turned around and prevented me from continuing down my stairs to the three steps down window stairwell, with just his groin. They then searched me and took my keys, they also asked for my mobile phone and I replied, “I threw it out the window” and they said “we’ll see it on the way down then”. Alarmed by his lack of use of his hands, I took down my jeans to show, no weapon, showing my pockets, empty and put them back up and the same man said, ‘oh don’t be a child”. Later in the car he said his wife works at the child abuse inquiry (I thought what but it's over).
I knocked on my neighbour’s door when passing it on a lower floor and said, loudly, “I’m being arrested” and she then subsequently got more mobile footage including, me being handcuffed in the car, whilst three officers were around me.
In the car, the officer said, “are we going to be famous then, what channel are we being live-streamed” and I said, “YouTube” but wondered how he would know?
Even though they and the questioning DI were from Charing Cross police, they were asked by my neighbour where I was being taken and they said Islington police station.
In the cage before entering the custody suite, a WPC was asked to search me.
The desk sergeant arrived, opening the door and said, “take those off her” meaning the handcuffs as I wasn't a flight risk and it seemed by his tone ridiculous.
I was then asked my details and finger printed and put in a cell whilst the DI arrived from Charing Cross police. He insistently looked into the cell. He then arrived a few hours later and with a paralegal who had also according to my friend outside, arrived much earlier too, questioned me, mentioning trusts, and things that seemed beyond my knowledge, so I was advised anyway to do a ‘no comment’ interview. I asked the paralegal to give a statement at the end, to say;
“I have made a 101 report this morning that this is a malicious allegation, that the person/people making it have committed fraud, by way of a forged cheque and I should not have been arrested when I was easily contacted formally”
Then instead of releasing me, without charge since
1.    They had never visited the premises or investigated in June 2024.
2.    They called the place road and street so had no knowledge of the address.
3.    Had arrested for a crime worth £5k a jailable offence, when the officers stated at the desk to the sergeant, “more like £500” (actually £20).
They locked me in the cell for a further few hours and released me after 7 hours.
Further the CPS asked them to ‘investigate’ which seemed the wrong way around and they then ‘police bailed’ me to Charing Cross police station on Sunday 3rd November 2024, without any charge at all.
Now, I knew that was dangerous situation to be in as they had already showed excessive force and policing and also knew this was not a £5k jailable offence.
I would then be in fear of being stopped whilst on bail for just about anything and so I applied to the local magistrate’s court in Islington on 27th Sept 2024 after no contact from them whatsoever, for a police bail hearing to have it lifted and then I served it to my crime solicitors, Charing Cross police, the DCI because apparently he was in charge, I was told, after complaining to the DPS, who said they could not deal with a live investigation, so to contact him, so I served the Bcl001.
Within less than a minute, the solicitors called me saying that the police had no further actioned it. She said they were just putting together the paperwork.
I never got the paperwork. I asked the solicitor to ask them but she didn’t.
I had no formal way of knowing that I was off police bail or not?
I had to cancel a trip to Spain as I had to attend on the 3rd Nov 2024 but since I went to the old station which was closed and then got some police activity around I decided that since I was late, perhaps I would take the word of the solicitor.
I then had an anxious week waiting about to be potentially missed bail arrested.
I made a freedom of information request only to find out 26th Nov 2024 that the police only did the NFA on 23rd Oct 2024 so I was right to be cautious and they still have it on the police database.

During Nov NatWest bank said the cheque that paid the solicitors was a forgery yet they are still at large and despite this none of the parties have been arrested. I reported as told to do so, in interview, the forged cheque as a different incident but they are linked. So, after all this I only did on the 8th Oct 2024, when I could be forgiven for maybe believing that I may possibly be off police bail even though I wasn’t and again within 33 minutes of the 101 report, I had a phone call from a police officer who said she was outside my flat, luckily I wasn’t there, and she said to go to the police in Kentish Town or in Islington.
Instead, I went to Holborn after photocopying £50 of evidence and putting it in six envelopes, to six police forces by registered tracked post.
Fearing for my safety I then went to court 37 and managed to get a 4pm hearing regarding the forged cheque and he was an excellent judge, like I hadn’t seen in many years and understood I wanted to cut the gordian knot so he said do a money claim.
The solicitors asked for strict proof of forgery so I got a handwriting expert and then was able to use that for the bank fraud team who responded quickly saying even without the handwriting expert they could see it was not the handwriting or signature of their client.
I want to have a 100% compensation CFA for wrongful arrest, battery and false imprisonment.
I also want this removed from my record since it’s defamatory and they never believed it to be true either so it looks terrible for a DBS;
Disposal History
Disposal (NFA)
Description: NFA (NO FURTHER ACTION) 23/10/24 AT 01FH
NFA Date: 23/10/24
Offence Count: 1
Last Updated: 23/10/24
Arrest/Summons Ref: 24/0000/00/989601B
Crime Reference: 01FH12135/24/1
Offence Number: 1
Court/Caution/Force Reference: 01FH/12135/24/1
Court Offence Number: 1
ACRO Subject Access Request SA/24/031784 Mary Josephine MOSS
Your disclosure is for personal use only - you are NOT obligated to provide this to a third party.
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Offence Date(s): 23/06/24 11:11